Torsten Heinrich
Half a century old and still learning something new every day. You are never to old to learn, but some people sure are too dense! Chronic pain, Paresthesis and occasional half-sided paralysis can make the life hard, but I won't give up. Living with disabillity doesn't mean you are useless.

I am not taking up random invites at the moment. If you know me from somewhere else, pleas give the reference and I might be inclined to add you as a friend.

I have to take measures, because I am often handing out give-aways, but only to trusted friends. And for that, you can only appear on my list if I know you from somewhere else.
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476 Hours played
Oh, my ... what have I done?

I bought this game and thought, well - easy pie. And now I am addicted into this game and can't get loose from it, playing scenario after scenario, after dungeon only to sit there late at night and just get the next unlockable item, content, whatever... Totally lunatic you say? Probably so, but this game has some addictive contents - and I swear, it hasn't anything to do with fungi growing in the dungeons or creeper vines that grow wine bottles.

This game is fun, plain and easy, it is fun from the start, when you learn the mechanics of the game up to solving riddles or to enlarge your realm. I still haven't played it through and I have spent hour after hour in this game. I could lament about what I missed out because of this game, but I won't it was all that I needed at that time. The learning curve of this game is adorable, it's giving enough good opportunities for old and new players.

Please, continue this game, developer, create more content... Larger Guilds, more classes... more monsters, more stuff... need, need, need... *overload*

If you like games with procedural design and a high replayability, you have reached here a memorable experience. It has a large, flashing "Buy me!" sign, and this is quite correct.
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Skilled or Unskilled? Gaming today... down it goes.
Back in the time, when Atari was a Name to evoke memories of games like Pitfall, H.E.R.O. or Space Invaders - not to mention Pong. You needed skill to get somewhere in a game. This even was the case in the times when the PC started it's Story of success but this has drastically changed over the years.

Now you no longer Need skill to solve a game, often even games with a lot of Story or Background can be played mostly skill-less, this also is true for most casual games. And Gamers are often entitled, even in online games.

All this is bad, I remember the time when I played Epics Summer games, where you could shoot skeet or bows... and fencing, all three disciplines I am good in natura - but I sucked at them on Epics Summer games back then, mostly because you actually required skill to Play them, after a Long and repeated Training I was at last able to achieve top Ratings and a Gold medal, I was proud of it, because I was better than everyone else of my friends - and we played the game back then often. The same goes for Elite... how often was a jerk in the wrong direction the cause of destruction (collided with the starbase), yet the games were fun back in their time.

If you look now, even in online games - like World of Warcraft, or Dead by Daylight, the skill often is one sided or even non-existent.

World or Warcraft has gotten so casual over the past years, that it's barely the same game as it was started. And in Dead by Daylight the survivor side is so easy, that you actually don't Need to take care if you survive or not - as Long as you survive the first Minute (either by stealth or by other means) - but you don't even Need skill to be stealthy in this example...

The first Thief (a stealth game) was known to be fricking hard, and People complained about it - but got along with it either way... if you wanted to beat a game it was your own skills that needed an upgrade, not the game a downgrade. Some Genres, like Adventures were back then also skill-less, but often very challenging with their puzzles - compare the original Zork or Planetfall with some adventuregames today, they are now sometimes so easy that you wonder if you played a game or read a short-story... of Course, there are still enough Adventure games that are really challenging, but a lot aren't. Compare Bards Tale or Wizardry with games like Skyrim or Starflight and Star Control (in the later especially the Super-Melee component) with Mass Effect... Or Tactical games like Planets Edge or Megatraveller with games like Doorkickers...

Yes, games were tough back then, a lot tougher than today most of the time - there are exceptions to this, but often those exceptions are shallow and unfinished in almost everything else.

Especially with some People getting their asshattery into the games, namely online games where whole communities can now be considered utter and total trash because of their toxic, violent and salty nature alone. And online games aren't the only games affected, you have devs Catering to every Need - regardless how stupid and "deviant" it is. You want a game with easy achievements to pimp your stats? There are dozen of games from asset flippers who do this, giving you 1000 Achievements just for starting the game. You Need a game that literally Plays itself? Yes, there are games that have a build in tutorial, which gives you the whole campaign free to go. You want to Play a Mary or Gary Sue character, there are visual novels and JRPG games around that give you an Overkill in those...

No, gaming has changed a lot - not to the better, but to the worst. I miss the times where there were games the Player needed lightning Reflexes to beat a lot of games, and where "casual" was synonymous with "boring" and there was a time were Adventure meant, rich in Story but also hard to solve...

Millenials who call themselves Gamers are but a shadow of Gamers who played games like "Shadow of the Beast", or "Shamus", or "Pitfall" or "Jumpman"...
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Faudraline 15 Nov, 2016 @ 3:06am 
Hello! I would like to add you for following your reviews if possible. Would be understandable if you are to refuse. Good day, and good gaming to you!
Wereboar 26 Apr, 2015 @ 4:08am 
Is it just me, or do I really have lately only bad reviews on my paws? Weird, but I just try to solve some knots... and those knots seem to be bad apples, rotten tomatoes and ... other weird stuff.
Wereboar 7 Mar, 2015 @ 10:37am 
At the moment the achivement showcase is deactivated on my profile because there is a bug that isn't showing the correct average percentage. Blame it on the developers of some games, who can't program games correctly and still publish them on Steam. One reason why I don't like early access games, besides the trouble that they get often quite fast abandoned by their developers...