
First Mate Stevè の最近のレビュー

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36件中 21-30 を表示
総プレイ時間:71.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:4.7時間)
I bought this on a whim. Now its almost 3 AM and I might be a little bit obsessed with the game.

Great rhythm game. Fun music. A little bit of fan service . Controls are very responsive. and if you follow the levels of each difficulty, it has a pretty straightforward learning curve. I love this game.
投稿日 2020年12月24日.
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総プレイ時間:115.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1.6時間)
10/10 I died screaming and my friend noped out of the game. would die again.

On a more serious note, the game is a lot of fun with all of the unique tools you can use to identify the ghost type and aid in your survival. There are drawbacks though.

The biggest flaw the game has is its voice system. Often times you will need to reload the game and rejoin your group because people cannot hear each other. Sometimes missions will start and you can hear someone, but they can't hear you.

Be that as it may, while hunting ghosts, you'll be scared. you'll find yourself alone as the door closes behind you. You'll see the flicker of your flash light and know... you'll know your time is short. As your friends hear the broken cries of a a dying man over their malfunctioning radios, you'll be gone. It'll be up to them from there on.
投稿日 2020年10月1日. 最終更新日 2020年10月10日
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総プレイ時間:476.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:299.7時間)
Use big sword to hunt bigger beastie.
投稿日 2020年7月18日.
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As a survival game:
Sadly, I can't recommend the game in its current state. The amount of work you have to put in to making any sort of vehicle parts is so time consuming that it becomes tedious and boring within a couple of hours of play time. Forget solo play. If you farm for food, which you will have to do within a few in-game days, you'll be stuck guarding your crops from robot attacks or using all of your resources to fortify your crops. Now maybe you can stick your farm on your giant car and drive away from the bots, but that seems like a late game kind of thing. Crafting is kind of irritating as you can only craft using stations. There is absolutely nothing you can make on the fly that I've seen.

idk, I think the pace needs to be picked up since the game revolves around vehicle creation. There is very little vehicle creation in survival mode.
投稿日 2020年7月5日.
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総プレイ時間:695.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:396.1時間)
First and foremost: This game is unbalanced.

If that doesn't bother you, then I highly recommend this game because its a lot of fun, it has quite a bit of flavor to make your empire whatever you want it to be (even if half the flavor shoots you in the foot).

So I have complaints: The influence system is annoying. There are hundreds of ways to spend influence and only 3 ways to increase influence monthly income with hard limits. think of having a maximum of 7 a month and everything costs an average of 200 with the range being about 75 for building a starbase in a system (no reductions from bonuses) to 500 for embracing new ethics in your nation.

but you can fill your nations with flavor. They have their failures and their bonuses. Like I said, the game is unbalanced. Like... unbalanced as can be. No two playthroughs will be the same and random chance plays in to many things, but you can be certain that a specific build for a specific nation will likely be destroyed easily. So what is the best way to circumvent this and still pretend you're playing your nation the way you want to? More on that at the end.

Want to be a warrior? the best way to do that is to not be a warrior, but a scientist. There is no feasible way to go hard into a warrior culture without either A) being a fanatical purifier with no diplomatic capability or B) shoving your reproductive organs so hard into science that Einstein feels the need to take a pregnancy test from beyond the grave.

Want to be a merchant? We have megacorps for that. "Whats wrong with those?" I hear you asking. Well they provide an almost equal benefit to whoever you partner with. So you and your buddy are close trade partners. That friend of yours will have a stronger economy than you will unless you diversify your trade to multiple nations. That costs influence, time, and limits your income, but gives you a safety net in the event your friend dumps the trade agreement in favor of wanting to win the game.

...But you can be selfish and be the mob. A flavor of megacorp bent on not asking permission and shoving as much crime into each planet as you can. Well, if your friends are psionic, then crime is exceedingly easy remove and, thus, your branch offices will be shut down and the resources spent will be lost.

You can play your empire any way you want but in the end one major thing matters more than any other:

Don't think of science as a play style. Think of science as a requirement.

