Total War: ATTILA

Total War: ATTILA

242 ratings
Attila Grand Campaign Historical Total Overhaul BETA
Tags: mod, Overhaul
File Size
12.788 GB
7 May, 2018 @ 12:34pm
8 May, 2018 @ 8:30am
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Attila Grand Campaign Historical Total Overhaul BETA

UPDATE: The Steam Version did not upload the full mod as I originally created it due to file size constraints. I will be removing that file so in order to continue playing you will need to download the Google Drive Link I have below.


Google Drive Download Link (just remove the spaces to get the link to work):
https ://drive. google. com/uc?id= 1XmANlASlCmBhmPQr09_Jn88QdZHA4y5N&export=download

To install:

1. Download from the google drive link
2. Unpack the file
3. Take the pack file you extracted and place in the Data folder in your Attila directory
4. Start the mod manager and enable out of date mods and then select the pack file/ Make sure it is the only mod selected

Recommended Difficulty Settings:
Campaign: Very Hard
Battle: Normal

This is a total overhaul of the Attila Grand Campaign. I have changed and edited almost everything in the starting game to recreate what it was like to live in 395 AD and I've tested it extensively to make sure early game events mirror what actually happened and that the gameplay is balanced. Almost all units have been reskinned, nearly 40 new roman units have been added in, UI, Startpos, Combat and data base tables have all been redone to give you a brand new Attila experience.


- I've added in historically accurate starting armies based on the High Command Structure of the Western and Eastern Roman armies.

- I've also added in all of the historically accurate positions for the various Limes guarding the Empire, at this time the vast majority of roman soldiers were stationed in their fortifications and so I have increased the garrison sizes of the cities and towns along the borders.

- In 395 Honorius was an 11 year old boy and Arcadius was 18, dont know why CA had them both nearly the same age. Honorius also didnt get married until 398.

- Another thing CA just completely made up was the inclusion of Eastern and Western denominations of the church, I've changed it so that all Romans are followers of Nicene Christianity as Theodosius decreed in 380. I've also added in the various cathedrals and basilicas that had been built during this time.

- As part of my recreating of historically accurate settlements I've added in as many state arms factories and mints as I could to the correct locations.

- I've also added in War Weariness to help recreate the break down in roman unity as the barbarians pour in, which they will thanks to double and sometimes triple enemy unit sizes.

- Speaking of barbarians, the Visigothic destruction of the balkans was a major event of the end of the 4th century. At this time the Huns were invading Syria and Gothic colonies in anatolia were rebelling which kept the Eastern Roman army busy while the Visigoths remained unchecked until Stilicho and his Western Roman army came to the rescue. To recreate this situation I've added in an extra Hunnic faction in the middle east at game start and created a new rebel Gothic faction that pops up in asia minor.

- There were also several notable Roman traitors at this time who weren't included in the vanilla game, in particular Gildo in Africa and Flavius Rufinus in Constantinople have been added in. Keep an eye on these two generals or they might stab you in the back.

- Another event that happened near the game start date and has been added in was Stilicho's Pictish War, which involved a simultaneous invasion of Britain by Picts, Saxons and Gaels from Ireland.

- The Sassanids were also one of the primary superpowers of this era and they have had all of their cities and armies updated to reflect this. In particular I tried to recreate their armies based on the four main pillars of the Sasanian military (Heavy Cavalry, Elite Archers, The Elephant Corps and finally the foreign Infantry).

- And finally the Germanic factions have also been overhauled to fit in as the historical victors of this struggle for the West. Their starting armies and settlements have been upgraded so they dont get steamrolled by the stronger roman factions. In particular the factions based on the perimeter of the Roman world who eventually conquered it and made it their own have had their cultures changed to the one used in the Last Roman campaign. Now when they conquer a Roman settlement they wont have to convert it and you can recreate their conquest of 5th century. And lastly, the Germanic rosters have all been edited to be more historically accurate with certain units being available to factions with close tribal relationships and certain ahistorical units CA added in for diversity being removed completely. Now you will have to learn to fight as a German with minimal cavalry and missile support and instead focusing on wild infantry charges that make use of your great numbers.

- There are also updated units cards (I've added in nearly 40 new units to the two roman factions and completely changed most of the vanilla units).

- I've also changed the units of the germans to be more roman and the romans to be more german (this is to reflect how after the slaughter of Adrianople Theodosius began the trend of using the germans to fill the ranks and also how germans began to take over the roman empire from within as seen with the vandal Stilicho who became the most powerful man in the empire). Below are a few examples how the different unit types will look.

- In 406 a large invasion force of germans comprised of Alans, Suebi, Quadi, Alamanni and Vandals crossed the rhine and penetrated the most heavily defended limites in the empire. The vanilla game was also missing this so I created an alliance between those german tribes so that when they attack you it will be like the tidal wave that it was in real life.

I did not create any of the new models or UI elements seen in this mod (Apart from unit cards which I made), credit goes to the great modders and teams below.

Credits for models, UI, inspiration and some DB ideas:

- FOTE Team
- Avetis
- Celticus Magnus
- Stealth4Health
- Dramabelli
- Lord Castellan
- Medieval Kingdoms Team
- Ancient Empires Team

Please let me know if I have forgotten anyone and I will make sure to give you credit!

This is a BETA so please leave feedback!


Google Drive Download Link (just remove the spaces to get the link to work):
https ://drive. google. com/uc?id= 1XmANlASlCmBhmPQr09_Jn88QdZHA4y5N&export=download

To install:

1. Download from the google drive link
2. Unpack the file
3. Take the pack file you extracted and place in the Data folder in your Attila directory
4. Start the mod manager and enable out of date mods and then select the pack file/ Make sure it is the only mod selected

Recommended Difficulty Settings:
Campaign: Very Hard
Battle: Normal

Verified Compatible Mods:
1. Olympian battle camera mod
2. Reworked animations mod
3. Clear textures mod
4. Blood minimized mod

TWC Forum Page for Mod:

Popular Discussions View All (1)
9 May, 2022 @ 11:25pm
Mod Creator, would you be interested in suggestions for even more historical authenticity?
psychedelic2508 15 Oct, 2024 @ 7:41pm 
i can't access the drive link
Krusarinn 19 Apr, 2024 @ 1:34am 
Could you raise the cavalry unit size to 100 units
FELDRIC 6 Jan, 2024 @ 4:31pm 
stabilize it and continue please
it's a great mod
and I recommend you upload it in parts and make it a prettier miniature
MykeMorbius 22 Sep, 2023 @ 11:12pm 
@Perifas my comment right below yours.
Perifas 28 Jun, 2023 @ 1:33am 
I can't get past the first turn, the game crashes
MykeMorbius 17 May, 2023 @ 6:49pm 
For whatever reason, I have much better luck with this mod not crashing if I add the Grand Campaign 2.0 and Radious War Mod. It kind of mixes all of them into one. I also am able to use the Ammo Refill and Horde Encampment. I have the Beta mod on top.
Kublaioi 9 Oct, 2022 @ 5:44pm 
CTD after first battle as romans against Quadi
chaozmaaania 5 Jul, 2022 @ 2:40am 
For some reason, I can't download fall1.31. It seem seems that "download has failed" for number of times in the same spot. Is this problem on my part or anybody else experienced it?
Sheph 21 Jun, 2022 @ 3:35pm 
Update? What is happening with IB3? Do you have newer version of this startpos?
Arbiter Thel 19 Nov, 2021 @ 12:39pm 
yeah this gets CTDs on turn one for most factions