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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
59.3 godz. łącznie (44.2 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I enjoy the game, but it's hard to really recommend it if not a gundam/gunpla fan. It has some big negatives that make me conflicted. Some are personal to me that others won't care for, while others definitely affect everyone. Gripes I had with the game:

- Missions/maps are pretty boring/lackluster (the beginning especially). On the first/second time, it's serviceable. After that it becomes instantly stale to look at. The maps are small/cramped besides some boss mission maps, but that's cause they're big bosses that require space. As for the missions, you have your choice of: Kill certain # of enemies, protect some pod thing, fight boss/bosses, etc. Very boring, especially the beginning.

- Range weapons are bad/medicore at best. Melee is the only way to deal real damage. Range deals so little AND have a gauge that needs to recharge/fill up. Range is only really useful for staggering and dealing damage at range which isn't saying much. They really need to buff it.

- Weapon type variety is fairly limited. You have beam rifles, beam rifles w/continuous beam fire, rocket launchers, snipers, etc. Most of the variety is in the op/ex skills rather than the weapons themselves, and even that it is some what limited. It isn't too bad, but most mobile suits are purely for show.

- Skills are pretty limited or non-existent. Some head parts have vulcans and maybe an ex laser skill. Chests might have a laser or exam system thing (boosts speed and damage). But there really isn't a variety to the skills. Like Hades system should make it so you can't control your suit or something idk. Just needs more differences besides the names.

- No real sorting feature atm, which makes navigating your parts a nightmare.

- Story is pretty meh/not good. No real stakes and conflicts/plots are fairly quickly resolved. Might be due to the mission structure and cutscenes, but it just doesn't flow well.

- Ai is pretty bad. The fodder enemies are fine with dumb ai, but allies and the enemy "player" ai need improvement.

So much more to say that I will update, but it's great for customizing your gunpla/mobile suit, very meh gameplay wise. It really needs an overhaul/big dlc to make it more fun.
Opublikowana: 29 września 2024. Ostatnio edytowane: 2 października 2024.
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109.2 godz. łącznie
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Pokemon but they let the intrusive thoughts win

In all seriousness it's basically Ark Survival with Pokemon elements (and less specs and storage needed).

Has problems like crashes, clipping underground, pals getting stuck on everything and starving, pals choosing to go mine rocks EVERYTIME, base raids sometimes being a complete joke depending on where you build, some areas being unfinished like the volcanic mountain area, the liffmunk effigy thing that they eventually patched, pretty bare bones building, the good stuff being rng based/really grindy, etc.

Yes it's an early access game but they definitely need to iron this game out and add more content. For what it offers it's pretty good but it has it's moments of jank and frustrating moments.
Opublikowana: 22 stycznia 2024. Ostatnio edytowane: 5 marca 2024.
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136.2 godz. łącznie (65.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
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I definitely have problems with the game. Some major, some minor. Let me go over all of them:

- Maps are a mixed bag of really bad, ok and kind of good. This is more opinionated but I really do not like most maps. Would like to see more city, tropic themed or inhabited beach-side towns. Too much washed out/autumn aesthetics.

- Game modes are just average. It's constantly domination, conquest, frontline (kind of), invasion (cause it's new) and never ctf and stuff. Part of it is the community, the other part is the modes being just typical fps modes. Doubt there is a way to fix this but it does get boring after awhile.

- At a certain range, environment objects like grass and shrubbery do not render at all. This means players with far sights like snipers will see you and kill you. Sure snipers contribute practically nothing, but they are a massive nuisance and kill the vibe. The nerfs to snipers did not affect the rifles, so most people switch to those instead. So long-range/snipers are still a pain to deal with.

- Bullet drop is barely a problem. Most weapons can kill you from a far distance which does at times feel bs. Getting killed by a sub-machine gun from sniper range makes sniping a pain so it sort of balances out the previous point.

- There are hackers but they aren't as bad compared to other fps games. Still the anti-cheat system needs improvement.
Like a few hours into a game I saw a ban wave of like 20 players banned for cheating. That does not bode well for the game.

