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5 people found this review helpful
93.0 hrs on record (88.9 hrs at review time)
I struggle to either recommend or condemn this game. It's worse than the first one, hands down, and it's not worth the current price IMO. But that only really means it's less than "one of my favourite games in recent times". It has *some* improvements, the sea truck is really cool as a new vehicle and the additions to the basebuilding component are nice. That being said, it fails in a good few ways:
first off, the starting area is far less interesting. It is, barring some late-game areas (and, admittedly, the twisty bridges which were planned for the first game too so...), the worse map compared to the first game. Drab, unintimidating, plain boring to traverse and it kind of uses the low quality stone texture too much. When you compare it to how gorgeous the other game could be, it really stands out.
second off, the story is unnecessary and unengaging and takes away from the solitary experience of just being a story about you dealing with an alien place. A part of me wants to believe it was just creative zeal that caused the guys at unknown worlds to try something like this. Another part believes it was to cover for the less engaging world.
third off, the bestiary is not impressive. Granted, the apex leviathan is more impressive than the first games' smiles in the lava area, but the prawn leviathan is just not as intimidating as the reaper, and its void variant is hardly comparable to the adult ghosts. If I weren't as severely thalassophobic as I am, they would hardly be impressive. On top of that, the first game's sand sharks were comical, yes, but you could understand how they function and see them as successful predators. Their equivalent in this game is just some big, lumbering filler creatures that literally make no sense and look more pathetic than threatening (despite having a fearsome roar, admittedly).
and last but certainly not least, the surface bits. In a game called "subnautica", I don't wanna fight polar crocodiles, snow worms and hypothermia that gets healed by jumping in water. Or standing in erupting geysers. Just...no.

With all this being said, below zero is an answer to "more please" after playing the first game. And if that's all you want, grab it at a discount. To me, 30 euros is too much to ask for this one.
Posted 17 April, 2022. Last edited 17 April, 2022.
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74.3 hrs on record (9.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Already a useful tool, will be awesome when features like first person and multiple storeys hit. Make it awesome to use as a tool you stream to your players to set the mood. Really takes a load off the dm.
Posted 5 April, 2022.
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5 people found this review helpful
3.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I expected one of those laid back menial games where you slowly chip away at a large project. What I got was tutorials for the entire playtime I went through (despite the timber home having a promising start before all the upgrades get involved) that just killed any enjoyment I would get out of the idea of being a "one-man construction crew". Also, upgrades come too fast. Can't recommend.
Posted 24 March, 2022.
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A developer has responded on 27 Mar, 2023 @ 2:42am (view response)
1 person found this review helpful
37.8 hrs on record (11.9 hrs at review time)
I like playing literally every class. Even filthy rogues. That's no small feat. Also it's not easy. And navigation difficulty fluctuates and varies a lot, from platforming challenges to vertical shafts that can shaft you with fall damage to navigating somewhat labyrinthine maps to the one fear in the game, instakill traps. And each one of these things can be cancelled somehow, from deleting walls with digging to phasing through walls to immunity to traps and double and triple jumps, wall jumps, grappling hooks and many more. But what does the hound's bark do?
Posted 7 December, 2021.
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0.3 hrs on record
I mean...it's 1.6 euro and pretty insipid if I'm being honest. It's mostly sweet, and the artstyle is nice but the name is the best part of it. It definitely feels like a first time project, though the moment you start hunting down the endings it gets quite tedious and drains its mysticism. My advice is you play this game only twice, anything else is just very slight changes, you'll know what I mean. So consider this a recommendation only if you feel like offering patronage to an indie dev for what they try to do, rather than what they did.
Posted 11 June, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
19.7 hrs on record
If you don't mind gitting gud at a very unpleasant and lame combat system, the world and characters are pretty cool and the art direction is good. But I do mind. Very much, in fact. I could knock down combat difficulty, but then it would still be an annoyance. An easy annoyance, but still an annoyance. And honestly even just controlling Geralt feels like I have a pin stuck in my elbow. If you aren't willing to look past the gameplay equivalent of the uncanny valley, all the hype for this game will backfire for you, as it has for me.
Posted 21 April, 2021.
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15.6 hrs on record (3.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It makes me cry, rip my hair out, leave bite marks in my pillow, break my desk and not pet my dog. 10/10
Posted 7 November, 2020.
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16.9 hrs on record (12.1 hrs at review time)
Normal mode ain't particularly difficult once you've gotten the hang of all information sources. Atmosphere is nice, gameplay is pretty basic but effective, it's definitely something new. A barebones something new, but something new nevertheless.
Posted 6 May, 2020.
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6 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
8.7 hrs on record
Look at how many hours I've got played. That was enough to go through the entire story twice, and do take into account that We have lost a few times since this game at least isn't easy (it's not terribly challenging either). It wants to be DMC or Bayonetta, it wants to be Dynasty Warrior but what it's not is a good game. There are no characters in the game. Weiss plays the same as Yang, Jaune or Ren. The only character whose ultimate isn't a "murder everything around me with lights" attack is Jaune, he buffs himself and teammates. On top of that, the story is inconsequential, about as well written as a bad episode of the show and the dialogue is non-existant. The Forever Fall forest looks really pretty tho, and it could look well. But the animations are choppy, you need to press jump to go on the sidewalk from the road, there are no upgrades that significantly change how your character is played and the game is fractally padded. The audio mixing is so bad that if you're caffeinated or generally jumpy you could be jumpscared by a character's grunt suddenly spiking in volume and I seriously can't help but feel that everyone playing this game and giving it good reviews has somehow received a different game. I played this thing in Early Access (subtract that from the amount of time it took me to finish the campaign twice as well) and the only difference is that the story actually ends. The gameplay hasn't improved at all. And I really wouldn't want to get into the gameplay because I don't have the patience to do it justice, it's that bad. You have all of 4 or 5 combos and a ranged attack. Your combos are all a "press light until finisher" affair, and all but one of them are invariably single-target. Ranged attacks are weaker than anything I've seen in any game except MAYBE the corn kernels in Plants vs Zombies. But even those might deal more damage. And unlike any spectacle fighter, they don't serve the purpose of keeping up a style gauge. They're just there for the people with more time than demand for entertainment, I guess.

Just to lob a final glob of phlegm at this joke of a game, yakuza 0 costs just as much and has fights more true to rwby's choreography than this filth and it doesn't ask for any dlc money. Oh and its story might not be very rwby-esque, but neither is this game's. So all in all I'd rate yakuza 0 something like an 8/10 even if you're not a fan of the yakuza series. Somewhat slow-starting, but competently told and with a seriously chunky combat system, enjoyable character and an endearing earnestness. Kinda like what RWBY:Grimm Eclipse is definitely not.
Posted 9 April, 2020.
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1.2 hrs on record
Could've been good, could've been bad. I don't know (didn't even get to play past one single map) because the game runs like it's trying to cause me an epileptic fit. If that ever gets fixed I might go back to it, but in the end it feels like it's just another fps that tacked on a gimmick to try and stand out. I might've been kinder to it, but I can't stress the fact it's literally unplayable since I can't aim properly, react or assess the situation.
Posted 31 May, 2019.
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