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Verfasst: 7. Juli 2024 um 11:28
Aktualisiert: 18. Feb. um 9:53

As I put 300 additional hours into the game since my last review I felt it must be updated.

First thing first, lets clarify an IMPORTANT thing.... Every ♥♥♥♥♥♥ non-cosmetic content can be earned without paying a single cent.
Also, in the weekly weekend shop you can buy single used coloring items for in-game earned currency (NON-REAL CASH), also (sometimes) extra character slots as well

Now we can have a look on, what many kids are crying about.

Pricely cosmetic:
- Really?? What else should a totally free to play game do to keep up itself?? Crying about cosmetic that do not give any bonuses just change the appearance of your character is kinda cringe.
As I wrote above.... all the non-cosmetics game content can be earned without paying a cent for the game. So it is NOT like a Destiny 2 where you have to pay for an already paid content to be able to use its content and the top of it, it have to be repeated it every year.....

In the TFD, this optional purchase possibility is mostly for support the publisher and the developers.

It has battlepass, lets shout P2W and money grab hungry, trash bad company!!!!!!!
- I wonder if had these players ever had a look on the content of the battlepass
It contains skins, in-game currency (both premium and non-premium), 5x of the same ultimate weapon, catalyst and crytalized idk what
- For players who had not bought it, it provide some contents as well
- About the premium currency: The basic BP cost 500 Caliber(Caliber is the premium currency). The battlepass can give back 300 of it so it cost 200 at the end instead of 500
- Ultimate weapon. For players who had not bought it, it provides 1 of the 5 weapon copy. It MIGHT BE PARTLY called p2w because the weapon spec bonuses being improved as you merge 2 of it into 1 up to 4 times
- About the "catalyst and crytalized idk what" items. Every Characters and weapons have module slots and module points limit. All the module slots are unlocked by default. Every modules has it own module point cost to be equipped. The catalyst is increase the max equip-able points by ?20? which can be done 1 times for each weapons and characters, while the crystalized idk what can assign module typeS to a module slot. This way the matching type of module requires less module points to be equipped. BOTH of these items can be earned via crafting as well.

So only the BP weapon can be mentioned, but I am sure, in time all the BP weapons become craftable as more and more contents arrive

Crafting time:
- I rather disagree with people who think the crafting time is too much. The crafting mechanic from my point of view is perfectly matches the WORKING CLASS players. (yes... working class and not the all day playing class)
- Also cmon......calling a game p2w or p2p just because you can not wait is very childish. Not to mention the fact, that you can have up to ?7? researches run parallel. (not more than 1 of the same item)

RNG on "lootboxes":
- For completing a dungeon you can earn stones named "Amorphs". These Amorphs can be "opened" by machines appearing after a specific boss fight or defeating the summoned 2 enemies if you use a special gate on maps.
Every amorps has a loot-pool of 5 items and the items has "locked" chance to dropped. Only 1 items can be acquired at once.
There are items named "stabilizers" and currently there are simple and advanced version of it. It can lower drop change of by default high chance items and increase the possibility of low chance items to be dropped.
I agree with the players who found this function frustrating most of the times. I also got annoyed many times due have to played over and over the same boss fight 10-15 times to get the 20% dropchance item from the 5 item pool

Comparing to other games from the same type:
Please.. keep in mind that the game is released 2024 summer, so less than a year now. The only similar games on the market (I mean mostly Warframe and Destiny 1-2) are out for more than 10 years. Comparing the content and NOT the progress of a less than 1 year old game to a 10+ years old game can create false image of the game for users who just watch game reviews and dislike the game without spending even a single hour in it.

The progress that the developers did so far during these 8 months is more than fascinating.
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