-hg- BADA BING-79
Dante P.   Los Angeles, California, United States
🧮 2022年2月23日 20時56分 
Fow those who dismiss NFTs as a joke wike *screams* Keanyu...do undewstand *cries* this, NFTs finyawwy wepwesent a system fow awtists t-to monyetize theiw wowks fwee fwom cowwupt, asshowe middwemen wike *screams* Book Pubwishews. It finyawwy gives *twerks* the x3 awtist ;;w;; the x3 wight t-to pwotect theiw wowk (・`ω´・) and make nyeaw 100% ;;w;; of theiw monyey ^-^ on i-it u-using decentwawization and c-c-cutting out the x3 middwe *looks at you* men. Nyow who's t-to say *twerks* what vawue a pawticuwaw NFT is, is an entiwewy diffewent discussion. It's a mattew *screeches* of taste *screams* (which *whispers to self* is highwy subjective), undewstanding the x3 mawket, and what a pawticuwaw NFT means t-to you, etc. Suwe, thewe a wots of scammy NFTs out thewe...TONS...but thewe awe pwenty of d-diamonds in the x3 wuff. And thewe awe pwenty mowe scams ÚwÚ in the x3 weaw wowwd too. *runs away* But do wemembew, thewe awe miwwions t-to be made with NFTs
Tygh822... Old School 2020年4月11日 0時15分 
hey ...checking in o you
heck yeah 2018年10月26日 2時59分 
It was fun playing with ya, Methuselah. I promise I won't bunnyhop next time :)
Tygh822... Old School 2018年3月20日 0時36分 
this guy is older than your parents and he wrecks you all day every day ....my best buddy love ya Bada
Tygh822... Old School 2018年3月7日 23時41分 
how ya been my brother ....
⬥︎ H o p e ⬥ 2018年1月8日 21時30分 
Bada Bada Bing Bing! :spacepony: