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15 people found this review helpful
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134.7 hrs on record (102.2 hrs at review time)
Just give us Zero with the same mechanic, I will support this franchise until the world ends.

This is a dying wish from a noob master in China. Holy Grail, grants my wish
Posted 12 October, 2023.
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7 people found this review helpful
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0.5 hrs on record
Extremely bad game due to no controller support. I believe this game wouldn't be this clunky which made me wanting a 3rd arm if it had a proper controller support. Who would play a game using K&M in 2023 apart from some certain genre like RTS??

About the game itself, despite the game's saying the vampire mistress is attracted by sound, however whether you couch, walk or run makes 0 difference. It's a one-off deal, if you got spotted, you're dead. If the thing were just this simple, but no. It is very hard to tell which direction she comes from judging by the sound of her footsteps. Remember, you can't be spotted or everything's too late.

Have zero idea about how this game's mechanics work even in the very early stage of the game which made me have no choice but to give it a thumb down. Devs, you'd better fix the game with major controller support and the existence of check points otherwise I don't see there's a way I'd recommend this game to anyone. It's not about price.
Posted 27 September, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
Ada put 00 agents to shame in this blockbuster DLC. It’s really good, you gotta play it yourself.

Capcom’s on fire these years.
Posted 22 September, 2023.
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42.4 hrs on record


其次:游戏的故事主体并不差,看到了作者结合当下中国社会的一些实事热点现象并将其巧妙的融入进魔女这个奇幻题材的奇思妙想里,是件有趣的事。如果这是一个像coffee talk这样悠闲的纯VN游戏,给个好评实属名之实归,我不会犹豫。



第二,第一点引申出了游戏最大的问题:游戏里不少重要关卡只有“唯一解”(我所有舞台的关卡除塞缪尔最后一关由于时间不够没打外都挑战完了),不使用特定卡组,特定套路就没有办法获胜。这在前期表现不明显,但是到了后期就特别明显。举例:游戏的第三个boss难度较之前,一下子上升好几个梯度,我卡了很久才打过。事后想想,应该是我没有理解到这个舞台的“唯一正解”。而一个优秀的策略游戏,不是让玩家去揣测制作者的解谜思路,而是玩家通过自己的思路,去破解制作者设计的谜题。这里我说个题外话。我推荐关卡设计师们可以去玩玩跟你们差不多时间出的一个游戏叫shadow gambit。也许你们会说这是即时策略游戏,跟我塔防游戏有什么关联。然而,优秀的策略游戏不管是什么类型,有一个共同点:设计者能提供玩家用无数种不同的思路去化解其设计的关卡,绝不会因为没想到某一种解法就卡关。而那个游戏,正是这个道理最完美的例证。在核心玩法上,很遗憾,AFFOGATO是不成功的。



Posted 7 September, 2023. Last edited 7 September, 2023.
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A developer has responded on 14 Sep, 2023 @ 1:44am (view response)
25 people found this review helpful
272.0 hrs on record (179.1 hrs at review time)


2.我不反对时间回溯这样的功能,我也认同游戏开场以这样的方式拉开帷幕很震撼人心,但是……反反复复在游戏里出现许多回,那就不是那么有趣的事情了。一方面,滥用这个概念,最后新颖的感觉消失殆尽,留下的只是令人厌烦、反复出现的“dead end”。另一方面,从玩家体验角度上讲,在没有误操作的情况下,总是在剧情里“死死死”,也不是什么很有乐趣的事情。

3.英雄传说系列一直以来的老毛病:不怕没有内容,就怕体量控制不住,冲过来像海啸一样让玩家躲闪不及。平心而论,黎之轨迹1代可用角色达到8个,已经跟闪轨系列VII班阵容基本持平,养成方面属于非常肝但是勉强能应付的状况。到了本代,直接增幅到15个可用角色……虽然我理解官方的初衷大概是希望玩家能够玩到更多的角色,顺便给系列的核心女性角色再来一波广告,如艾蕾因,静名,塞莉丝,蕾恩,这些一代没有机会游玩的角色。可是,这肝度已经堪比那些大型养成手游。一方面游戏时长大幅增加,但是全花在了打怪刷晶石材料,刷钱,购买装备上,却不是剧情或者分支任务上。时间久了,说实话非常无趣和疲劳。徒增游戏时长而已。另一方面又要说了,如果我喜欢这种养成手游的模式,大概率也不会出现在这里了。个人认为:单机游戏的体量一定要适度,要懂得控制,不要什么东西都往里塞。流程长≠优秀。精简内容,适当呈现,一直以来是这个系列没有掌握到的设计精髓。传说系列就像一个很talkative的人, 你不怕它跟你没话聊,就怕它一开口就收不住,说的你耳朵巨疼,这作依然如此。




Posted 28 February, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
110.0 hrs on record (66.3 hrs at review time)
I don't know what ♥♥♥♥ the developers did with the new patch, to me, nothing improved, but they broke the game by several ways:

1. now the game will frequently crash at random spots, mainly happens at the fast traveling while loading maps. which NEVER happened even once for me when the game was launched.

