Judgment: Apocalypse Survival Simulation

Judgment: Apocalypse Survival Simulation

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Nimble Footed (Melee Balancing)
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29 Aug, 2017 @ 10:18am
30 Aug, 2017 @ 1:54pm
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Nimble Footed (Melee Balancing)

Actually it feels like melee combat should be avoided at any cost, as any survivor gets a lot of damage from it, is not dealing a lot and is healing quite slow.

This mod is providing some changes to make melee fighting useful. This is mostly done by giving some defensive stats to melee weapons, because everyone is more swifty with light melee weapons or could block close fights easier with big melee weapons, than it should be possible with a fireweapon. I did not do this for armor, because in this way ranged fighters would benefit too much from it.

** Club **
Defense=0 > 1
Evade=0 > 10

** Quarterstaff **
Defense=0 > 3
Evade=0 > 8

** Baseballbat **

** Combatknife **

** Sword of Paracelsus **
Defense=0 > 2
Evade=0 > 15
Health=0 > 0.15 (15 % more life because this is an artifact)
Healrate=1 > 1.5 (1.5 times more liferegen because this is an artifact)

** Katana **
Defense=0 > 2
Evade=0 > 25

** Sledgehammer **
Defense=0 > 3
Evade=0 > 5

** Demonknife **
Defense=0 > 2
Evade=0 > 25
Health=0 > 0.1 (10 % more life because this is an dark artifact)
Healrate=1 > 2.5 (2.5 times more liferegen because this is an dark artifact)

** Sacredsword **
Defense=0 > 3
Evade=0 > 15
Health=0 > 0.2 (20 % more life because this is an artifact)
Healrate=1 > 2 (2 times more liferegen because this is an artifact)

I did not buff any melee damage stats for the moment to experience if this settings would feel already balancing enough. If it does not work well, I would change some offensive stats later. Please tell me how this settings work for you.

Crystal Rose 19 Apr, 2019 @ 7:45pm 
Great mod, Thanks. Two thumbs up, fav'd and subscribed. Good Luck with this mod and all your future endeavors.
Aerial_Gold 4 Jan, 2019 @ 4:24am 
I wish someone could make a lightsaber mod
Toecan (DE)  [author] 9 Nov, 2017 @ 1:47am 
It should still work. But because of all the skill changes some attributes could be without effect. I try to check and fix this later.
BigRowdy 8 Nov, 2017 @ 5:12pm 
any chance to update mods for new version?
Toecan (DE)  [author] 31 Aug, 2017 @ 6:10am 
Possible - but in this way you could wear "2" shields.

I will try to create a shield balancing mod, to make it more usefull with melee weapons, medium usefull for guns and almost useless for rifles (who could wear a shield and aim with a rifle at the same time?).
Dragontear 30 Aug, 2017 @ 3:31pm 
Understandible - as you say, messing with vanilla professions/skills to an extent could upset balancing, although saying that, a ranged-weapon mod requires a melee mod to balance one-another out or keep-up, so... XD Not too worried, but I rather like the idea, admittedly curious to see where these things go.

A side-note, just thought of a perhaps-novel idea for melee weapons - combining melee weapons and shields into one; Club&Crude Shield is one item that either replaces the Club, or is a small upgrade, which is just the weapon/shield stats rolled into one, two-handed weapons either lacking a defensive counterpart, or having bucklers/smaller defense items rolled in?
Toecan (DE)  [author] 30 Aug, 2017 @ 12:35pm 
Actually I dont like to change the vanilla professions and skills to much - the balancing of the game could be completly broken. I will try to make a special accessoir balancing update the next days.

What I did for the moment was creating another profession mod called "Ninjas", adding Ninjas to the game, as well as the skill "Martial Artist" with a very strong focus on melee fighting. Try it - perhaps the Ninjas are already enough to keep one of the in the group for melee fighting. They also have completly new Skilltrees with melee specialization (almost each skill buffs 2 stats).

The new mod should be visible in about 20 minutes.

Dragontear 30 Aug, 2017 @ 8:03am 
Actually, forgive the rambling, also pondering how the level-up choices could be improved; A survivor with no or less ability with, say, a bow, will have little chance to increase it, and only at the expense of others, would it be possible to alter skill-choices to give a small increase to that class' abilities/skills?

I.e All Fighter level-up skill-choices increase one of or all of accuracy/damage/evasion/healing rate, but very small amounts, in addition to the chosen skill?

Broad Example; 'Accuracy' is chosen, giving a +20% Accuracy, but it also gives 2%-5% Damage/Evasion/Attack-Rate. Or Spotting is increased by +4 tiles, but also gives 2%-5% increase for Damage/Evasion/Accuracy/Attack-Rate. In theory, after multiple level-ups with small bonuses adding up, a Level 4 Fighter will certainly do more damage, have better accuracy and evasion as well as attack a little faster than a Level 1 Fighter, generally being rather better and more of a loss should it occur.
Dragontear 30 Aug, 2017 @ 7:52am 
I.e Fighters almost always start with a small/additional trait that boosts health and health regen, or boosts accuracy/evasion, so even if a Fighter with this system spawns with no 'special' traits, he/she should intrinsically be better than a Survivalist for direct combat.

Going further, more negative traits would be nice too to offset more positive traits, or situational/give-and-take traits.
Dragontear 30 Aug, 2017 @ 7:52am 
That makes a lot of sense - actually thought about such a thing beforehand, didn't occur to me at the time of suggesting. XD Then again, with each survivor being limited to one accessory, to make a character better against ranged enemies, is to give up binoculars, medical kits, hex-spells, etc. I wonder if equipment could be tied into whether or not a character has a item, like a 1-handed melee weapon, in a similar way only characters with certain skills can craft certain items?

We're now talking more professions, as you've done with a 'Fun Fair' profession mod, I've seen another mod that 'removes sucky trait combos and gives each profession 1 main skill and 2 minor skills'. Something like that would be excellent; One or more high-chance traits that have a small, not insignificant boost to their relevent skills that each profession has unique.