16 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
22.1 hrs last two weeks / 2,326.9 hrs on record (128.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 30 Mar, 2021 @ 9:24am

Early Access Review
The VRChat application itself is a simple and yet frustratingly under-developed product. Despite the project's popularity, it appears that VRC has not devoted nearly a proportional amount of time and resources to improving the experience or building a better, more usable product.

What's more, and what's far, far worse, is how VRC treats the vibrant community of modders and third-party developers who have popped up to build a better experience where VRC themselves were unable or unwilling to. They've not only taken a "zero-tolerance" approach to those mods being anywhere near their application--even though a vast majority of them exist to fix problems for their users and not to cause problems for other users--but they've gone above and beyond in punishing these developers, banning them from the VRC application as leverage to try to get them to remove their public, free and open-source GitHub repositories, even though the software they've written is often applicable to any Unity application, not just VRC, and absolutely none of VRC's intellectual property is used or abused in those repositories.

If the team at VRChat devoted even a fraction of the energy they use destroying their own modder and developer community to building a better application themselves, then "VRChat Plus" would be an easy sell and we'd spend all day in their worlds without a complaint in the world. Instead, they've made adversaries of their own biggest fans, and no company that operates like this should ever be rewarded with your business.
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