2, Merlin trials: when doing jump trials, the FPS drops like crazy that made I often missed my step because of the serious lags.

3, Now I can' t even progress the main story because on ROOKWOOD's trial, on the second puzzle before the fight, I can't move the pillar which blocking my way because the pressure pad does not working, which is a game-breaking bug.

I have games pilling up on my end, I have ZARO extra time to wait a fix unless they do it like right now. By the time they have another patch, I've already moved to another game, won't come back again.

Not recommended, mysterious confusing changes I've never seen from a developer
Posted 13 February, 2023. Last edited 15 March, 2023.
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50 people found this review helpful
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131.8 hrs on record (118.3 hrs at review time)
Possibly the best One Piece RPG you meet once in your life time.

In this game, developer has nailed everything you could anticipate from one of the legendary JP animes in its history, while twisted a brand new story that fit the world of One Piece so perfectly. This game’s the real sight who has opened the curtain of gaming 2023, not SE’s Forspoken disaster.
Before I start the review, I’d like to take a few lines thanking the community who had helped me successfully decide pre-ordering the game when I had doubts about it, otherwise I would have missed this master piece by my faulty assumption. Thank you very much.

Just like it’s anime, One Piece’s story will never disappoint you, this game’s the same. It combines real emotional moments from the anime with the story acting on its own. The purpose is clear: to help someone who never watched any anime of One Piece would still be able to know what have happened ‘in the past’ in order to enjoy the story as much as possible. For the fans, to review these memorable moments from the anime in the game, is a special treat. Not only have they opened sentimental feelings you had with the anime once more, but also gave you a new path towards ‘salvation’ which probably many of you wanted so badly when there was nothing you could do in its original ’place’, myself included. This is the furthest I can say about the story part, play the game to find all the secrets and eastern eggs within the game!

Who said turn based combat can’t be fun? It’s glad to see the tradition of JRPG returns when the video game industry today totally shifted into ARPG a bit too much. Not only a fresh wind it is in the gap of mountains of ARPGs to me, but also it designed so well that leveling up don’t feel like grinding at all. Plus, not all the games need to be as hard as Dark Souls or Elder Rings to enjoy, OPO shows another route to enjoy the gameplay at its fullest by simply let you be ‘ invincible’ without cheating.

+Semi-Open World
Despite it isn’t completely a JRPG with open world, there are still plenty of things you can do in the game: Tons of side quests, collectables; cooking dishes; party to gain buffs before battles; make combat equipment...you can be pretty busy in the game depending on how you like to play the story out.

All from the original anime, wanted to emerge yourself in the world of the One Piece pirates one more time? They surely heard ya.

-Side Quests
The issue with side quests mainly in the game is, after you accepted the missions, the mark of the NPCs who assigned the quests on your map will be vanished. You gotta have a real good memories about where they were located or only take a few in case you forgot whom was whom, and where were each one of them. Developers could have simply marked the quest- taken NPC with a grey symbol like any other open-world RPGs, then we would have less hard time to find the quests-givener while trying to do multiple missions at the same time. Also, another issue with side quests is: objective aren’t marked on your map, you will be given a rough idea about where to go by NPC lines or description, and...some of them could be pretty difficult to find at times. Either gives more hints when players couldn’t find the objectives for a long time, or mark them on the map, in my opinion would be a better design choice. It won’t destroy the fun to finish them, really. The legends of Heroes franchise marked all quests and exactly where I needed to go, I never got bored or thought they were too easy to complete :)

Again, for a completist(because I can’t love this game more) like me, it’s a nightmare to find out I’ve missed some of collectables after the journey’s end, when none of the ones I’ve collected are marked on my map. So there was no way to know which one I missed and where it could possibly be, all I could do becoming either running all maps all over again in hope of finding the missable ones I’ve left out which takes seriously time and effort or I had no choice but to look at a guide for help(facepalm). It could be much better if the map didn’t regenerate the empty jars, only left the ones I didn’t notice on my first walkthrough, or simply marked collectables’ location that I have gotten on my map, then I know where I need to search and where I don’t.

