The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

85 ratings
Armor of the Dragonborn
Category: Armor, Magic
File Size
51.842 KB
14 Feb, 2013 @ 3:13pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Armor of the Dragonborn


1) Description
2) Compatibility
4) What This Mod Does
4) What This Mod Doesn't Do
5) Installation
6) Uninstallation
7) Update Log
8) Future Plans For Updates
9) Tools Used
10) Permissions
11) Feedback

1) Compatibility
This mod should be compatible with every mod. The only possible conflict situation would be if another mod edited the wilderness cell in the ocean south of Tel Mithryn. I also cleaned it with TES5Edit to limit any possible conflicts.

2) Description
This mod adds a ring with an enchantment that emulates the effect given off by the Dragon Aspect shout's three words (the spectral armor). It also adds Miraak's overpowered and amazing looking Fire Breath shout so that you can obtain and use it. I was very annoyed with how uber-godlike Miraak's shouts were and looked, and that we couldn't obtain or use them, so I added it to this mod.

The ring uses equip slot 56 so that you aren't forced to forego a ring for it.

To find the ring and the shout, travel to Solstheim and look for the Wreck of the Steel Skimmer just off the coast south of Tel Mithryn. See the pictures section for an exact location. There are also some water breathing potions on the shoreline in a satchel just in case.

3) What this Mod Does
--Adds an enchanted ring that will display the spectral armor effect from the Dragon Aspect
--Adds Miraak's Fire Breath shout so that the player can obtain it
--Adds a mini dungeon for the above two things
--Adds a unique Ancient Nordic Pickaxe with the enchantment from the Notched Pickaxe
--Adds two Stalhrim ore veins to the new dungeon

4) What This Mod Doesn't Do
--This mod doesn't add the effects of the Dragon Aspect shout to the enchanted ring. It's for
aesthetics only.

5) Installation
Just click subscribe and then start up Skyrim - it will download automatically.

6) Uninstillation
Either delete "Armor of the Dragonborn.esp" and "Armor of the Dragonborn.bsa" from your steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/data or just unsubscribe and start up Skyrim and Steam will disable the mod.

7) Update Log
--Initial release (v1.0)

8) Future Plans For Updates
--Add Miraak's other shouts
--Add retextures (different colors) of the Dragon Aspect armor
--Anything else I come up with or is requested

9) Tools Used
--Creation Kit
--BSA Opt (to unpack Dragonborrn's archive)

10) Permissions
Please do not upload this mod to other sites under any circumstance. I have uploaded it to the Skyrim Nexus as well (, but that's it. If you want to use any of the assets from this mod, that's fine as long as you credit me and post a link to this page. As for altering this mod and rreuploading it, you must PM me first and ask for permission.

11) Feedback
I Welcome any and all comments, suggestions and feedback. I made this mod for my own personal appeal, but I'm sharing it because I enjoy making people happy.
MisterFuzzyPants 20 Jul, 2020 @ 2:24pm 
OMG, your saying we can get Miraak's armor? THANK YOU sO MUCH!
Keabz 8 Sep, 2018 @ 5:04pm 
well it is a good mod
Maledy  [author] 6 Sep, 2018 @ 4:39am 
This mod is ancient as all get out and I don't intend to support it any further, sorry.
cacovolt 5 Sep, 2018 @ 7:13pm 
I'm only able to learn the first word of the shout. Do you know how to fix it?
ABootToTheHead 18 Sep, 2015 @ 5:00pm 
yo i cant find the ship for shit were is it bro. i looked were you said it should be but its not
Keabz 24 May, 2015 @ 3:49pm 
i never said it was easy i tried and couldnt you dont have to be a jerk about it
Maledy  [author] 24 May, 2015 @ 12:28am 
@MarioBanana Whoever told you modding was easy or simple was lying - it's not and it isn't. The Workshop give a false impression of modding - if you aren't willing to put in the time, go back to playing vanilla.
Keabz 23 May, 2015 @ 5:38pm 
thing about that is i need another mod and another mod for that mod and the cycle may go on and i dont have the time but thanks for trying
Maledy  [author] 23 May, 2015 @ 4:51pm 
@MarioBanana ...Your first mistake was looking for mods on the Workshop. Anyone why knows ANYTHING about how Skyrim mods are handled knows that simply tossing them into a BIG pile is THE worst idea. This is probably what you want:
Keabz 23 May, 2015 @ 2:56pm 
it just looks weird and not dragony and i couldnt find any retextures