

517 ratings
Just Star Names
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23.267 KB
26 Nov, 2017 @ 6:05am
7 Jun, 2019 @ 3:44am
12 Change Notes ( view )

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Just Star Names

In 1 collection by EdFromEarth
Just More Stellaris
15 items
Features: 6000+ Star Names
This mod offers exactly what's in the title--a pool of about 4500 star names in addition to Stellaris' stock list of ~1500 for much more variety in your galaxy generation. It also includes modestly expanded lists of names for black holes and nebulae as well as a massive variety of new asteroid names.

Compatibility: Nearly Universal
Thanks to a tip from Steam user Gaia, this mod is configured to work alongside others that add a random name list. This mod should be compatible with all DLC and all other mods unless they also create a file named /common/random_names/base/09_random_names.txt.

Confirmed to work with Real Space.

To the best of my knowledge, like similar mods, this will change the checksum since it overwrites files in the /common folder. Accordingly, it's not achievement compatible.

Contents: Alpha Andromedae to Omega Vulpeculae
Thousands of new names for star systems taken from Bayer designations (Alpha Tauri, Epison Eridani, Tau Ceti, Omega Scorpii, etc.) and real proper names (Alpheratz, Lucida Anseris, Otoroshi, etc.) that add to the original stock of names in Stellaris.

If you enjoy this mod, favorite it and give it a positive rating so others can find it more easily.
Zipzopdippidybopbop 27 Dec, 2022 @ 7:30am 
So hi all; I've updated this mod to Stellaris 3.6. You can find it here;

If EdFromEarth wishes me to take it down, please say so. All credits to the original author of course!
Porkenstein 27 Oct, 2022 @ 5:45pm 
@Vortek Gamer,
yeah this mod doesn't work anymore because 3.4 changed how names are stored in the game's database. @ontoclasm has a fixed version of Just Name Lists and is looking at updating this one.
Vortek Gamer 3 Oct, 2022 @ 12:44pm 
seam like im the only one using this because no comment about it but seem like this mod dose not work anymore.
NCTribit 13 Jun, 2022 @ 12:19pm 
Mod still work?
NCTribit 13 Jun, 2022 @ 9:01am 
Мод все еще работает?
Hull City Fan 14 May, 2022 @ 8:31pm 
Can confirm, this is an issue with Real Space, where Sol Sector systems are being named as NAME_(star name). personally this is not an issue with this mod. For myself, all other star names are ok, including star names from this mod.
Hull City Fan 14 May, 2022 @ 7:39pm 
I've removed this mod to find that NAME_(star name) is still happening. idk whether it is because of this mod or not now, maybe the mod has overwritten some files that stick around regardless of whether the mod is active or not, or maybe it's a different mod entirely. It would require a full reinstall of the base game to which I currently cannot do to check.
Hull City Fan 13 May, 2022 @ 9:56pm 
@H.E. Pennypacker getting the same thing, although hyperlanes are not missing for me, thats probably another mod's fault as you said.
Sindowne 13 May, 2022 @ 1:27pm 
@H.E. Pennypacker @Boisegangpc Either one of y'all old-schoolers wanna let me know if this gets updated? I'm going to try and work on learning modding for Stellaris simply to bring mods like this up to date, but honestly I've not got any idea if it'd end up even working.
H.E. Pennypacker 12 May, 2022 @ 10:03pm 
@Boisegangpc just replied to you in the name list page. Yeah, real shame. For this one, the star names are coming up as "NAME_(star name)" in the galaxy and my hyperlanes are missing, although not sure if the latter is part of an issue with other mods.

Meanwhile, I think name lists is crashing my game. All my crash logs are ending with name list format errors.