nuh uh   United States
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Screenshot Showcase
im sorry about this brave warrior
Review Showcase
2,035 Hours played
*there is no evidence of an auction house. its the players doing there routine, review bombing*
fun fact, if you don't like a game, move on with your day and life, cause planet earth will still go round regardless of how you feel about something so minuscule.

and play other games, if your so angry about something that quite frankly has been proven wrong. **reddit and 4chan, dont mean anything as a source of news**

where is this so called auction house? i dont see it anywhere. sounds like some fake news to me.
CAL-141 2 Feb @ 8:45pm 
ya know it just makes sense now. that the goofy haters or my silly friens giving me the jester award, are giving me the title of silliest. plus thank you for the steam points :catinablanket: