PRO_LAP_SE1337 (PSN/XBOX)   Perth, Western Australia, Australia
spoidah m8
my internet sucks
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Ayyyy, finally Global Elite, took too long.
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Desync'd hitboxes. When I complain about hitreg, this is what is happening. I need to aim at hitboxes I can't see.
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I get killed by people not even visible on the screen.
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I watch cheating youtubers and learned how to play against them.

If you want some tips for how to play against cheaters read this:

* Aimbots are not magic, cheaters need to stop to be accurate, just like the rest of us. Don't be scared of cheaters, learn how to hold good angles against them and try not to die early in the round, or at least do 50 damage to them.

* If you suspect somebody is using walls and they are holding angles against you, jiggle peek next to a wall, make sure you don't go too far out and reveal your position. Change up your style, pretend to crouch peek or jump peek and look at the replays afterwards to see if they adjust their crosshair before you're visible.

* If you're holding an angle, don't stop moving, slowly go back-and-forth, side-to-side, if a cheater is only using walls it'll be harder for them to hit you.

* Learn angle geometry (further away from an angle you are, the more time you have to react to someone peeking you).

* USE YOUR RADAR. Figure out where the cheaters are, and try to guess where they will go. Either set up ambushes with your team, or avoid them, MAKE CALLS FOR YOUR TEAM so they know where the cheater is too, keeping your team alive is the key to beating cheaters.

* If you want to fight the cheater but don't want to peek them directly, try to use damaging utility (HE or molly) on them, but be careful when using utility: Don't forget they can see you through walls. Don't throw nades in the open unless you're 100% certain from the timing that they can't peek you yet.

* Watch youtubers like noobdog and bhop and learn how far wallhacks can see people through walls on different maps and angles. You can avoid being seen by wallhacks if you learn the limitations it has.

* Cheaters LOVE peeking people with grenades in their hands, or if they switch weapons, or if they reload, or if you're holding an angle and start moving forward or backwards (they know you can't counter-strafe as fast), and if you're an AWPer, they'll try to catch you after you unscope or look away. YOU CAN USE THIS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. If you think they are near you and watching you through a wall, fake them out. Simply pretend to do any of these common things that make you lose accuracy or unable to shoot back and they'll usually come rushing out.

* Don't be predictable, VAC is terrible, so you need to try get them overwatch banned by revealing that they know too much. Don't hold the same angles and do the same things, if a cheater can see you through walls, they'll play the situation perfectly no matter what. If they are smart cheaters, they'll try and fake out overwatch by pretending to clear corners (which gives you a split second to beat them), or they'll be blatant and give themselves away by adjusting their crosshair positioning behind walls, or not checking the correct things in different rounds.

* Flank cheaters whenever possible. If your teammates are keeping the cheater busy, rush them from behind and try to damage them from all angles at the same time, they can't kill you all unless they rage-toggle.

* Don't miss when you have an opportunity to kill them (duh).

* Cheaters are impatient. They'll usually push you because they think their stupid little computer program will play the game for them. If you play against a patient cheater, and you know they are watching you through a wall, waiting for you, try to move back and rotate somewhere else. REMINDER: They will notice you running away through the wall. Always watch the angle you think they are hiding at.

* Back track cheats are difficult to deal with, but not impossible, you need to adjust the way you peek. Don't jiggle peek too quickly, and don't peek uselessly, only peek with a purpose, you need to be ready to shoot EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. you peek. ONLY PEEK WHEN YOU'RE READY TO FIGHT.

* Hold angles they can't wallbang you through, or off-angles that will look suspicious on overwatch if they check it first.

* Don't rely on smokes too much, they can see you through them. If they are trying to be legit, use them to get past common angles and either try to bait out overwatch bans by them knowing too much, or sneaking places (cheaters almost never call for their teammates, they'd rather let their team die than reveal their cheats), don't stand in smokes and wait for it to fade, unless you're 100% certain where they'll be peeking from.

* If they are rage hacking, please don't use smokes, unless you're sure that the cheater is on the other side of the map.

Last one:

* If you think you know where the cheaters are, and know they are watching you through walls, try and play as if you know with 100% certainty where they are too. Prefire angles you think they are holding. This is very effective at beating cheaters or doing a lot of damage.
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PRO_LAPSE - Public Group
A group of pro gamers who are so good that we run laps around people.
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Hydrolent 18 Oct, 2024 @ 4:40pm 
Nice viewmodel
lls 19 Dec, 2023 @ 3:50pm 
not a bad bloke either :ss13brain:
lls 19 Dec, 2023 @ 3:49pm 
best skins on this side of the equator
Spoidah 25 May, 2023 @ 11:01pm 
Tescobar the clown 🤡
Plays with cheaters and gets super mad when people don't think he's good
tescobar 25 May, 2023 @ 6:05pm 
"stop crying and accept that you're not as good as you think you are." applies more to yourself mate, i don't cry cheats whenever i lose :-)

that's all from me!
11.11.11 2 Apr, 2022 @ 2:13am 
Saw your posts history on reddit regarding your ongoing power / clock drift issues. Sent a friend invite in the hopes that we might be able to compare notes.