Deadhands Dan
Dan   Atlanta, Georgia, United States
I'm Deadhands Dan. I'm the team lead at Forward Instinct, creators of Keepsake County & Midnight Ultra!
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Workshop Showcase
Keep your neck in the shade. New Mexico doesn't get THAT cold in the winter. -3 LODs -Fully Paintable -Team Colored Modeled and textured by Problem, SFM promo by Bloodfart.
1,494 ratings
Status - Pending, Created by - Deadhands Dan and Udesh Vijay of Sirbi Sports
tens 31 Dec, 2019 @ 10:56pm 
Thank you for helping people become better at engineer. Happy new year!
Underqualified Gunman 3 Feb, 2018 @ 9:42pm 
thanks for helping me learn the in and outs of engies way back in 2014/2013
Conagher 11 Mar, 2017 @ 7:59pm 
Ladies and Gent's, can the Tf2 community have a collective moment of silence in memory of this guy's tf2 career and contributions? This great engineer has done so much for the community as a whole, he deserves any praise you can throw at him. From the bottom of the hcommunity heart, thank you, Problem-senpai/sensei
Andyrew 16 Aug, 2016 @ 7:48am 
You helped me so much to become a great engineer your awesome!
dis side 6 Mar, 2016 @ 2:03pm 
THERE IS GOO IN THE SACK!! 30 Nov, 2015 @ 8:07am 
Your group shouldn't die. You gave a magnificent video that extremely assisted me. As much as your discussion of how the video was much too general because of the stress of compiling it into one video can be a hassle, you gave a generalization of possibly the most all-round and versatile class in the game. The class is as naturally generalized in combat, support, and defense as you have talked about it.

I'd like to help make videos. I know how to edit and I do photoshopping using just a paint tool and a Movie Maker. Here's my YouTube channel

If you'd like to contact me and plan something, I have a lot of time on my hands. Don't leave me with any long-term editing, but I can do MSpaint-photoshopping long-term. :tradingcard: