For anyone confused, I am NOT in any way affiliated with the Lethal Company Developers. Neither do I have any involvement in creating official lore or canon of the game. This is just some... Weird wacky-ass thing I decided to put together since I enjoy playing the game.

With that out of the way, Captains, my <Employee Resume> can be reviewed under the <Contract Agreement>. Thank you for having me on your crew.

Hidden Text Logs: 3

Profile Picture Credits:
Zeekerss and his team - For creating Lethal Company & for the Scavenger Model
Dotflare - For Scavenger Model
Bini - For Scavenger Model


Do not read this next section aloud. The following information is confidential and can only be reviewed by Captains. After reviewing this, please evaluate the resume below to see if this individual is fit to serve on your crew.

To briefly summarize, if your crew fails to meet quota, you forfeit TCHNCN-David from ever serving on your crew again. The full contract agreement can be reviewed below.

By accepting TCHNCN-David into your crew (with or without acknowledgement of this contract), failure to meet profit quota will result in this crew member's permanent termination from your crew upon the disciplinary process. Following this, any and all contact you and your crew had with TCHNCN-David will be discontinued.

If you dismiss your crew for the day, the Company will deem this as a failure to meet both quota and productivity standards, resulting in TCHNCN-David's permanent removal from your crew.

While dismissing your crew in order to receive replacement crew members is allowed, regrouping your previous crew under a new vessel as opposed to the one TCHNCN-David was serving on violates the contract agreement and will result in this crew member's swift termination from your crew.

Any crew members that attempt to exploit this contract by assuming the role of Captain with the intent to regain contact with TCHNCN-David is strictly prohibited and will result in TCHNCN-David's immediate relocation to another crew.

If the crew is dismissed prior to the disciplinary process (applicable when there are 0 days left to meet the profit quota) with the intent of preventing termination from occurring, TCHNCN-David will still be relocated to another crew, along with any and all communication being discontinued.

If the crew is caught with illegitimate scrap OR illegitimate methods of collecting scrap, whether to intentionally exploit the Contract Agreement or not, TCHNCN-David will be immediately terminated from the crew.

If TCHNCN-David believes he has a justifiable reason to leave the crew at his own discretion, he may choose to voluntarily terminate himself from the crew.

Once again, this information is strictly confidential and should not be relayed to any of your crew members in any way, shape or form. Proceed with this information at your own judgement.

This Contract Agreement has been distributed by the Company.
Artwork Showcase
Jetpack Testing Initiative Poster


Legal Desgination: David Dudley
Preferred Designation: "Dave" or "Davey"
Sex: Male
Eye Colour: Amber
Height: 5'8"


◘ Has proudly served under the Company for 950+ Service Hours (Updated 12/30/24).
◘ Has volunteered for the Jetpack Testing Initiative (JTI).
○ This means TCHNCN-David has skilled Jetpack experience.
◘ Has previously had an apprenticeship as a technician.


◘ Communicates well with crew members.
◘ Is experienced in dispatching certain entities.
◘ Possesses skilled and efficient Jetpack experience.
○ With the Jetpack, TCHNCN-David can haul single-handed scrap back to the ship, allowing the crew to focus on two-handed scrap.


◘ Experiences mild to severe hallucinations (auditorial and visual).
◘ Is suggested to not go into facilities alone due to hallucinations.
○ This is only a suggestion, as TCHNCN-David is capable of holding his own if need be.
◘ Has misused the Company-issued Jetpack to scale the Company building numerous times.


Favorite Animal: Fox
Role in a Team Dynamic: Technician
Favorite Song: "We'll Meet Again" - Vera Lynn
idiot 14 Jun, 2024 @ 1:23am 
introvert friendly 10/10
ElysiumKing 30 Apr, 2024 @ 3:39am 
amazing crew mate couldn't ask for a better companion. a great asset to the company and an amazing friend.
GrippiSock 11 Jan, 2024 @ 6:42pm 
+ rep, greeeeaaaat asset
bakedtatoemash 23 Dec, 2023 @ 5:12pm 
NOID 23 Dec, 2023 @ 5:11pm 
i wouldn't say valuable, but a great asset
bakedtatoemash 23 Dec, 2023 @ 2:55pm 
Are you a valuable asset to the Company?