-hg- BADA BING-79
Dante P.   Los Angeles, California, United States
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🧮 23 Feb, 2022 @ 8:56pm 
Fow those who dismiss NFTs as a joke wike *screams* Keanyu...do undewstand *cries* this, NFTs finyawwy wepwesent a system fow awtists t-to monyetize theiw wowks fwee fwom cowwupt, asshowe middwemen wike *screams* Book Pubwishews. It finyawwy gives *twerks* the x3 awtist ;;w;; the x3 wight t-to pwotect theiw wowk (・`ω´・) and make nyeaw 100% ;;w;; of theiw monyey ^-^ on i-it u-using decentwawization and c-c-cutting out the x3 middwe *looks at you* men. Nyow who's t-to say *twerks* what vawue a pawticuwaw NFT is, is an entiwewy diffewent discussion. It's a mattew *screeches* of taste *screams* (which *whispers to self* is highwy subjective), undewstanding the x3 mawket, and what a pawticuwaw NFT means t-to you, etc. Suwe, thewe a wots of scammy NFTs out thewe...TONS...but thewe awe pwenty of d-diamonds in the x3 wuff. And thewe awe pwenty mowe scams ÚwÚ in the x3 weaw wowwd too. *runs away* But do wemembew, thewe awe miwwions t-to be made with NFTs
Tygh822... Old School 11 Apr, 2020 @ 12:15am 
hey ...checking in o you
heck yeah 26 Oct, 2018 @ 2:59am 
It was fun playing with ya, Methuselah. I promise I won't bunnyhop next time :)
Tygh822... Old School 20 Mar, 2018 @ 12:36am 
this guy is older than your parents and he wrecks you all day every day ....my best buddy love ya Bada
Tygh822... Old School 7 Mar, 2018 @ 11:41pm 
how ya been my brother ....
⬥︎ H o p e ⬥ 8 Jan, 2018 @ 9:30pm 
Bada Bada Bing Bing! :spacepony: