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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 304.1 hrs on record (187.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 4 Jan, 2021 @ 5:20pm

There's tons of games like this on STEAM the killer goes against survivors ( Friday the 13th, In Silence, Deceit). But why is it that DBD is the most popular one? DBD replay value is pretty high if you don't play meta perks every time. However, I want you to know DBD is truly not a horror game, maybe it is if you're a killer.

I play both sides and here's my list of pros and cons:

>There's tons of fun build you can try so the game never feels repetitive
>Certain killers are super fun to play even without perks and add ons (Bubba)

However with that I pretty can't think of any good pros for DBD rn here's the cons
fyi i played dbd during the MMR system time hence (below)
>Yes there's tons of build you can go to however I feel that most people on red ranks have pretty much the same build on maybe just 1 perk that are different (DS,BT,Adrenaline,whatever they want)
>DBD community is pretty toxic so if you're fragile I'm sure you won't be able to enjoy the game
>Behaviour balancing team really doesn't know what they are doing (I said the game not a horror games unless you're a killer because the balancing team had been trying to bend killer over)
>DBD is not a 4vs1 game but a 1v1v1v1v1 hence when you're playing with friends the game just gets tougher for the killer because whoever can communicate are most likely to do objective without hassle and skadoodle out of there when the killers do come
>DBD only becomes fun when you learn how to loop

It's kinda funny how much I hate playing DBD but love it at the same time. With that said, DBD is a game that you have to try at least once to know whether you'll love it or not.
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