- Abuse of the report system. Someone can decide to report you even if you did not do anything. This means a group of people can basically kick you or ban for no reason.

- A fair bit of toxicity. Some of it's trolls, and others are just pricks. This is both from chat and voice chat. It ain't as bad as other fps games, but would not be surprised if it did eventually reach the same level.

- Voice chat. It can be hilarious at times and enjoyable, other times it's just mic spam of music, really loud toxic yelling, etc. Not much of a way to fix this problem, just going to have to live with it.

- Can't change loadouts outside of a match. You have to be in-game to change anything.

- The same matches over and over again. Same maps, same game modes, cause people want those. Wouldn't be so bad if it worked like other games with custom matches or something. Like servers dedicated to gamemodes or even to a single map (TF2 for example). For now the match finder system is not that great.

- Vehicles are paper-thin. Sure it's realistic but I rarely see any ground based vehicles survive for long. This is at least a problem on 64v64 or 127v127. At least vehicles like the jeep respawn quickly.

- Currently drones are very broken with the fact that someone can just send out a drone and mark the entire enemy team (a bit exaggerated but point still stands).

None of these by themselves are alone major problems but it does add up when put all together. It's still very fun, but expect some sour moments.
Opublikowana: 12 grudnia 2023.
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27.7 godz. łącznie (20.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
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Definitely one of those cases where the user rating does not match the game itself (but with a slight pass since it's only a 1 man dev team). With that being said, it's a small but fun game with decent replayability. Some problems I have with the game:

- No quickplay/playing with randoms at the moment. It does say it will be added in the future but for now there isn't any. Just have to hope you have people on your friends list to play with or go in solo.

- Enemy variety is extremely limited. You have crabs, ants, slugs, and skulls. Only slight differences being elemental and weapons for crabs (can use like grenades, snipers, shotguns, etc.) With the only bosses being a big ant or a big skull. Yeah it's very lackluster at the moment.

- Maps are very generic. 1 or a few runs through and that's all the maps you will see. biome 1 is island themed, 2 is ice and 3 is lava. The only other map you will find is the speed course but still very limited.

- Maps are imbalanced. Corridor maps which is a death sentence or an easy win depending on your build, open maps that are brain dead easy to flawless, or completely unreasonable patches of land between lakes of lava. I definitely lean toward the maps being not great.

- Movement is either op or unfair. You can be an untouchable god or get constantly hit/die cause of the map you are on and the loads of bullets from yourself and your enemies. It's fun, but absolutely not balanced.

- Melee is poop, grenades are ok, and the weapons are a mixed bag. Some weapons are super powerful while others are just not good/not fun to use.

- Power ups are a mixed bag. Quite fun with certain builds/good rng, complete buzzkills or lackluster for others.

- Like at most 3 or 4 songs. Gets very repetitive.

It's a fine game overall but bare bones for now. I would say it's worth it if it's on sale for a low price. It will change in the future but it does need work.
Opublikowana: 25 listopada 2023.
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40.2 godz. łącznie (19.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
This is a game that they made to follow Fall Guys to make money without needing to put in time and effort. Especially with how bare bones a lot of the stuff currently is after 3 YEARS. I'm conflicted with whenever to recommend or not. But anyways...

This game is fun, but has so many garbage qualities to it. Here is all of them:

- The special usable emotes are garbage. Certain emotes on certain minigames/maps are completely broken. The beach ball is op on race to the finish minigames, and the grab, explosion and punch emotes are broken on survival games. You can either buy it with real money or do the battle passes and weeklies and dailies to eventually get 1. If you want to win more of your games you literally need to use these.

The special emotes kill the fun of this game, which can be easily fixed by having a separate option to make it so you only go up against other players with the emotes when enabled. But I doubt they will add this.

- Same music. Over and over again. Every single map besides crossover maps replay the same damn song. Make more music based on the maps. There is no excuse for reusing the same song over and over again for EVERY normal map.

- In normal lobbies, 1/2 of the players will be bots. This is a fine option for filling lobbies that would otherwise be barebones. Problem is the ai is either boring, brain dead, or aimbot rush at you when it comes to the shooting one. It's somewhat fine but can always use improvement.

