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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 177.8 hrs on record (94.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 12 Aug, 2016 @ 3:59pm
Updated: 26 Jul, 2018 @ 11:26am

The game has drastically changed since launch, and for the better. The game runs fine if you have decent hardware. I get between 30-60 with vsync enabled and dips in places with a lot going on, and I have an embarassingly high bottleneck atm.

Playing in 3rd person, I thought it would be crap. After playing it that way a few hours, honestly I prefer it that way now. This combined with character customization (while still simple (but more complex than a lot of customization systems these days)) and I have a blast looking at my guy while sprinting towards shelter from hazardous climates.

Lastly, multiplayer. True multiplayer. If you wouldn't play this game because of that, well it's time to try again. You can play with 3 other friends and go anywhere and do anything with them. Even kill them if you're one of those ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ;)

All in all, the NEXT update is what NMS needed, and makes the game fun again. As someone who actually enjoyed the game at launch, and with each subsequent update adding new features to play with, I continue enjoying the game. Even if I am playing alone at times.


Great game, poor optimization.

From what I have played, I really like this game. It's like Rodina with much more to do. (Do not go in this game wanting what it's been hyped up to be, you WILL be disappointed.) With that said, if you're looking for a simple space exploration game with crafting and resource gathering, you might like it.

As of the review (release day // After optimization patch) It's still pretty poorly optimized. While I can get it running at 60FPS (in space, good luck with that on a planet) the choppiness of the game doesn't make the game unplayable, it's just a big annoyance. You also don't get 1080p or higher, it's locked at 720p, and it shows. Even with max settings, you can still see pixels (and no AA?? Cmon.....)

If you don't already own NMS now, wait for a few patches to come out to fix the optimization issues and adding AA with 1080p. Is it worth $60? I don't know yet, I need more playtime.

Should I recommend or not? It's really hard to say at this point. I really like NMS and will be sinking many hours into it, but in it's current state, it will put tons of people off. If you can handle it, I completely recommend playing. If not, I still recommend it, but wait until after a few patches have released and the game is in a more playable state before trying.
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