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54.6 hrs on record (47.5 hrs at review time)
said i needed to go to the bank

didn't say which one
Posted 6 November, 2024.
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6.9 hrs on record
Beautifully-done retro graphics, gameplay feels great, story is surprisingly well-done for a platformer. Would recommend using a guide for certain areas, otherwise I love this game to bits!! Obvious adorable baby dragon is obvious
Posted 14 June, 2024.
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45.9 hrs on record (12.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Love the game so far!! Beautiful animation, gameplay really grew on me and I only hope for new content
Posted 2 June, 2024.
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230.2 hrs on record (40.0 hrs at review time)
one of the best games i have ever played, unfortunately Initialize Sequence Error 1
Posted 9 February, 2024.
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18.1 hrs on record
ugly as sin but one of the best platformers i've ever played
Posted 13 December, 2023.
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385.8 hrs on record (245.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
visited some online friends IRL for the first time and expected it to feel really novel, but once i was there it felt like i had already done it many times before (albeit still a very fun time ofc), and thinking back on it i think that's largely because of vrchat
Posted 11 April, 2023.
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15.3 hrs on record (8.6 hrs at review time)
This game has quickly become one of my comfort games, which would be a surprise to me if I hadn't already been a fan of one of the older entries in the series over 10 years earlier. Despite leaning more towards being a realistic simulation-based racing game (at least presumably, I know very little about MX/ATVs), the game is surprisingly silly, but in a good way! You can name AI opponents literally whatever you want, the ragdolls are some of my favorite in any game, and flying 500 feet in the air is always good fun.

In terms of game mechanics, it's very unique to me as a racing game because there's interactions with hills and airtime in a way I haven't seen in other games, which can be micromanaged through the way you tilt and turn your vehicle. I can definitely see some of the criticism in the unmemorable tracks and weirdly bouncy physics, but if you just want a game that you can boot up and listen to the sounds of revving engines while doing backflips on a motorbike, I'd recommend getting this game while it's on sale.
Posted 25 June, 2022.
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6.7 hrs on record (6.7 hrs at review time)
niko best boi (not a cat)
Posted 16 June, 2022.
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40.3 hrs on record (16.2 hrs at review time)
Biomutant was a game I was looking forward to for a long while, and after seeing the first burst of negativity mixed in with good reviews, I knew I had to try it myself to see where the conflict was coming from. So far, I've been REALLY enjoying Biomutant and think that it is FAR from a bad game, but at the same time, it's also far from a perfect game. Still, I have a lot of faith in the developers after they acknowledged the complaints with the game and patched in a lot of the major requests only one week (!!!) after launch. Please skip to the end if you just want a summary of my thoughts.

A lot of people have already gone over similar points of the game (I don't think any more mention of the narrator is needed at this point), so I'll mention the things that stood out to me the most.

+ The game is absolutely GORGEOUS and after seeing the scenery I genuinely sat down there and decided that I had already gotten my 60 dollar's worth
- Dialogue is awful 90% of the time, especially random NPCs which are unfortunately boring, nonsensical, and unhelpful all at the same time
~ The game has a constant style clash with a very realistic post-apocalyptic setting, kung-fu style fighting with cartoony FX, and a storybook-like narrator who reminds me of LittleBigPlanet which are all done well... separately. As someone who happens to really like both the silliness and realism separately, even if they don't mesh, I haven't been bothered by it much but it has seemed to be very offputting to other people
+ Speaking of the silliness, the customization is something that I have absolutely loved and personally praise as one of the best parts of the game. I've seen complaints about the practicality ("stats don't matter") but that's not what I'm talking about at all. You can literally put your character in jorts with a teddie bear suit and a metal duck head. You can use a banana as a weapon handle and attach it to a katana blade. You can even get a bat handle and attach it to a bat head to make a bat! Even if that's not your thing, there's genuinely really cool outfit options and that's on top of all the character model options at the beginning of the game (which can also be changed later).
+ So far I don't think I've ever run into a serious glitch, and I don't think I've seen many people praising the stability, which while it should be expected, it's part of my point that this isn't like a seriously broken game
- Loading times are unfortunately very long
+ I really like the combat? You have a lot of options between your gun, melee, and psi/bio-powers that can help keep things interesting, and the special techniques which help you reach a super form keeps the combat dynamic. I can kind of see what people mean about the combat being repetitive, but in my opinion there's more than enough options to switch between to keep things interesting, and the upgrades...
+ A lot of the upgrades affect gameplay pretty dramatically. I was surprised to have one of the first powerups be a dash that vastly improved movement, and is something I'm still using 16 hours into the game. There's some powerups that are the more underwhelming "add 10% damage to __" but you can always buy more dramatic things with the same currency, like "reloading manually at low bullets instantly refills your magazine and increases damage" (which is still a hilarious but somehow not totally broken ability)
- The story is really underwhelming so far and a lot more basic than they seem to make it up to be
- The morality system feels pretty forced and dialogue seems to pretend it's more deep than it is when it's VERY black and white and the bad choices are things like killing small animals for no reason which probably does not fall into the grey morality they seem to be pushing
- Some confusing areas (ironically all on the main story path) that had me very confused and flailing until I accidentally finished the room, which is a bit unfortunate when you also have a narrator that literally tells you what to do half the time
+ Side quests are very numerous and have kept me engaged

I tried to keep the list balanced, but if it seemed like I had more to say about the positives than the negatives, that's because yes, I am biased, and that's how I want to close off my review. Biomutant is a flawed game, and whether or not you should play the game is based on what you want out of the game and which flaws you can excuse. The game reminds me a lot of my recent first playthrough of Skyrim, which is what I really wanted to compare it to. Skyrim's combat is... not amazing, its graphics have aged, the voice-acting is infamously bad, and the AI is pretty atrocious. However, it's still a classic for a reason, and I enjoyed it largely because I could play as a lizard man who stole people's cheese and sniped woodland creatures with a bow for no reason. Similarly, I love Biomutant because it lets me explore a beautiful world as a small furry creature who can hold both dual blades and dual pistols while dressed up as a teddy bear.

I still hold the opinion that anyone who says Biomutant is a worthless game is ignoring too many of its aspects, but that's the same with anyone who says it's a perfect game. If you're interested in the game, PLEASE look at thorough reviews and pick apart what people say are the good parts and what people say are the flaws, because they're pretty consistent. If the flaws are something you can look past, and the good parts are things you really want to see in a game, then I strongly encourage you to play the game -- it's what I did, and I don't regret spending a single penny.

(note: I'm posting this review at about 16hrs of gameplay, and have not finished the game so I can't comment on the end. My opinion on the repetitive nature of the game (which seems to be a common complaint from others) may change with more time, but I think that my 16 hours are enough to get a good read on the game)

Posted 11 June, 2021.
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3.9 hrs on record (2.0 hrs at review time)


Posted 26 March, 2021.
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