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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 41.9 hrs on record (12.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 3 Jul, 2022 @ 10:53am

Absolute buggy mess at launch - bugged cinematics, mysterious errors when trying to join multiplayer, visual errors, straight-up wrong colours on a couple of liveries of the team cars and a whole host of bugs ported over from F1 2021, including one that voids any score attained during weekly events.

It also does a poor job at adding new things to the franchise. No one cares about F1 Life, as it's mostly just a microtransaction haven, while the supercars feel absolutely awful. I am aware they can't compare to F1 cars, but I highly doubt they are anything close to this undrivable IRL. They suffer, at the time of writing, from some very strange visual issues, too (pixelated infotainment screens, end-of-trial cameras going through their bodywork to give some examples). I also suspect that their engine sounds are ported from Project CARS 2 or 3. Last negative - still no classic cars in sight.

As far as the positives are concerned, the new engine sounds are very good IMO, the visuals are good and I feel like the game runs rather well. My PC sits at around recommended specs, but I'm running the game at max settings with no ray tracing and I am experiencing very little FPS drops during actual gameplay, if any. Lastly, I enjoy the EDM soundtrack. It's been a pleasant surprise in an otherwise unimpressive yearly release.

The conclusion, to anyone pondering buying the game, would be that I recommend you to either buy F1 2020 or 2021 if you're absolutely itching for an F1 fix or to wait a few years until a more... substantial game comes out. Some of the launch issues will be ironed out, I hope (expect), but then we'd still be left with the old bugs and I, for one, can't justify dropping 60 or 80 euros on a game that won't count my progress in weekly events or that makes all my single player opponents get disqualified during safety car periods. If you want to experience the new F1 regulations at any cost and/ or have deep pockets, you can buy it, but don't expect to have to look far to find issues.
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