D'Garci '3MiLesDugway51' Liberi Panam SjW Waumbik Nanite Lumen   Palau
耐心我慢सबरпотерпи✅🅰🅻🚰🆅 🔴🅴 ObvyFairlySavestFerivydAkonts-idac©™®✔⎷🔰⏳◥◣✪◢◤🌱


"English does not merely borrow words from other languages. It mugs them in dark alleys and goes through their pockets looking for loose grammar." From Amy Poehler's Harvard commencement speech.

We suppose to build-thrive teamwork enjoyer,if u ezsly figting ove susless among us, than outsider/evil/badnes/tox gna corupoison-divide u perpetu long,deep,sever

Not able to know something, is not proof that it doesnt exist. Not able to prove any yet, is not evidence that its not fact real.

“Our Lord! Take us not to task if we forget or commit mistakes. Our Lord! And overlook our faults, and forgive us, and have mercy upon us.'

However, since he is learning most of this out of books and by trial and error, he often accidentally ends up offending people with his nicknames and conversation (ups sry ><). He has come to develop a more genuine, pleasant and thoughtful personality, while also showing signs of more emotion, such as enthusiasm and occasionally nervousness ty xD

One thing Ive learned playing simpleton is that my actions are sure to please some and infuriate others. No one cant stay silent forever. Almost everyone have important message, and the time is due for the world to hear it.

Durian exist might be since before multiverses, durian more native-origin than very early-first human inhabit SEA, defend durian basic flora right to be love! <3

Most SEA/earth native-origin not rich, most SEA/earth origin not/never speak eng.

wy sups suicidal?

Angel : Poppy, would you pass the sugar, please?
Poppy : Okay, but it's really bad for you. Eight times more addictive than cocaine. Five times more likely to cause death. But it's legal. So, you go ahead, knock yourself out. Don't get me started on tobacco and alcohol. Peddle that stuff and you're in Fortune 500. But me? No! I'm out here hiding in the middle of nowhere. Homesick. Because I sell drugs.

According to the statistics, the average player is a Crusader 5, while a Legend 1 is already way above the average hitting the 75 percentile.

Just a minuscule portion of the player base reached the top ranks, and there is also a huge skill difference between players belonging to the same medal but with a different number of stars.

Only 10% of the players are spread from Ancient 1 to Immortal, with Divine starting from above the 97 percentile. Many high ranked players often complain about the current state of the matchmaking, but with only 3% of the player base at Divine, and even split in multiple servers, matching together individuals with similar skills isn’t an easy task.

Only 0.7% of the players have a rank higher than Divine 5! Pro players are a restricted elite group. I am not surprised by their long queue times and that the matchmaking is forced to place them in team with less skilled players.

Official Dota advices (unheeded voices):
Be nice to new players. Everyone has to start somewhere.
...from the "game is paused" archive ... or

Official Dota advices (unheeded voices):
Remain calm. Remember: it's only a game.
...from the "game is paused" archive

Most of them are interesting, because the community does just the opposite, precisely that's whay they are "unheeded voices".
Achievement Showcase
idkHo2plyTechmePlsty🔰 15 Jan @ 4:15am 
TheFatRat - Rise Up
idkHo2plyTechmePlsty🔰 13 Jan @ 1:01am 
Cartoon - Why We Lose feat. Coleman Trapp
idkHo2plyTechmePlsty🔰 7 Dec, 2024 @ 4:04pm 
"Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat" (Fortune Favors the Brave) is attributed to the Roman playwright Terence in his play Phormio.