Edward Leopold Rainstaff   United States
"This Thing Ain't On Auto Pilot, Son" . "If fighting results in victory then you must FIGHT Sun Tzu said that and I think he knows a little bit more than you do pal because he invented it and then he perfected it so that no living man could beat him in the Ring of Honor, then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on earth and then he herded them onto a boat and beat the crap out of every single one, and from that day forward any time a bunch of animals are together in one place it's called a ZOO! Unless it’s a farm"-Soldier "But am I not turtley enough for the turtle club" "drink it in, pal. that's how failure tastes. Today ain't yer day, pancakes. Real nice effort, Deutsch-Bag. If you order now, I'll throw in a second beatin', absolutely free"-Scout. Because crabs ate his heart because they liked the flavor, Tuesday tacos are tasty but poisonous bugs ruin everything. Triplets born, the throne awaits.

A certified EDF member and denizen of the imagisphere. My youtube
FRUIT CUP 29 Dec, 2024 @ 10:00am 
because crabs ate his heart because they liked the flavor, Tuesday tacos are tasty but poisonous bugs ruin everything
FRUIT CUP 21 Oct, 2024 @ 3:56pm 
Asbestos is my favorite dish
FRUIT CUP 21 Oct, 2024 @ 3:56pm 
You're welcome
Bonez 3 Feb, 2024 @ 1:05pm 
thank you