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In the distant past, or future depending on your point of view, that no longer exists, a creature was born. We call him creature because we do not, and some say never will, know from where he hailed. What little we do know is that he was what some would call a gamer, some would call a gladiator, some would just call a killer.

It is said, by said I mean bits and pieces known or rumored to have come from the mouth of himself, that he existed in the time known as Empire Urth, the Terran Terror. The reason most would not know this name is because it comes from a time that will now never be, odd though it may seem it is because of his story, his life, that it will never be.

In the time that would never be* his occupation was that of a Gamer, by this you may be excused for thinking this a harmless occupation, but the game, the game invoves/d the destruction of planets, not a few pixels on a screen, a real, live, populated, world.

Empire Urth was comprized of a megagalactic empire spanning the multiverse within the fifteen billion year shell zone** All paid tribute to the human race, the insane rulers of this decadant empire. Taxes were leveled in such vast ammounts that whole civilizations crumbled overnight in bankrupcy. This was however the plan of the empire, for those who were toppled were used as fodder to entertain a universe gone mad.

The game was simple, one planet, versus one being, the gamers. The object was not just to survive, but to destroy the other. Gamers were equipped with the finest weapons and technology, no expense was spared, no cruelty unvisioned. Each chose his or her form of planetary execution, gross or subtle, weapons platforms or hands on. Fame and glory for those who could wipe out billions, death and dishonor for the few who failed.

Any planet that could triumph over a gamer was said to have won vast fortune, all who survived lived in luxury without want for eternity.

At least that's what was told to the people.

As an empire expands so do it's demands for resources, and the human race is nothing if not a race of consumers. Systems were chosen and driven to ruin for one reason, to take the resources. Once a game was finished the entire solar system was mined for everything, planets melted down for minerals, even suns scrapped for their hydrogen, among the billions of stars who would miss them. Light travels across the void for hundreds of thousands of years before it touches another world, across such time and distance how often would the loss of a star be noticed or remarked upon as anything but natural. Gamers who lost were put to death, and so were the worlds that had managed to win. None knew, videos of worlds in splendor were broadcast for all, areas were marked off limits to travel to "protect" the winners from intrusion, and the harvest was begun.

The games were always broadcast, they fed the mob the level of violence and entertainment needed to maintain order over so many species.

By his own word he will not suffer to be called either hero or villian, his acts both damned and saved more lives than can be counted. The only names he is known by is what he was called before and what he is called now. In that time he was known as Emit, his specialty was waveforms and string manipulation. He claimed to "play" reality as if it were a fine tuned instument, a very deadly instrument. In one of it's ultimate attack forms waveforms would be used to compress matter to density levels reaching singularity, and then exploded.

It is said that his own system had won the games, that he had gone to return home only to find the truth. He ran. Knowing he could never hope to escape forever and knowing he could not prove to the universe the truth of what he had seen he devised a plan. To destroy the human race, to wipe them from the universe as if they had never existed. His plan, as frightenly simple as is was complex, using a singularity to change the mass of the system that spawned the human race in it's distant past, forever altering the timeline and destroying the world where human life began.

As may be guessed this plan both succeeded and failed. Exploding a singularity near a wormhole created a shockwave across the entire spacetime continuum, one he was able to ride into the distant past. There, just after life was beginning to form on the terran world, he created another singularity, one he named Nemisis. Once released near the system it altered forever the shape of that system, destroying one world, moving others out from their original orbits, stripping the atmosphere from the human world and leaving it dead, red and lifeless.

But life has a way of surviving, as debris from the shattered world rained down upon the lifeless red surface the materials to form life were thrown into the void. Some came to rest on a world now moved out from it's original orbit, a world that collided with it's own sister planet that rode the same orbit, shattered, and came back together. On this world the building blocks of life came to rest, slowly changing it from a lifeless world into a blue gem.

There the story may have ended save that the one who did this, in destroying an existing timeline while being at it's epicenter, was himself torn apart. Shattered across spacetime, forever knowing who he really is and what he did, forced to live life after life among those he sought to destroy.

Sometimes he is good, sometimes he is evil, but he is always known as Time.

*As the language of this writing has no words representative of past present or future variables outside of it's own experience this writer will endevor to explain in terms that may cause some confusion about a time period's existance.
**It is this writer's understanding that the multiverse is described as a double helisphere falling back in on itself. Since everything that ever has/will/will possibly exist always has and always will exist within the first dimension nothing is ever destroyed or changed. It is merely the observer's point of view that changes via the form of time travel designated as life. The multiverse is a 3+ dimensional expression of the first dimension expanding from the creation/destruction point*** in a series of shells. It is believed that these shells are layered in an aproximately 1 planck time units, shells are titled by units known to local species for convienience.
***The Creation/Destruction or Origin/Conclusion point is one where the expanding multiverse**** reaches the point of absolute zero, structure breaks down to string/wave form relinquishing effects on the multidimensions re-entering the first dimension reinitiating the origin event (big bang) through singularity within the first dimension.
****As matter reaches the edge of it's third dimension territory it warps and creates new three dimensional space forcing pure vacum into which the existing universe is drawn and expanded.
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13.4 Hours played
I bought this because it reminded me of an old game, Star Fox, and I am not disappointed. The basic runs (so far) are much like the old Star Fox game (ground runs) but a lot more intense. Quick action, a lot of screaming (ok that was me not the game). If you're an old fart looking for a heart attack, or just want to make sure the ticker can still tick, this would be a good game for you. If you're younger this would be a good way to get mom and dad running in to see just what the hell you're yelling about.
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Wryne 13 Dec, 2024 @ 12:46am 
I miss you everyday my friend... You left too soon....
Dragoncuali 26 Nov, 2024 @ 8:28am 
Thinking about you Time. 🫂
TesseracT 1 Oct, 2024 @ 6:32pm 
Please be well. Forever. TimeViewer.
TimeViewer 12 Nov, 2023 @ 8:47am 
I'm still here, odd hours :drool: < me sleeping
burritooo 10 Nov, 2023 @ 7:50pm 
Miss ya time! been awhile since ive seen ya pop on
TimeTyrant 2 Apr, 2022 @ 7:45am