Cedrik / 22 / ♂️ / Traditional/ Digital Artist   Germany

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Zerindo/
Discord: Zerindo#1000
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me do 3D sculpting
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born to piss forced to cum
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1,067 Hours played
Normally it's fun writing essays but there are so many problems with the current Evrima version of the game that I just can't be asked to write a whole bible about it, so I'll list all the possible cons and pros that come to my mind on Evrima, NOT Legacy:


- Game updates happen every 6 months
-> you get a mental breakdown because you will have to wait that long until they finally fix bugs and performance issues from the latest update
-> it takes way too long for new playable creatures to get added

- The devs take criticism like a furry twitter user
-> wanna give constructive feedback? Well too bad bucko they will wipe their ass with it
-> they feel personally attacked and react like kids to criticism

- Utahraptor pounce is completely f'd
-> Utah basically becomes useless since it always misses its pounces now and starts teleporting randomly, giving other dinos an easy chance to clap your cheeks
-> when you successfully pounce something your utah is attached to that player in the middle of the air

- The diet system is a complete trainwreck
-> Herbis have to travel through the WHOLE map to get a perfect diet, Carnis can basically just stay on the spot, eat from the same carcass, get a perfect diet that way and afk grow easily

- Killing things is the only fun thing in the game
-> since there are no tasks or other things to do for the player fighting everything on sight is the only entertaining thing to do right now
--> leads to a toxic community

- With great updates come great amount of bugs
-> the game becomes laggy out of nowhere and goes from 90 to 1 fps (I'm not exaggerating it literally happens)
-> carnos teleport 100m into the air after a deino grabs and lets go of them underwater
-> the already mentioned broken utah pounce

- Servers restart or crash constantly without a warning
-> sometimes they dont restart at all and you have to wait a day until the server comes back up
-> when you log back in you even lose growth progress on your creature

- Eating bug when picking something up by pressing G (bug has been present for months now)
-> your dinosaur can't eat anything afterwards and relogging is the only thing that fixes it
-> sometimes your bite gets glitched and you can't attack other things anymore

- Mixpacking (different species group up, for instance herbis and carnis)
-> makes hunting things and getting food just as easy as convincing a twitter user that there are only 2 genders

- Community servers are completely inactive because of official servers getting filled up instead
-> little community servers have no chance of growing up

- The map is horrible
-> The jungle biomes are way too dense and performance heavy and it's impossible to navigate yourself to see where you are going
--> you sometimes end up falling off a cliff without knowing
-> no variety in the landscape, it's either dense forest or huge grass fields
-> not exciting to explore, even minecraft has more interesting biomes

- The performance is pure pain
-> huge chunks of forest areas load at once and it lags out the game a lot while traveling
--> makes fighting players very difficult and it feels like playing on my uncle's self built PC
-> the map often times doesn't load in at all when logging back into a server, movement is basically impossible for your creature since chunks aren't loading in
-> even with a 3080 Ti you will still have the same issues (based on the game experience from one friend who has one)
--> shows that devs can't even fix the most common blueprint issues on UE4 (this is performance issue bs you would normally see on indie horror games)

- Eating a carcass is just as clean as a discord mod's apartment room
-> you literally have to make a couple 360s until the game actually indicates to you that you can finally eat it
-> the body will sometimes go underneath the ground or slide away into the water, giving crocs a hell of a time

- Stegos are the Schwarzeneggers of the game
-> are you a croc with the most powerful bite force on the planet? Well too bad spikey tail boyo will f you up with 2 hits, might as well take your friend with you since you need 8 crocs to take that thing out

-Newcomers have a VERY hard time to get into the game, the game basically gives you no tutorials and throws you right into the action

- Hitboxes are f'd
-> pachys can knock out utahs by hitting their tail
-> carnos can knock out tenos by hitting their tail
-> stegos can kill carnos by hitting their tail

- Scent system is worse than before
-> it's harder locating food and water than convincing a redditor that the age of consent is not 14

- Gameplay is just as exciting as playing Hunt Down The Freeman
-> after having successfully grown your creature you either have the option to kill, die or say the n word towards people you dont like

- The game is a prime example of wanting a game to be realistic, but automatically taking away the fun because of it
-> the game is literally grow, kill, eat, die, that's it, no other tasks whatsoever


- It forces you to play Path Of Titans
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The Platform Map! This map of course is recreated from the amazing Netflix film called "The Platform" or "El Hoyo". It took me more than a week to learn the hammer tool since, before that, I never actually used it once. This however didnt stop me from tryi
1,180 ratings
Created by - Zerindo
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Wacido 13 Dec, 2024 @ 2:38pm 
put your ♥♥♥♥ away
Andras 17 May, 2023 @ 8:14am 
kizak666 22 May, 2022 @ 8:25pm 
bruh :steamthumbsup: