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Wubble 2021년 7월 27일 오후 6시 54분 
if you were a dare , how dare you ?
HENTAIwithSENPAI 2021년 6월 12일 오후 2시 27분 
dzien dobry
rwar 2021년 2월 18일 오전 10시 00분 
Każda planeta naszej galaktyki posiada pokłady
magicznej energii zwanej Fluxem.
Tutaj na Akillianie, mówimy na nią Oddech.
Flux jest tak potężny, że musi podlegać kontroli.
Wyjątek stanowią mecze futbolu,
najwspanialszego sportu we wszechświecie.
Niestety, piętnaście lat temu planeta Akillian
padła ofiarą tajemniczego wybuchu,
który zabrał nam oddech
i pogrzebał szanse na zwycięstwo
w pucharze Galactik Football.
Piętnaście lat bez drużyny z prawdziwego zdarzenia.
Nic, tylko lód i śnieg.
Ale nadzieja powraca!
Młodzi, nowi zawodnicy chcą przywrócić Akillianowi Oddech.
Mają szanse odmienić nasz los!
Galactik Football!
Wevgri 2021년 2월 16일 오전 9시 13분 
Wubble 2020년 12월 18일 오후 5시 01분 
So there's a chick in my class I like; unfrotunately im quiet, calculated and intelligent and she likes big dumb jocks. So anyway one day me and her boyfriend are walking among a group of our fellow students when a gang banger appears and threatens with a gun. Her 'big and though' boyfriend instantly freezes and loses the ability to speak. I on the other hand squint my eyes and step forward pulling my katana for judo practise out in one fell swoop . "Go ahead" I say. "The gun is only 400 years old while the sword is the child of many millenia. Do you fancy the odds?" Instantly the gang-banger drops his weapon and runs. My other classmates cheer while her jock boyfriend pretends the whole thing was funny. She looks at me and sees what she didnt see before. She thanks me with a kiss, but I dont smile because i was only doing my duty. Safe to say she saw who a real man was that day. I may be quiet and collected, but raise a weapon against me and youll face your worst nightmare.
Wubble 2020년 12월 18일 오후 5시 00분 
panda kumo chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan