United States
Do not send me a friend request without commenting why.

:demoneye: I am the local cryptid who makes and enjoys art (traditional, digital, pixel), music, and literature. I also play a metric button of games and am not very good at keeping track of... anything, ever.

:argus: Also I don't go outside. I should because that's good for your health, but I don't.

:demoneye: No, I don't want to be in your raffle group. Please leave me alone.

I am also on these Places Sometimes!

Soundcloud! []
Twitch! []
Currently Offline
Quotes! Lots of Them.
Keep in mind that I won't provide the sources to these quotes should any of them be particularly embarrassing.
All you need to know is that someone said them and you have no context as to why.

:argus: "The futuristic lollipop of Communism! "

:demoneye: "I don't care if it's sexual harassment, PUNCH 'EM IN THE BOOB."

:argus: "...'Greek Life Retreat Cancelled after Banana Peel found in Tree'."

:argus: "green wizzy wazzy"

:argus: "This ant willingly mutilated herself for some pasta. What a champ."

:demoneye: "Like, my eyes are ejaculating f:demoneye::argus::argus::demoneye:ing mayonnaise."

:argus: "On a scale of brick to air, how subtle am I?"
- :demoneye: "The Great Pyramid of Giza.

- :demoneye: "Breats."
- - :argus: "Badoinkadoinks!"
- - - :demoneye: "Bazoozoos!!"
- - - - :argus: "Bazoombas!"
- - - - - :demoneye: "casual bongos"

:argus:"♥♥♥ ♥♥♥."
-:demoneye:"♥♥♥ ♥♥♥!"

:argus: "Who woulda thought? Add more nut to your nut and you have a nuttier nut."
- :demoneye: "... You nut what you eat?"

:argus: "Are you sure this is safe?"

:demoneye: "gay"
:argus: :okhand:
:demoneye: "Aw hell yeah, I can do anything."
:argus: " I AM GOD. "

:demoneye: "F:demoneye::demoneye::argus::argus:ING GIANT :demoneye:SS CRAB DEMON AND HIS BIG BUG F:argus::demoneye::argus::demoneye: BRIGADE."

:argus: "I can't draw females in my comics-- too curvaceous."

:demoneye: "NEW SUPER MARIO BROS. - We've Made a Mistake"

:argus: "It has jaggies."
- :demoneye: "that's because it's a sketch I need help making an actual outline out of it you burger"

:argus: *Playing Fistful of Frags*
- :demoneye:"God I missed the r there for a moment and about had a panic attack"
Skulgan 18 Jul, 2023 @ 7:37pm 
To whoever went as XoX in PAYDAY 2: I am sorry I could not rejoin your Brooklyn 10-10 achievement grind game. I tried to, but the game wouldn't let me because PAYDAY 2's matchmaking system is absolutely top tier.
Muskett 27 Apr, 2023 @ 5:25pm 
Skulgan 23 Feb, 2023 @ 4:37pm 
Thanks Wodanaz :-)
Wodanaz 23 Feb, 2023 @ 8:44am 
You left a nice comment on my profile after I had been off of steam for a long time, and So i shall leave a nice comment upon your profile as well, for you were nice to play with in casual and MVM settings in the Valve 2007 hit Team Fortress 2
Sküll Lad45 15 Nov, 2022 @ 8:09am 
Hello just passing by :eli:
TheHorseFly 22 Oct, 2022 @ 8:49am 
pipe bombs are pretty cool