Few Cons, nothing related to the main story couldn’t possible ruin the bright sides of this game, and One Piece Odyssey has passed far from the bottom line of merely satisfaction. On the contrary, it’s easily one of my favorite games of all time, and it also becomes the first game I decided completing with 100% in 2023 to pay the respect that Bandai’s team had done a great job to craft this new pirates’ world, charming and unique for whom keeps calling me coming back once for more.

P.S if this game would have a sequel, I will be glad to support it regardless. I love Adio, he’s my favorite character, his past is like what a grown man could have faced, and he had my sympathy
Posted 27 January, 2023. Last edited 31 January, 2023.
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1.7 hrs on record
If the entire game industry were a mega sized ceiling, then the big titles were the large pillars there to hold it firmly. Usually because the sizes of these pillars were so massive, few cracks on the surface, we’d let it slide, because unlikely, cracks would result pillars to crumble. However, the cracks on Forspoken are largely enough not to ignore. When I brought this game, I was fully aware I will be a beta tester for the community, that wasn’t the problem, as long as the quality of the product I’ve received were guaranteed. SE, when you charge people buying a game for a price no one else dares to set before within the industry, you better be as good as an alien technology could do. Or you will see this coming naturally.

I didn’t play this game for long, not only because it didn’t make out alive for the 2 hours expectation test, but also I don’t want missing the refund insurance I have when purchased games from Steam. Okay, here’s the dark side of the game I’ve seen for this 101 minutes.

The Character
I still have a hard time to believe a company who’ve created Cecil, Rosa, Kain, Aerith, Cloud, Tifa, Zack, Yuna, Tidus, Rikku, Lightning, Noel, Serah, Prompto, Aranea… countless incredible characters from the past, managed to make a gorgeous actress in real life to be so ugly to look at in a video game. In case people misunderstood me for a ‘racist’, no, I brought Forspoken purely because Ella Balinska(Fray) is in it. I enjoyed her films, television shows and was a fan of her. However, SE literally made me go to her social media and clicked unfollow after the short course with Forspoken. Frankly speaking, Square never had a game so desperately need a mod until this game was out. ‘Someone please…just replace her with a 2B mod that my eyes could stop bleeding for a moment…’ This was what I was constantly thinking in the game. Anyways, video games are unreal, it’s not much different to make a daily street girl go to a magic world or a film star to do the same thing, none of these will happen in real life regardless. The difference is: if Square made a film star venture into Athia, we kept Ella’s stunning looking as Fray, Forspoken would have one less issue to talk about here.

Gameplay Mechanics
Despite I couldn’t go too far off in the game, but the combat honestly in my opinion, seems won’t last being interesting for long. Why? Because all you do is range attack. I started the game with highest difficulty due to I’ve played way too many ARPGs, and experienced too for this genre. On the beginning stage, all Fray’s skill is this magic arrows, all you do is keep your distance and shoot your foes to death. The thing is: when Fray takes damage, you do not block, the cuff reduces the damage taken automatically. And when the difficulty level is hard like I was in, due to boss’s damage is high, keeping the safe distance and shooting it seems the safest strategy to battle. I never doubt that close combat magics will unlock in the later stage, but, there seems still far less to do in this game than a normal ARPG often does, because how the game mechanics were designed. You parkour(dodge), you shoot, when target’s down, close the distance, blast some serious damage, stay away from enemies, then repeat, what else? I could be wrong on this maybe, but from what I’ve played, this isn’t the best Square can do, wanna an example? Recall what you did with FF XV in first 2 hours.

