Kaneki's #1 dihrider
Fukuchiyama, Kyoto, Japan
кто лучше? энгри симпл димпл нерд или ностальгирующий попытик???
Artwork Showcase
tapochkin 1 Mar @ 7:08pm 
спасибо бро или систер, ты прекрасен, силён, умён, хорош, я бы тебе еду разогрел, локоть бы почесал, обнял, приподнял и ещё чото не помню
plaq 26 Feb @ 1:39pm 
man what
Pellius 1 Jan @ 2:16pm 
Pellius 1 Jan @ 2:07pm 
In the grand tapestry of emotions, the love I hold for you is nothing short of an extraordinary symphony—a symphony so rich, so profound, that each note resonates deeply within my soul. It is a feeling that transcends the ordinary, an affection so lavish and boundless, it seems almost too exquisite for mere words to encapsulate. My heart beats with a rhythm that echoes your name, and I find myself longing for the day our paths converge. How I yearn for the moment when our worlds meet, when the beauty of this connection is no longer just a dream, but a reality. In that meeting, I shall find not just the fulfillment of my desires, but a profound sense of grace and belonging, as though the universe itself has conspired to bring us together. Until that moment, my affection for you remains an unspoken masterpiece, waiting to be shared, treasured, and experienced in the most unforgettable of ways
Tami !! 20 Dec, 2024 @ 5:20am 
Nelefant 16 Nov, 2024 @ 4:17pm 
+rep ist schon etwas verwirrt, liegt aber glaube ich am alter