That's it, that's the trick. No matter what you play, science is power. the tech race will decide the victor. You don't have to have all the tech civics and many planets devoted to science, but if you fall behind in tech you will lose. Is science the meta? absolutely. Pop growth be damned, people are power, but science makes up for it in so many ways. Pop growth from tech. pop growth from buildings gained from tech. pop growth from upgraded buildings also from tech. pop growth because you got cloning vats and can now grow two populations per planet at the same time.

Science gives you stronger ships. stronger guns. defenses. starbases. increased economy.

What I'm saying is there is no build that ever succeeded without putting as much as they could into science. Don't think of it as the only available playstyle. think of it as a necessity to all playstyles

play the game however you want to and you'll have a grand ol' time. multiplayer is fun with friends and whatever empire you make can be powerful, just don't forget to make tech a solid focus so you can stay ahead of the curve

oh... and I don't recommend declaring a war in the first 50 years... the AI cheats.
投稿日 2020年4月17日. 最終更新日 2021年11月18日
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Ok so yes, this is definitely a walking simulator, but if you like the thought of careful investigation and piecing a developing story together as you go, then this is worth the time spent.

I was on the slow side of things and it took me an hour, so its a pretty short experience but the atmosphere is built up nicely. And if you get stuck at the crow, look down.
投稿日 2020年1月19日.
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総プレイ時間:13.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:10.7時間)
I was skeptical. Then I played. I love it. Its been a long time since any game I've played has actually had some deep character building to it with a wide variety of potential builds based on both a passive skill tree (that is immense in size) and a skill system based around skill gems and supporting gems that can link together to create new effects. Want to summon zombies? Want those zombies to summon phantoms? you can do that.

Don't be intimidated by everyone saying how hard the game is. Early game really isn't that threatening and you have plenty of time to figure out your class before things really start getting harder. Until then you get to experiment and find what play style works for you. Sure you'll eventually look up some builds at some point, but don't be afraid to experiment as well.
投稿日 2019年12月25日.
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Its amazing how so many updates can do absolutely nothing for this game. If you heard there was nothing to do when the game first launched... well here we are several updates later with several content patches and still nothing to actually do.
投稿日 2019年10月12日.
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総プレイ時間:6.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2.9時間)
Played a few hours so far. Enjoyed. Might get the rogue and elves DLC. Wasn't convinced at first until the 20 dollar game went on sale and then I got a 5 dollar coupon from the summer sale. Best 2.99 game I've ever bought.
投稿日 2019年7月1日.
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総プレイ時間:34.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:3.0時間)
New Review
OK, I have to hand it to the developers, they're helpful and quick to respond if you create a discussion instead of replying to an old one.

There are a lot of interesting wallpapers available. I would recommend this to anyone and, if you are patient, the bugs will be minor so long as you ask the developers for some help. It is early access, after all.
Old Review

EDIT: For those who use SpecialK (especially for Nier Automata) it will break Wallpaper Engine. I'll add the fix for this below the strike text.

The software worked great for the first two days.

Now I can't change or add any new wallpapers because the actual program will not open.
If I open it using the 64-bit option, I get an empty white window and the sound of an error.
If I open it using either of the 32-bit options, I get 100's of empty white windows and the sounds of many errors forcing me to restart my computer before it crashes.

Sure I can launch the program and have the one wallpaper be there, but I can't change it anymore.

My recomendation is that you save your four bucks. Plenty of people are having all kinds of bugs aside from this one ranging from wallpapers failing to display, to straight software crashes, to animated wallpaper stutters. I will not recommend this until it is fixed.

If you had/have the above problem: all you need to do is go into the directory with the .exe, create a blank .txt file and rename it to SpecialK.Deny.(name of .exe). Since I run the 64-bit, mine was SpecialK.Deny.wallpaper64.exe

keep in mind that this fix only works for those of you who use the SpecialK mod.
投稿日 2018年6月2日. 最終更新日 2018年6月10日
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36件中 21-30 を表示