There’s a new genre called Ultimate PC Rig Tester, just in case you’ve never heard of. This game is one of them. A confirmation of friends from PlayStation 5: this game cannot turn all graphic settings on ultra levels without frame rate dropping(when over 60), losing texture details, blurred environment sight while parkouring that any eyes can easily notice. Hopefully Sony learned its lesson, better stop carrying bricks(exclusives) around next time, in case it dropped and hit your own toes. So Forspoken isn’t ‘the one’ for PS5 unfortunately, the marriage is always better with PCs. If you have a high-end PC, the game is an excellent tool to test whether there were any hardware needed a replacement or not. However, even the visual which sounds like the brightest part of Forspoken, has problems: you can’t turn off HDR for unknown reason, which resulting me can’t take a screenshot( not HDR form), otherwise I would compare the scenery in game to other triple A games in this review, to prove the graphic isn’t that good compared to some other similar production value games, although everything has been turning on ultimate level with 4K. E.g the story started in NYC at night, yes? Then, see the night landscape in Sony’s Marvel’s Spider-man, then return to Forspoken again, sorry Square, Forspoken is not really on the same level. The first boss is a dragon yes? What we get here is a very blurred figure of a huge black dragon that we can barely see the detail of the body… Then how about we get back to the fight in God of War, remember that dragon we fought in the mountain? You see every scale of its body which looks so real as if the creature is alive and being motion captured. What is hard to believe, you can almost get two spiddy games or one Spider-man, one God of War equals the price of Forspoken Deluxe Edition like I’ve done here. Why I said Forspoken DE? Because you will miss some content in standard version and still have to buy DLCs later for a completed game, no? No choice but compared the DE which is 90 USD imao

Square’s market strategy is confusing to read. After it have delivered a brilliant game (FFRIVII) last year which restored some faith and trust of me to them. I brought most of SE’s new titles after: some were good, some were not so much, but generally satisfying. I never leave an unhappy review to them. Then, it gives me this half-baked triple A game with the same price. And resulted the trust Square has stored to me has lost again over a night. I don’t know what SE thinks, but if I were FFVIIRI, I would be quite embarrassed for being equaled the same value of Forspoken.

First game-ball match kickoff this year, I kicked a rock instead and hurt my feet. Had to sit on the grass and howl ouch for a while. What a sad story. Get myself up and had to refund.

Despite I’m hurt from Forspoken while still try to write a comedy to make sure you: evade this mine/ amused you after reading my review. More importantly, saved your bank accounts from becoming someone else’s treasures!! Edit: it's good Square finally give you a demo to try this game out, see for yourself if you still believe this game is as good as to pick it up right away. 1 hour gameplay should be more than enough to have a gist of it
Posted 24 January, 2023. Last edited 25 January, 2023.
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32.1 hrs on record (17.6 hrs at review time)
As I have promised my friend MOJI to write a review for SM a while back, so here I am. Despite usually, I don’t write a review for a game if itself is caught between good and bad these days, I’d only make a review either the game’s extremely enjoyable or horrible to play, there’s no between. If the game’s content is too subjective, recommendation would also be hard to evaluate.

To sum up, the mixed reviews on the game’s store page is very accurate. SM has its charms along with some hard to ignore problems.

Good Part
Gorgeous art, not too much to explain
Excellent voice acting, 4 girls, 4 total different personalities, VAs have managed to make them sound real enough
Light humor between girls, if you’re into girls’ himitsu’, those sort of things. The writings is kinda fun.
No bugs, like zero

Bad part
Horrible level design, repetitive like a hell. You often need to speed run a level to reach the highest score once. Then do it agin for objectives like killing certain number of enemies, finding hidden treasues within the level for other gold ratings & achievements. The dumb part is, minions are only continuously summoned around elite creatures or bosses. In order to kill enough enemies, you’re forced not to kill these monsters until you have enough kills. But these bad guys aren’t there for the show, their attack value are high, sounds like a challenge to do? In reality, not as romantic as it sounds. There are 27 levels in the main story, 3 different difficulties across all of them, not to mention 15 bubble pockets levels for characters which are extra stages. So you’re not doing this just a few times, it's a large number. Now you can imagine how tedious the gameplay is.

The level designs are pretty much forced you grinding, in order to farm materials for weapon upgrades while doing these gold ratings. If you have no interest to do so, the later stage’s enemies would be too powerful to beat.

Battle, the control is clunky. The auto lock up an enemy’ has issues. Boss battles are the worst. When there are too many enemies around, the aim of the locker isn’t accurate enough to focus on whom you want to attack, it sometimes switches automatically for whom you facing in front of you. It's pretty useless again mankind bosses, when you're too far away from the boss, you lose focus. If boss does jump attack, you lose focus again. It's horrible.

My advice: if you’re looking for an anime ARPG similar to this game to play, I’d suggest play Scarlet Nexus, Tales of Arise, Samurai Warrior 5 Onee Chanbara Origin or Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars instead, because all of them did way better in terms of an ARPG or H&S genre. Gameplay wise speaking, Samurai Maiden isn’t a good showcase at all here. Unless you’ve done all these 5, and still interested in SM, then considering buying it when the price is right for you. Full price is still too high for the value SM offers from my perspective.
After all, game isn’t an anime or movie, if it’s not fun to play, art style can’t cover all the cost you’ve spent on it, this is the vital problem of this game.