- No custom lobby search menu. The only way to find other people's custom lobbies is through the likes of discord, friends list, etc. Sure it allows for more privacy, but also makes it difficult to just have casual custom matches.

- Mixed bag of good, meh and completely garbage maps. Especially the shooter ones, those are easily the worst. Some of the race to the finish maps throw as much garbage at you as possible, which sure is fun huh????????

- The physics and character knock down is absolutely atrocious. Getting knocked down by players is annoying, and getting practically perma-knocked down by objects and staying down for so long kills a lot of the enjoyment I have with this game.

- Spin the daily lucky wheel and end up getting 1 GEM OR 1 STUMBLE TOKEN (or 5 which is marginally better). Either you get a skin, very little gems/stumble tokens, or a boat load of gems.

- Sometimes the emotes don't work. Even with how simple it is, having 4 emotes to interact with other players, there will be multiple times one of your emotes just doesn't work. The next round probably has it working, but I just don't get how something so simple becomes bugged.

- If you want cosmetic skins and what not, either grind and hope you get lucky with rng to get the costumes that you want, or buy it with real money. Sometimes the deals are good but sometimes they are ridiculous.

This has been out for around 2-3 years just like Fall Guys, but lacks the polish. Not fun aspects like the gameplay affecting emotes, fair amount of bad maps, no custom match searching and a few other things keep it from being a really fun game. As it stands, I would give the game a 6 or 7/10.
Opublikowana: 9 listopada 2023. Ostatnio edytowane: 12 listopada 2023.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
4.2 godz. łącznie (2.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
The game that is frustrating and cut-throat. It has it's charm and addictive gameplay, but man is it too brutal and rng based. It has great qualities and some really not so good ones. This is the gameplay aspect and not the port/remapping stuff that others talk about. The many things I dislike about this game:

- You will always fight someone on the same spot even if you don't want to. Being forced to fight is not fun.

- Strike is bs, especially when a weak enemy can still one shot you if you decide to not counter it (even though you want to defend sometimes since they can still deal some damage). There does make it so players aren't just steamrolling the lower enemies, but it's still bs most of the time.

- The whole can't stop on a specific spot like the castle, shops, etc. You can end up in a loop of never being able to land on the spot you want. Either that or optimize your route which is just a headache to figure out sometimes.

- Thief is fun to play as, absolutely frustrating and not fun to play against. Having your items stolen by a thief passing by you means you cannot hold onto items, unless you want to risk it getting stolen from you. Even if it's not broken, it ruins the general experience.

- Dying is not fun. Spend 3/7 days (or 2 or less depending on if you get the angels or w/e) doing nothing is boring. Trading off fun for balance.

- Darkling. Last place gets op buff for some time, to balance out 1st place players and stuff. Causes chaos which can be very frustrating.

Do I have fun with this game? Yes. Is it under a mountain of frustrating mechanics and rng bs? Absolutely. If they tweaked it and added more settings that you can change (like better cpu settings, enemy stats, event % chances, varying objectives, etc.), this would be more than just "the game that you play to ruin friendships/use to torture yourself/others". It's easily the most like/hate game ever.

If you have friends that you want to ruin your friendship with, buy this game on sale (like 50% off or something). It is not worth at full price, not by a long shot. I feel it's a 6/10 at the moment, 8/10 if they add more stuff to it.

I seriously hope they update the game (which is unlikely) OR make a sequel that fixes the problems of this game and make it more fun and less bs (the more likely to happen, unless they get poor sales).
Opublikowana: 18 października 2023. Ostatnio edytowane: 19 października 2023.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
2.6 godz. łącznie
If only I can play the game instead of crashing at the character selection screen. The nexon launcher version works, so it has to be whatever setup they have for steam. And tried several solutions to fix it and did not work.

