11 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 7.1 hrs on record
Posted: 30 Jun, 2022 @ 11:28pm

While I found the first episode a bit janky but oddly compelling, this one was equally janky and oddly uncompelling. Still played it to the end, wanting to get my $1.89's worth out of it, but too many parts just seemed off. I was pulled out of the world every time the characters walked down a street in broad daylight when we know if anyone sees them, they're done for, or any time I couldn't use a thing because the game wasn't ready for me to use it. The last bits of the game seemed particularly forced in terms of story, but I didn't quite believe the characters throughout the game, either. Overall, vaguely annoying. If another chapter ever comes out, I hope it redeems this one, but given the reception, I kind of doubt the company will be able to come up with the cash to do so, which is kind of sad. There were some good ideas in here, that collectively were less than the sum of their parts.
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