rbT #geNetic.Fingersports: omg
rbT #geNetic.Fingersports has changed their name to rbT #geNetic [FS] @ Postman pat.
rbT #geNetic [FS] @ Postman pat: Gary
GENETIC SnapzG.Fingersports: yo
rbT #geNetic [FS] @ Postman pat: i gotta package this morning
rbT #geNetic [FS] @ Postman pat: thinking it was the mouse mat
rbT #geNetic [FS] @ Postman pat: it was supposed to be
rbT #geNetic [FS] @ Postman pat: but. they packed the wrong item
GENETIC SnapzG.Fingersports: what isit
rbT #geNetic [FS] @ Postman pat: the receipt inside said Razer Mantis Control Mouse mat
rbT #geNetic [FS] @ Postman pat: they packed a Postman pat toy
GENETIC SnapzG.Fingersports: get to the point ♥♥♥♥
rbT #geNetic [FS] @ Postman pat: ...
GENETIC SnapzG.Fingersports: rofl
GENETIC SnapzG.Fingersports: HAHHA
rbT #geNetic [FS] @ Postman pat: worst day
rbT #geNetic [FS] @ Postman pat: EVER

sensation~ mw2 acc? :[: ;D
sensation~ mw2 acc? :[: bum?
sensation~ mw2 acc? :[: xD
rbT: gay sexy time in the rear?
sensation~ mw2 acc? :[: hahaha
rbT: :D

Currently Offline
rbT 3 Jun, 2010 @ 7:18am 
about as ugly as your dead nan
Rather play aram 17 May, 2010 @ 1:48pm 
what he said
ash 13 May, 2010 @ 2:57pm 
ugly ♥♥♥♥