Arashikazahn 12 de nov. às 8:59 
+rep let's support each other in-game
certified boogeyman 29 de out. às 10:06 
bro is 100 games faceit lvl 2 and toggled once he realized how horrible he was
Agamafyn 5 de out. às 13:41 
friend me pls
Bladewind 8 de ago. às 9:06 
Let's prove we're the best duo.
Oghmandis 7 de ago. às 12:41 
nice 7k
888 18 de mai. às 19:40 
AndrewR 18 de mai. às 4:50 
You so lucky i made a mistake
s e c r e t 10 de jan. às 15:12 
Ju8cy 14/dez./2023 às 13:34 
PLEASE PAY MY RENT BIG MAN PLEASE I NEED IT SO BAD WITH THAT $1400 INVENTORY :steamhearteyes: :steamhearteyes: :steamhearteyes:
keniM 11/dez./2023 às 20:38 
+rep good guy respect
Schrödinger 9/dez./2023 às 18:37 
No Face 31/jul./2023 às 15:12 
-REP kid is a sick ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ joke
ultra 19/jul./2023 às 18:41 
mickey mouse org
Prank 2/jul./2023 às 10:12 
imagine bringing up KD "4-8" and i drop 30k on your dog ass and you went negative 21-22 LMAOFOOAFOAFOAFOAOFAOAOOOOO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
76561199392209378 3/jun./2023 às 22:30 
signed :) lets play csgo
Weedaim (I like cats) 19/mai./2023 às 16:35 
"FPL" bro got ♥♥♥♥ on and cried cheats lmaooooooom
booz 3/mar./2023 às 16:03 
booz 3/mar./2023 às 16:03 
baits teammates with no reward
Gary the snail 28/fev./2023 às 18:03 
Get good get gamesense.
˜”*°•.WΛTΞЯ.•°*”˜ 26/fev./2023 às 21:49 
-rep cheater dog
een 26/fev./2023 às 15:54 
-rep cheats
Medusa | Trading Enthusiast⇄ 1/jan./2023 às 18:45 
Added for trade
Bukovec 1/jan./2023 às 18:36 
d00m‎ : later bowlcut
BOT_Deathman9105 28/dez./2022 às 15:06 
Retrified 13/dez./2022 às 17:34 
Feels bad when you hit the derank bowlcut :( later!
Private Monke 3/jul./2022 às 18:33 
get good. I was asleep halfway through the game.
Police De Repentigny (CumGranny) 15/dez./2020 às 16:48 
litteral trash
Furry Kazoo Kid 2/nov./2020 às 5:36 
+rep fast trade :lunar2019coolpig:
raqqeon 1/nov./2020 às 17:43 
added for a trade
Durty 10/mai./2020 às 10:34 
+rep Good Trader and Fair + Good Teammate
CrimsonNite 1/mai./2020 às 18:08 
+rep good trader.
Creme 10/abr./2020 às 17:03 
+rep fast and fair
Twan 10/abr./2020 às 14:54 
+rep went first in trade
M4tt 10/abr./2020 às 11:34 
rep+ good trader fare
Cotton Boy 27/out./2019 às 11:57 
Good trader!
Capt. Morgan 5/ago./2019 às 15:45 
rounoun 5/ago./2019 às 8:36 
:insincere_health:Rep honest and fast trader!
rounoun 5/ago./2019 às 7:01 
Added for trade!
+rep Fair trader, real codes!
TAI Cockpit Pilot | ΛHZΞ™ 28/jul./2019 às 9:22 
+Rep, Fair trader. Even if its cents.
✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈ 18/fev./2019 às 5:14 
casterdc 9/jan./2019 às 16:55 
!a💎dupe$ ⇄ B/S/T💎 9/jan./2019 às 16:12 
Pukkakae 8/jan./2019 às 12:11 
The first scout I have seen that can jump and shoot at the same time +1:gearthumbsup:
Doug Dimmadome 7/jan./2019 às 17:07 
+rep my boi
Shylron 6/jan./2019 às 17:43 
added for trade
c 6/jan./2019 às 11:56 
+rep good trade
akira 5/jan./2019 às 13:08 
added for trade