3 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
16.5 hrs last two weeks / 1,415.4 hrs on record (935.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 23 Sep, 2023 @ 8:34am
Updated: 19 May, 2024 @ 10:13pm

**UPDATE** Mortain, the map where there is a 2m wide gap in a hedge that you cannot walk through but you can get shot through. Genius.
Literally the worst gun mounting system in a game ever made in the history of gaming. I'm convinced now that the devs don't even play their own game and literally don't give 2 ♥♥♥♥♥ about their player base. They appear to give 0 ♥♥♥♥♥ that servers are constantly DDoS'd. Meanwhile they've rehashed more night maps than I've had hot dinners.


I should have known when the new Devs released an update of which contained a game breaking bug; instead of instantly rolling it back they chose not fix it for a month, that this game was as good as on the path to death.

T17 received a lot of negativity once the community finally had a guts full of their incompetence and lack of respect towards the game and the player base. Then upon apparent inner reflection from the Dev team it appeared they were back on the path to redemption.

I myself was led to be deceived so easily because even though riddled with bugs, broken beyond belief, poorly optimised in terms of stuttering, freezes and terrible frame rates, constant voip issues, janky movement (I am a trained soldier, not a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ toddler, i should not be getting stuck on twigs), hit registration issues, but to name a few problems; I always managed to see a silver lining and find enjoyment in the game.

I have a 49" UW monitor running HLL at 3840x1080 at 120fov.
Some would cry; cheater!, you have an advantage with all that extra width!
It's true, It may seem i don't need to turn my mouse as much if I am just looking for the enemy, but I also am not looking at all parts of the monitor at the same time.
I've looked at my recordings where people have been in plain sight on one side of the monitor shooting me but I'm so engrossed with fighting what is in the middle of the screen I can't see it at all.
The advantage, I think is almost offset by the disadvantage in terms of monitor height compared to smaller sized but taller monitors; the game actually crops the top and bottom of the view because of this.
This is the price you pay though for a wider more picturesque experience, and I'm fine with it. I use this monitor for many other things.

Upon reading upcoming patch notes that the devs were going to 'fix ultrawide' I felt a foul lump in my throat.
At this point I am so high on a prescription of copium and 10 deep in deception that I ignore the lump and think nothing more of this fix.

Loading into the game post patch; I can almost see the back of my head the world is so wide and everything in it so small.
Dropping the fov to 90 which completely ruins my sensitivity does next to nothing.
Trying many different options, including lowering resolution does almost nothing.
I play a war I am committed to thinking maybe i can just get used to it. I realise very quickly that is not going to happen. I finish the war, alt f4 then uninstall the game in disgust.

The devs have decided to match the vertical height of an UW monitor to that of a smaller but naturally taller monitor which at times can be 1.5x the height of said UW. It seems they have pushed the camera a mile into the back of my characters head that I've essentially been self lobotomised. You can not see past your own nose the world is so small.


The fact that there is outrage from the community, that feedback was submitted and apparently ignored from the PTE, and that this was not an instant roll back is the last straw for me.
If they revert this change I may come back, but this review will stay until I can see they have regained a decent amount of competency.
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