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RubMyPenguin 10 Mar, 2015 @ 3:25am 
i should do more of these
Crowtus_Joe 26 Nov, 2012 @ 2:07am 
killing floor is now $5 ,flash sales,better hurry
RubMyPenguin 19 Oct, 2012 @ 9:06pm 
Friends favs
Axton: DisturbedDenied, McDion
Maya: Condor and his butt loving cousins ;D
Salvador: the doomed guy, CrazyJumpingMexicanBean
Gaige: Mister Fuzlezle
Zero: halonatorv, Dtrop69, Derppy Derwen, Studi's cousin, Loza, Conor's BB SleepingSlothMan, TanX (my bro), Ramith PunJop2DaMax and a bunch of other 12 year olds. (yes david im looking at you >:D)

now you can all think before you choose your badass in borderlands 2 now good luck the 'the Borderlands are waiting' by Sir Hammerlock
RubMyPenguin 19 Oct, 2012 @ 9:06pm 
Borderlands 2 clearly shows that the characters are unique in their own way:

Axton: Sack Toucher scratch*scratch*
Maya: yes a siren (not the op one) but think about how she reacts (hint: look at axton)
Salvador: a migit that literaly craps magic ammo from it ASS
Zero: Where everyone got a massive stiffy over just like every overpowered characters in other games: Naruto: Hidan - Ultimate Ninja Storm or Dante - Marvel vs Capcom 3 (also its a 12 year old)
Gaige: A COMPLETE tool

Choose your ♥♥♥♥ carefully ... carefully.
RubMyPenguin 7 Sep, 2012 @ 3:20am 
Classification for the left 4 dead infected and players:

Jockey = Monty
Charger = D.PASTEAN
Witch = Miss Hobkert
Hunter = Mr. Loski
Smoker = Luke
Boomer = B.O.B.
Tank = Da Groves

D/Nick = Stain
Coach = Ryan (ADMIN POWERS)
Bill = Tony
Francis = David ----> (;D if u catch my meaning)
Louis = Mr. Fuzlezle (Its a SEALION!!!!!!!!!)
Jet Flys by = Corner da Condor "go to my to see me in action with by loving cousins >:D" said the Condor
BJ... = a ♥♥♥♥... i mean horde (:/ sry no characters but chicks ... DATASS)

Crowtus_Joe 5 Jul, 2012 @ 3:48am 
i just played a 16 player game of survival on helms deep.....i crapped myself i bit