Also the gacha/cash shop is ridiculous with what you can buy and the prices. It's f2p but the amount of quality of life stuff in there is insane (like item vacuum pets so you don't end up spamming your z key to oblivion), reroll stats stuff, etc. If you do this as a f2p you will be miserable (unless you play reboot but it has it's own problems).
Opublikowana: 9 sierpnia 2023. Ostatnio edytowane: 13 sierpnia 2023.
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12.5 godz. łącznie (6.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Mindlessly mowing down constant hordes of enemies with different characters and fun synergies. Not much to say besides it's fun and sits at a good cheap price.
Opublikowana: 3 stycznia 2023.
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52.1 godz. łącznie (34.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Obviously my opinion and experience, so it will be different for others. Sitting in-between recommend and not depending on playstyle and either with friends or solo. I would score it 6/10 or 7/10.

Would love this game if it had good options to make it easier/enjoyable, instead of being fun but immensely frustrating. No way in-game to backup saves. You have to backup your save files and place them into the savegames folder if you want to retry with whatever you have on you. And before you say that it's a rougelike and not lite; I want the option to make it easier, so people that want hardcore stuff keeps their stuff while more casual people can choose to make it easier.

Enemies later on are damage sponges which means taking unnecessary damage which means less hp for the crystal cav+ levels, so you have to kill quickly or avoid them altogether. Bosses have somewhat easy patterns but soak up damage and deal high damage, most builds are not very good/fun/viable and it's always the same maze floors which gets repetitive, especially here where you will die LOTS. A mod or 2 have floor variety but besides that get used to the same underground dungeon, forest, pyramid, crystal cave and steampunk floors.

This feels like padding to dwindle your resources while giving barely anything to compensate. 95% of runs will be garbage or at best workable.

With friends it's obviously going to be very fun, but if you play this solo it's not great. Although it will get pretty boring unless the variety both the floors, encounters, and music gets spiced up.

Overall the pieces are there but I did not enjoy it as much as I'd like to. I feel it was worth it even if at full price if with friends, though solo I would say wait for sale. Hopefully down the line they improve it more cause it has the potential.
Opublikowana: 3 stycznia 2023. Ostatnio edytowane: 8 stycznia 2023.
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Według 6 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
220.0 godz. łącznie (37.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Edit: Bring DW5 Empires to steam please

Played Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate deluxe edition before this, and while I did enjoy my experience with it, Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate is just way more fun for me. Like going from 4 to 3 was an upgrade in most regards. 4 does have some positives like smoother combat and quality of life changes such as mass weapon salvage/sell, but 3 feels better when it comes to content. Some comparisons here:

- 4 has no branching path scenarios, meaning everything is set on a linear story path. 3 has branching paths and more multiple endings. The branching paths can be at times small changes, but some are pretty big and having branching scenarios to begin with is more than nothing.

- 4 has sacred treasures, elements being back and stronger, and magic makes it feel like the player outpaces the game toward the mid to end game.

- 4 has almost no different costumes unless you get specific dlc for the characters, compared to 3 ultimate which gives a ton of costumes in one package. Also 3 gives edit colors to certain costumes which is great. 3 ultimate is better than 4 ultimate deluxe costume wise.

- 4 has better combat generally and 3 did at first feel clunky, but I got over it after finding my go-to characters and playing for a few hours. 4 is better here but 3 is fine.

- 4's infinite mode is not as good as 3's gauntlet. Being forced to unlock Zeus's tower after doing each
small tower with the different goals was not enjoyable. Gauntlet mode has it's problems, but I enjoyed going through it far more than infinite.

- 4 has no musou editor thing, 3 does. Just the fact that 3 has something like that is insane and really shows a lot of care that went into 3, besides the other stuff 3 offers.

3 is imo a better experience. 4 isn't bad and I did enjoy it, but 3 is just so good. There are problems like the black chunks when doing musous, but changing your pc framerate or whatever the solution was will likely fix it, even though it is annoying having to switch back and forth. And the clunkier combat doesn't feel good either, but looking past those issues just leaves 3 a way more enjoyable experience.

Would give it an 9/10 or so. Has problems but I am having quite a lot of fun. Would say get 3 ultimate over 4 ultimate.

Edit: Have had a few crashes so it is a decently bad port but I still enjoy nonetheless.
Opublikowana: 1 grudnia 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 14 sierpnia 2024.
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