*Some side note I just want to add: I like the concept of anime girls, maybe it’s not my place to say this, but ARPGs or H&S genres might be popular these days, they’re not some kind of fancy genre without flaws. They have two major problems: One, there’re too many in the market these years. Just 2022 alone, I’ve completed 47 games, 30+ were ARPGs, I can pretty much call myself a master of this genre, but even it’s me, after a year’s ‘training’ like this, I get very tired, and prefer to play other genres with the same concept instead of ARPGs if possible. Two, it’s not a genre that easily can be made by anyone or any group. A good one is nothing short of a hard achievement. Despite I am not a professional video game developer, however, from a player’s end, I know what a great ARPG is when I played one. If we talk about japan only, all the real good ones almost all coming from companies who have the traditions and years of history of making them. E.g Bandai Namco, Capcom, Koei Tecmo. It took Square years’ effort transforming from a turn based on rpg maker to an ARPG developer. If you consider Nier Automata not a story-driving game but an ARPG, it would be another problematic unfinished product. FFVIIRI is still considered being a semi-arpg for many occasions. Lately FFVII CCR is good enough as a true ARPG like FF XV have done, but look at how many years Square has been spending on developing this genre alone? If we talk about outside of Japan, why Batman Arkham series are so positively received as an ARPG? Because the combat moves are very accurate, you never miss a hit because the lock system ‘accidentally ‘ locked the wrong target; moves connected to each other flawlessly resulting the entire combo flow can go as long as you like if you don’t make mistake yourself. Why Marvel’s Spider-Man is overwhelming rated? Pretty much for the same reason.

You want a game with anime girls? Nice. In Sengoku era? No problem. But does it have to be an ARPG? From the product we’ve brought and played, the answer is really not so. You know, Yakuza Like a dragon abandoned ARPG tradition, went to a turn based on combat style, it doesn’t stop it becoming a critically claimed title for once more. SM could have be much better game if it were a pure VN. It has gorgeous art, brilliant VAs, interesting story, but not the action part.
Posted 8 January, 2023. Last edited 10 January, 2023.
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87 people found this review helpful
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42.9 hrs on record
Before I write about my own ‘view’ of this game, I’d like to state something very important to you all about this ‘Legacy of Thieves Collection’ first.
As the title describes, the game is a collection, there’re two different ‘projects’ under the same title in the game with different directors directing the stories. One’s called ‘ A Thief’s End’ which is an adventure of seeking legendary pirate’s treasure with Nathan Drake being the protagonist in the story. The other one is called’ The Lost Legacy’ which is based on Indian mythology, the protagonist in this journey is Chole Frazer. Despite ‘the Two’ have some certain casts appearing in both campaigns, the two protagonists: Nathan and Chole will never bump into each other because it’s not the same story with a different time. Moreover, the gameplay also differs, A Thief’s End is a linear campaign with 60% focusing on gunplay, hand-to hand combat, 40% with exploration the environment such as climbing, puzzle solving, item collecting, etc. The Lost Legacy is a mixture of open world and linear(point to point) adventure that giving you a chance to spend more time on exploring the world they’ve crafted with side missions, complex puzzles, collectibles etc. The gunplay and battles in the other hand, are less heavier, less often.

OK, now we’re clear about the different concepts of the campaigns, let’s talk about them with my own insights. I am being completely honest to say, when I did A Thief’s End, I wasn’t planning writing a review for it at all simply I wasn’t impressed. Why? Despite the game delivers stunning visuals, cinematic cut-scenes, they’re triple A standard, no question here. However, A Thief’s End, had a very disappointing story right from the start, ‘Seeking a pirate treasure’(I don’t go to the point beyond this, spoilers free review). Believe me, as a 30+ years old full-grown man, I’ve at least heard & watched & played more than couples of similar stuffs from radio programs to films and video games, though the details could be different, the idea itself isn’t original. It will be quite hard to impress me by this idea I’ve known pretty too well. I had my gut feeling at the start and it failed as I guessed. What’s worse? Compare to Chole Frazer, Nathan was pretty boring to me ( sorry boys) for the most of time. If this wasn’t enough, in his story, certain characters’ certain decisions and actions they’ve done, I found it’s difficult to acknowledge. Can’t go with the detail, in short, the story was a big letdown. The gameplay is linear, it wasn’t the problem bothering me, the real problem is: the game’s very repetitive aside from sightseeing, all you do is reaching to a place, found a clue, fighting some enemies in a frequent bases. Once short objective was reached, repeating the process in a different place. I’d only recommend this game (if it were A Thief’s End alone), to players who enjoying sightseeing(a beast rig is a must to achieve this goal), gun-fighting, cinematic visuals. Unfortunately, this is not my definition of a magnificent game should be. In quite the opposite, they can simply design a pixel graphic game with some original creative ideas with a well-written story that could easily win my recommendation, none triple A standard were required. On the contrary, all these eyes candies were bring together with a dull story is like talking to a beautiful woman with a boring soul, I don’t think she will keep my attention on her for long, so it was the same with Nathan’s adventure.

