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Co-op fps are my jam....payday, b4b, l4d, and so many more...love watching zombies heads pop!
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=T$E=GrimRe@per 11 Feb, 2022 @ 2:59pm 
Let's see if Dying light 2 keeps me awake compared to the original go here grab this go there grab this and keep doing it or now
=T$E=GrimRe@per 27 Feb, 2014 @ 8:46am 
Streaming Elder scrolls online all weekend, hope you tune in to the footage.
=T$E=GrimRe@per 1 Jan, 2014 @ 1:49am 
Its going to be a great year for pc gaming by the looks of it. Watchdogs, Dying Light, Witcher 3, Dark Souls 2 and Rainbow 6 patriots.
=T$E=GrimRe@per 6 Jun, 2013 @ 10:42am 
i decided to go with the 7970 asus DCU instaed of the 680. i'll have it 2morrow morning and i can't wait to check it out, big upgrade from my 7770 asus 2GB.
=T$E=GrimRe@per 6 Jun, 2013 @ 9:29am 
far cry 3... great game, save before last mission "poker night" before u play through. 2 endings. took a total of 34.4hrs to complete everything but the artifacts. claiming all territories, side missions (hunting, towns people quests and exc) finding all memory sticks and exc. easy 8.5/10
=T$E=GrimRe@per 17 May, 2013 @ 7:58pm 
how's fallout new vegas? just want some input before i purchase, dont wna waste the dough like i did on WarZ (if u dont have a ton of dough to put into playing the game like others then get used to being spawn killed by ur ally's for ur stuff) such a stupid game. wasted 25 bucks on the worst boasting game ive ever played.