4 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.1 hrs last two weeks / 3.5 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 2 Oct, 2016 @ 3:38am

I absolutely loved Far Cry 3 and having heard nothing but praises from everyone about blood dragon i decided to go ahead and buy it.Thing is wheather you will like blood dragon or not is solely depending upon on how much you are willing to overlook things.My biggest problem with BD is that it uses all the same mechanics from FC3 which is really annoying since it causes a disconnect,FC3 was pseudo realistic fps and encouraged realism but BD is the exact opposite.I also felt weird playing the game coz it essentially is reskinned version of FC3 although some of you may not have an issue with that.

The asthetics were very appealing as everything is neon filled from the enimes to the dragons to the buildings everything lit in neon colors.The comedy especially some of the dialouges are really hilarious.The outlandish over the top settings with robots,dinasours is really refreshing.The length is pretty short can be completed in 2-3 hours and if trying to get 100% can be done in 5-6 hours, this might be a turnoff for some people but i absolutely love short games as time is an issue as we get older.

Overall i have pretty mixed feelings for FC3 BD, i gave it a negative because of the huge disconnect between the game mechanics with the gameplay for example the hostage resuce missions are really a pain in the arse coz you have to be stealthy but its not enjoyable at all becuse of the way the mission is setup its nearly impossible to be not detected not to mention the fact you are encouraged throughout the game to blast your way though.I'd say if you want to pick it up do so when its discounted or maybe skip FC3 is a far superior game in every single way grab that if you dont already owe it.
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