Moe   Saudi Arabia
Welcome to my badass profile:

Age: 23
Counter Strike player since 2007, and steam player since 2008

Mouse: Microsoft 1.1
Mouse Pad: SteelSeries Fnatic Control
Keyboard: CS Storm Mechanical Keyboard
Headset: Logitech G35

Past Teams:
Five'Aces [F'A]

GamesGate LAN Championship (2008) 1st Place [with F'A]
GameNET LAN Championship (2009) 1st Place [with ArchNemesis]
Jeel Online Ramadan Tournament (2009) 1st Place [with ArchNemesis]
NESMA Online FriendlyTournament (2010) 1st Place [Memento]
Currently Offline
Ninjas 23 May, 2014 @ 3:19am 
Mohannad 7beeb glbi!!! Wlah miss you dudee!!! Been seqrching for you for long time! Please send me your whatsapp number once u're online need to talk to you
Megoo 31 Jul, 2011 @ 4:52am 
تأتي مناسبة ( وتذهب أخرى
وتمر الأيام تلو الأخرى
لكن هناك أناس يمثلون بريقآ في حياتي
أنت من النخبة المضيئة
في حنايا الفؤاد
والأجمل في فيض الذاكرة
هذه وثيقة لتجديد العهد
وتأكيد سابق الود
أرفع فيها تهنئة طيبة
قدٌوم شهر رمضآن
كل عام وانتم بخير
b0ya* 22 Jul, 2011 @ 9:56pm 
<333 Morad~
AKSAR3EN 14 Jul, 2011 @ 5:28pm 
Ninjas 5 Feb, 2011 @ 5:11pm 
We're the champions my best moe:D, wlah missing u and ur awp, your my Number #1 KSA awp player dude!! <3333 ;))
b0ya* 13 Jan, 2011 @ 3:14pm 
heeeey! wllah miss u too best friend x( i just heard that ure taking finals, I hope u all the best! cya this summer =) <33333