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Posted: 2 Apr, 2017 @ 10:02am
Updated: 2 Apr, 2017 @ 10:03am

After playing this for about a week I can honestly say that Ubisoft has learned their lesson and listened to the feedback from people who've played the first Watch Dogs.

San Francisco does have a large gay population in addition to being a tech city. This game reflects this in a positive way, at least for the USA version, and doesn't try to censor. Don't buy this game if you can't handle gays, lesbians, or transgender people.

  • Nod to Max Headroom and other old school computing while blending that in with today's icons, memes, etc. -
  • Better mini games, and not a look into someone's personal hell (Aiden Pearce)
  • Better main story/character, interaction with a team, trying to better people's lives instead of out for revenge
  • Being able to 3D print guns!
  • More cool toys to play with (RC car and drone) that you actually have to use for missions.
  • Better online play where players are helping each other instead of ruining each other's fun.
  • More places to fast travel to instead of just your HQ
  • More interaction with NPCs
  • Graphics look better than first game
  • Low FPS hasn't been much of a problem with my computer - i7-3770/GTX 770 2GB
  • No microstutters when driving

  • You actually have to buy the cars for the on-demand app instead of just unlocking them. This makes sense though as you end up with a ton of money at the end from all the hacking.
  • Driving aspect, even with a controller, is still quirky even though it has been improved over the first game.
  • Some icons are not intuitive as to what they do.

Other thoughts:
While this game is a work of fiction, unfortunately it's becoming more and more like real life in the way the US government treats its citizens. We don't have a Blume/ctOS yet, but I wouldn't doubt it if something like them came along in the next few years.
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untmdsprt 25 Jun, 2017 @ 3:35pm 
I know how that is. I came back to the states about 5 years ago and basically had to start my life over again. At least my mom helped me out getting started but the USA is a PITA trying to find a job that isn't a low paying temp one. My dad taught my brother and me to pay bills first then buy the "toys" we want. Certainly has worked out for the both of us.

Keep your chin up and find other things to entertain you while you're building up a savings. Trust me, it'll get better.
untmdsprt 25 Jun, 2017 @ 3:15pm 
Thanks, I guess my university education is paying off.