想和好朋友玩游戏   Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
:lma_lightning: bilibili 个人认证:天真可爱小孩
:berry: 安静的部落格: http://hagumi.cn
:denksnavel: 花钱买的游戏,为啥还要花时间玩?
:tokitori:Happy Lucky Smile Yeah!
Currently Offline
Bilibili 直播间 [live.bilibili.com] 晚上、周末不定期直播

[系统] Windows 10 [显卡] GTX1060 [鼠标] 达尔优EM905
[键盘] ViewSonic K3015 [耳机] 达尔优EH721 [控制器] PS4 控制器 黑色

Celeste 54元 / 史低34,Cuphead 54元,
时光之帽 48元,Rabi-Ribi 大包 62元(27+11+11+13)
DST(游戏内道具) 47元,奥日森林终极版 34元
Rayman 大包 38元,史莱姆农场 34元
Aseprite 38元 / 史低33,Cave Story+ 32元
Hollow Knight 32元,SteamWorld Dig2 31元
NEKO-NIN 29元,SteamWorld Heist + DLC 27元,幽灵怪谈 26元
Juicy Realm 26元,中国式家长 25元
ICEY 23元,Wizard of Legend 20元
Overcooked 19元,Kingdom Rush 18元,Holy土豆包 17元
梦三英雄传 16元, Cat Quest 16元
童话福雷斯 16元,小小噩梦 15元,Momodora 14元
Terraria 13元,Move or Die 11元
失落城堡 10元,Full Metal Furies 10元,恒水中学连环虐杀 10元,
linelight 10元,Dead Rising 2 9.9元(杉果福袋)

铲子骑士(太贵)/ 死亡细胞(涨价了) / 青蛙爆破者(进过包)
CHUCHEL / The End Is Nigh(Epic Games 白给)

Celeste (二周目已通关,191/200 :celeste_strawberry:)
Hollow Knight(一周目未通关,102% 收集度)
FEZ (二周目全成就)
Toki Tori 2+ (全收集通关)

即将玩 / 继续玩:
Transistor / VVVVVV(一周目全收集中)
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap

Lost Castle / CS:GO / RIVE (刚开始) / Wuppo(已经玩了50%)
A Boy and His Blob / Rusty Lake Paradise
Recent Activity
0.3 hrs on record
last played on 25 Jan
2,684 hrs on record
last played on 23 Jan
6.4 hrs on record
last played on 22 Jan
𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐥𝐥 18 Mar, 2020 @ 11:27am 
As to Jesus of Nazareth...I think the system of Morals and his Religion,
as he left them to us, the best the World ever saw or is likely to see;
but I apprehend
it has received various corrupting Changes, and I have,
with most of the present Dissenters in England, some doubts as to his
- Benjamin Franklin

黑糖乌龙X 6 Feb, 2019 @ 6:08am 
章鱼丸 8 Nov, 2018 @ 10:22pm 
—— Steam 难道不是理财软件?我在Steam上记账,你呢小老弟?
章鱼丸 3 Mar, 2018 @ 3:25am 
2月17日 阿里云域名购买 16元
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2月22日 狮城旅游门票 150元
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2月27日 抓娃娃游戏币 12元