Arashikazahn 12.11. klo 8.59 
+rep let's support each other in-game
certified boogeyman 29.10. klo 10.06 
bro is 100 games faceit lvl 2 and toggled once he realized how horrible he was
Agamafyn 5.10. klo 13.41 
friend me pls
Bladewind 8.8. klo 9.06 
Let's prove we're the best duo.
Oghmandis 7.8. klo 12.41 
nice 7k
888 18.5. klo 19.40 
AndrewR 18.5. klo 4.50 
You so lucky i made a mistake
s e c r e t 10.1. klo 15.12 
Ju8cy 14.12.2023 klo 13.34 
PLEASE PAY MY RENT BIG MAN PLEASE I NEED IT SO BAD WITH THAT $1400 INVENTORY :steamhearteyes: :steamhearteyes: :steamhearteyes:
keniM 11.12.2023 klo 20.38 
+rep good guy respect
Schrödinger 9.12.2023 klo 18.37 
No Face 31.7.2023 klo 15.12 
-REP kid is a sick ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ joke
ultra 19.7.2023 klo 18.41 
mickey mouse org
Prank 2.7.2023 klo 10.12 
imagine bringing up KD "4-8" and i drop 30k on your dog ass and you went negative 21-22 LMAOFOOAFOAFOAFOAOFAOAOOOOO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
76561199392209378 3.6.2023 klo 22.30 
signed :) lets play csgo
Weedaim (I like cats) 19.5.2023 klo 16.35 
"FPL" bro got ♥♥♥♥ on and cried cheats lmaooooooom
booz 3.3.2023 klo 16.03 
booz 3.3.2023 klo 16.03 
baits teammates with no reward
Gary the snail 28.2.2023 klo 18.03 
Get good get gamesense.
˜”*°•.WΛTΞЯ.•°*”˜ 26.2.2023 klo 21.49 
-rep cheater dog
een 26.2.2023 klo 15.54 
-rep cheats
Medusa | Trading Enthusiast⇄ 1.1.2023 klo 18.45 
Added for trade
Bukovec 1.1.2023 klo 18.36 
d00m‎ : later bowlcut
BOT_Deathman9105 28.12.2022 klo 15.06 
Retrified 13.12.2022 klo 17.34 
Feels bad when you hit the derank bowlcut :( later!
Private Monke 3.7.2022 klo 18.33 
get good. I was asleep halfway through the game.
Police De Repentigny (CumGranny) 15.12.2020 klo 16.48 
litteral trash
Furry Kazoo Kid 2.11.2020 klo 5.36 
+rep fast trade :lunar2019coolpig:
raqqeon 1.11.2020 klo 17.43 
added for a trade
Durty 10.5.2020 klo 10.34 
+rep Good Trader and Fair + Good Teammate
CrimsonNite 1.5.2020 klo 18.08 
+rep good trader.
Creme 10.4.2020 klo 17.03 
+rep fast and fair
Twan 10.4.2020 klo 14.54 
+rep went first in trade
M4tt 10.4.2020 klo 11.34 
rep+ good trader fare
Cotton Boy 27.10.2019 klo 11.57 
Good trader!
Gj 5.8.2019 klo 15.45 
rounoun 5.8.2019 klo 8.36 
:insincere_health:Rep honest and fast trader!
rounoun 5.8.2019 klo 7.01 
Added for trade!
+rep Fair trader, real codes!
TAI Cockpit Pilot | ΛHZΞ™ 28.7.2019 klo 9.22 
+Rep, Fair trader. Even if its cents.
✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈ 18.2.2019 klo 5.14 
casterdc 9.1.2019 klo 16.55 
!a💎dupe$ ⇄ B/S/T💎 9.1.2019 klo 16.12 
Pukkakae 8.1.2019 klo 12.11 
The first scout I have seen that can jump and shoot at the same time +1:gearthumbsup:
Doug Dimmadome 7.1.2019 klo 17.07 
+rep my boi
Shylron 6.1.2019 klo 17.43 
added for trade
c 6.1.2019 klo 11.56 
+rep good trade
akira 5.1.2019 klo 13.08 
added for trade