253 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 7.7 hrs on record (6.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 14 Feb @ 6:16pm
Product received for free

This is almost certainly one of the best demos I've played in a long time. This game is good , like good for a full game good. I've gotten about seven~ish hours out of it, and that's probably where I'll leave it for the most part. As far as I can tell, the content available is four seeds, a bunch of strains, about a dozen and a half customers, two dealers, two homes, several equipment upgrades, and a skateboard with a handful of better versions to work towards. . There's a lot here for a demo, and if the full game is as good as the demo is...well, there will be a new standard for 'drug dealer simulation game' for sure. Not to mention a unique and refreshing art style, good sound design, fun minigames, and actually pretty decent humor that feels modern, drug-adjacent, and meme-esque without being cringe. It feels like a game developed by someone with a lot of heart and passion, and I hope he can see that passion through to a full release.

Oh, and the DEMO is being UPDATED. With content.
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