911 Operator

911 Operator

30 ratings
Shopping mall terror
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384.553 KB
12 Dec, 2017 @ 6:43pm
11 Apr, 2018 @ 2:18pm
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Shopping mall terror

Hi there!

So, as I really enjoyed making yesterdays' call, and I have some few downloads, I decided to create a new call (don't worry, I'm still looking for audio to add to the first one).

This time, you dispatchers will be facing the terrible PAYDAY Gang, on the wrecking mall heist (for those of you that haven't played it, you have to destroy a shopping mall. Check St. Google for further reference).

I tried to make it as accurate as I ppossibly could, provided that SWAT spawns are not infinite in this game. Still the clowns are VERY VERY VERY tough, so DO NOT ENGAGE if not adecuately equipped (I warned you). There will be 4 heavily armed robbers and some injured civilians, plus a little surprise

As on my previous call, feedback will be more than welcome, and I'll start looking for some friends to do the voice acting.

To manually start the call, type "startcall wrecking_mall" on the game console.

TheKralex 3 Dec, 2023 @ 11:41pm 
Very, very challenging more for me that i still don´t have the national guard DLC (would buy it) but still very fun!
[TW]STEP BRO 22 Jun, 2020 @ 4:43pm 
omg this mission is AWESOME!
at the first, I was like "ok, ez lol", I sent about 12 local officers armed with shotgun and rifles, I believe they could finish this easily, then
"officer down!" x1-ok, I still got 11 officers
"officer down!" x2-wait, what?
"officer down!" x3-whaaat?
"officer down!" x4-where is my other swat units?
"officer down!" x5-do I have enough officers in this city? Other units still very far away from the scene...I should move them now...
"officer down!" x6-c'mon, drive faster!
"officer down!" x7-c'mon c'mon...almost there
"officer down!" x8-backups(eight swat units in two vans)finally arrived, they finally took out all suspects.
I got 8 officers downed, luckily no one died, but heavily injured.
great work!
NapoleonPC88 23 May, 2020 @ 1:18am 
@sieiracarlos is ok maybe just i need more cop protection and dlc
csmiami  [author] 22 May, 2020 @ 10:22pm 
@MRPCTV764 yup, I've been getting that a lot since I launched this call a couple of years ago (amazing how time flies....). If they allow workshop mods on 112 Operator, I'll most likely re-publish there and change the stats a bit
NapoleonPC88 22 May, 2020 @ 8:05pm 
Your Clown payday boys kill all my men! you monster jk
TheLegalTeam 15 Aug, 2019 @ 6:51pm 
I forgot i downloaded this, call came up and they slowly killed or took out everyone, then managed to escape before the national guard showed up.
Worrisome Possessor Austin 13 Dec, 2018 @ 4:49am 
To be honest, I was playing Washington DC on free game, and this call came through and I just knew... Straight away, I sent in my fully crewed armour van and a fully crewed watercannon (with 4 riot-contrl-geared officers), along with 2 normal police vans (with 3 SWAT officers and one having FA kit each). I also sent in two rapid armed response units (sports cars with 2 fully geared swat officers), there may be a couple of normal patrol cars I sent in too. I simoutaneously sent two medic transport, my air ambulance and two fireengines. Sadly still, two members of the public died but none of my staff was injured or killed. The clowns were very very tough, even with all these people, it took quite a while to neutralise them.
csmiami  [author] 10 Dec, 2018 @ 10:12pm 
@Fedaygin it should appear both randomly and manually (manually for obvious reasons)
Fedaygin 5 Dec, 2018 @ 7:34pm 
Howdy. Does this call also come randomly or only by manual activation ? I'll give thumb up and sub if it does. Kindly: 911 Operator Fan.
ThrowingBuses 7 Sep, 2018 @ 2:34am 
An easy way to dominate this call is have atleast x2 police vans carrying x4 police officers equipped with rifles and vests each. National guard works great too though. I also don't recommend this call to people who don't have access to any of this...