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4.7 hrs last two weeks / 785.1 hrs on record (461.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 27 Jul, 2020 @ 12:04am
Updated: 10 Apr, 2023 @ 12:14pm

i am a 94 year old WW2 veteran, and i saw my great grandson was interested in this "ww2rp" thing. being a battle of peleliu veteran i decided to make a steam account and play with my great grandson on ww2rp and, i saw my great grandson being a nazi "admin". i was very angry that he was a nazi so i decided to tell him that nazis were bad and they were the reason why i have ptsd but he told me "failrp" which i did not understand but i do not know what failrp was so i decided to get a gun and shoot nazis because nazis are bad and i got banned for life for "failRP, rdm and minging"!!!! someone please explain!!!!
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