The ultimate fact that alternatively changed my mind to write a recommendation for Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection is Chole Frazier’s story alone: The Lost Legacy. I must say, girls have done an excellent job this time than boys had. 1st, as I mentioned a little above, her campaign is based on Indian mythology with directors’ own visions of creativity. The idea itself is very original, I’ve never heard nor seen a sophisticate story of this in the first place. I’ve searched my memories, in Tomb Raider III, Lara Croft went to Indian jungle, but aside from some fights and minimum sightseeing, nothing deep down to the mythology or Indian culture itself, nothing in comparison. In TR Underworld, Lara went to Thailand, despite sharing some similar landscapes like South-East Asia mountains, jungles, Buddha(Shiva)statues, again, barely scratched anything under the surface of Buddhism or Indian mythology. The Lost Legacy however, have done it terrifically, not only with the excellent storytelling, but also the amazing landscape to travel around. 2nd, compare to Nathan Drake, Chole Frazer is a much more interesting protagonist to play with, I enjoyed her British accent which woke some good memories of my old days, with a sense of her dark humor, characteristic personality, she was nothing short of fun to tag along. Just as she said,’ no one is perfect’, the good and bad thing she had done, made her ‘a real person’ who walked into my heart in her own way. She reminds me of Catherine Zeta Jones’ performance in the film: Entrapment, though the subjects were not the same. When a game somehow managed to establish a link connecting my real life events, I would no longer treat it as if it were someone else’s story, it undoubtedly got my full attention now. 3rd, gameplay-wise speaking, unlike A Thief’s End, The Lost Legacy approached players by a different path: by encouraging players to explore the world with some clever design’s help, the game came together as a whole new world to adventure. For example, by completing some certain side missions which will reward you ‘an easy way’ to find all the missable treasures scattering across the land. While in ATE, all 100+ treasures have no hints, it’s impossible to find them all on your first run unless you have a guide at hand. E.g. Reducing repetitive combat which weren’t much creative room there to work with. Instead, focusing on well-crafted puzzles that take some serious time to study with then solve. These examples showed the development team does seem to take some time experimenting if they were players, what would be fun to do in the game? (When you design some hidden treasures in the game, you don’t want players eventually couldn’t find them, do you?) Little by little, this was what makes the difference in the end. 4th, I could even say, A Lost Legacy has done better than any piece of new Tomb Raider Trilogy had done. It’s a quite difficult compliment to earn. Especially comes from someone who have played TR first, not the other way around due to Sony’s delusion of what exclusives could have brought to them.

But one thing A Thief’s End did better than The Lost Legacy is: it has few crashing issues for the entire long game and none of them are game-breaking. TLL in the other hand, have some serious issues I have to mention here as a fare warning. It crashes to desktop so often, literally in the 2nd half of the game, every water scenarios, it would crash for unknown reason. Some of them are close to game- breaking because they did happen in the same spots multiple times in a row which almost stuck me from progressing the story. This is a red flag no kidding. I have a high-end PC, 4K unlimited FPS with Render Scale set to 180%, I have no idea what kind of advanced setting inside could have caused this, likely, the problem is not on my end. Look, I am not saying crash issues definitely will happen to you too, but just in case, there’s a potential risk here if you ended up purchasing this game right now. Just keep this in mind. Well, it doesn’t affect my purchase decision by now since I have already completed the game, but it will do for my future orders from Sony: e.g I won’t buy The Last of Us Part.1 in advance knowing full well from the same studio, I could experience the same issue which ultimately could break my game if I were not so lucky next time. I surely have no desire to take the risk.
Posted 4 January, 2023.
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