Dota 2
Festive Flame of Frostivus

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"The freezing winds of Frostivus aren't exactly Lina's favorite time of the year, however it just wouldn't be fair to let her sister have all the fun. She'd be the fireplace to her sister's snowfall Lina concluded.. Maybe this year she wouldn't melt any of her sister's ice sculptures. Well, maybe just the Sven one. Oh Frostivus traditions!"

Concept / Model / Textures : Ross Castro

This is my first full item set in Dota 2 and it was really fun learning the ropes of the workflow to create game assets. I decided to make an item set for Lina because her color palette seemed like it could handle more festive colors (Red and Green) and the concept of making a winter themed festive outfit for a fire mage just seemed like a fun challenge.

For the design, I really tried to keep the Christmas elements toned down a bit. I didn't the item set to be 100% Christmas. I wanted a good middle ground where the design was clearly Christmas themed but wasn't overwhelming.

I hope you like the item set! Vote and Comment!
Items (4)
Festive Flame of Frostivus Dress
Created by Ross
"While the dress was put together from an old Frostivus coat, sometimes even a simple vibrant bow can make something worn look new!" --- Concept / Model / Textures : Ross Castro This is my fir...
Festive Flame of Frostivus Fur Collar
Created by Ross
"It was only now that Lina finally understood her sister's obsession with the wolves of Icewrack. While the little beasts always got on her nerves, their fur pelts were as warm and cozy as a Frostivus campfire. Just- don't tell Rylai that." --- https://i.i...
Festive Flame of Frostivus Hair
Created by Ross
"With the festive tidings of Frostivus brings the dawn of a new year and with it- a new hairstyle. Though one could say it's a Frostivus Miracle by its own merit that Lina's Frostivus Crown hasn't ignited from a single wild ember." ---
Festive Flame of Frostivus Sleeves
Created by Ross
"While others may consider the fur sleeves ruined from their singed and torched ends, Lina found that it only added more character to her festive attire." --- Concept / Model / Textures : Ross...