Local Space Cat   United States
IMPORTANT : I DO NOT accept friend invites from people with private profiles and/or unfamiliar names. Please don't friend me if you just want to buy or trade items. Thank you! (full profile under view more)

Now that that's out of the way, hey there! My name's Tikara, but feel free to call me Tika, Tik, "hey you with the purple cat thing in your icon" or whatever will get my attention.

I like drawing, playing videogames, and drawing things from videogames! Some of my favorite games include:
💛Rhythm Heaven💙
:peeperfish: Subnautica + Below Zero (Official Playtester!) :arcticpeeper:
:smile: The Binding of Isaac (all games/DLCs) :reheart:
VRChat | Psychonauts (all games) :Raz:
Just Shapes & Beats | Rhythm Doctor
Wobbledogs | Powerwash Simulator :pwspro:
Super Meat Boy :happymeat: | Brütal Legend :Doviculus:
Battleblock Theater :bbtcat: | Lethal League :latch:
Crypt of the Necrodancer :necroheart:
Webfishing | Octodad: Dadliest Catch :octodad:
Wandersong | Chicory: A Colorful Tale
Spyro the Dragon (Original/Reignited Trilogy)
Undertale :tobdog: | Pokémon
Minecraft | Terraria | Starbound
Don't Starve | OFF | Yume Nikki
SCP: Containment Breach | Silent Hill 1-4 (SH3 is my favorite of the series)
... and several others I can't think of at the time. I'm a pretty big fan of indie games if you couldn't tell!

I'm the one that did the artwork seen on the Binding of Isaac and the Binding of Isaac Rebirth Trading Cards here on Steam! I'll sporadically upload some of my Steam game related art here. If you want to see more of my work, then check out my art over on my Twitter or on my Tumblr [tikara.tumblr.com]!

I don't use many chat clients these days; when not using the Steam client (which is rare for me to use anyway since I'm usually listed as Invisible), I mainly chat using Discord. Otherwise I can be contacted through Twitter and Tumblr. [tikara.tumblr.com]

I think that's all I have to say here. If you have any questions, feel free to message me here on Steam, or contact me through Twitter or Tumblr as I'm more active there. Thanks for reading!

:bbtgem: ~Tikara :spacecat:
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In Chat
meaty 30 Jan, 2024 @ 9:14am 
BlizzBlu 13 Sep, 2023 @ 11:18am 
hello purple space cat 💜
endangered mother 3 fan 17 Oct, 2022 @ 9:44am 
fellow fingered fan
Akfamilyhome 8 Oct, 2022 @ 3:15am 
mooooom there's a weird lookin cat outside
FareyDonch501 7 Oct, 2022 @ 5:44am 
Look at this cool purple Mew friend ;w;
KornyeaBroth 23 Jun, 2022 @ 4:04pm 
I am here for some reason, hello