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El-Matin 7 Feb @ 12:40am 
hey bro i hope you accept my friend request...I have an idea for a mod that perhaps we could discuss about :)
Vladimiг5 29 Feb, 2024 @ 8:26am 
Спасибо. Продолжай творить.
RedDragon0908 31 Dec, 2023 @ 12:06am 
2023 is coming slowly to an end and boy what a year it was...

In terms of modding I launched my Estalia mod, which has gone through the roof, started working on a Tilea overhaul, made further improvements for my high elven characters and helped so many of my German mod colleagues with their projects.

I thank everyone who is playing with my mods or leaving his/ hers/ it's constructive feedback or any nice words in the comments!
Also my thank goes to everyone who helped me with my mods in any ways!

I wish everyone a happy new year and only the best for 2024!
Mathusala0TTV 7 Apr, 2023 @ 10:59pm 
You've got an older copy of the book linked so im assuming you're working off that. I can provide you an up to date link on the google drive pdf of the last update I did prior to AoS (when I ceased work). A difference of about 20 pages of material (Including additional characters, units, so on).

To make some comments on art direction (namely the Prussian Eagle feels at odds with warhammer), overall I think the units look stellar (Flying Brothers look exactly how I did up my models with head swaps, as do the chicken riders). Would love to see Darak with his great-axe.

To ask about some of the creative choices/suggest some improvements on the design, Darak-kals split good/evil path is intriguing as he was absolutely meant to be a bad guy, it feels weird you can go back and forth on each selection rather than locking in one path.

Wanted to describe how surreal it was to find out someone had modded the book, faithfully at that. It was really weird to see my own characters in game
RedDragon0908 7 Apr, 2023 @ 10:38pm 
OK, depending on what you want to chat about you can start writing and I will reply later on. (technically I'm at PC over the day but more in a passive way)
Mathusala0TTV 7 Apr, 2023 @ 10:33pm 
Hey, Im Matt Carmack (Author of the Order of Solland Book), if you get time, would love to chat