Dancin' | Moonlight.
Fav colors : ponk and porple and yello
Birthday - February 15.
all I want is unicorn 🦄 & duck 🦆 :Quack_Quack_Boom: :ClassicQuack: :ConfusedQuack: :ExpertQuack: :Quack1: :Quack2: *duck face*

| 9/3/4/20 Frost: You dont need to give me gifts, you talking to me an being friends with me is all i ever need
9/12/20 Overlord: Be a good boy uwu
Frost: if you leave take me with you lol | 9/4/2020 Frost: awww~ ill think of you too~
Alicen: ♥♥♥♥♥
[10/5/20] Ghostmaker10: I'm a terrorist Please don't report me it's just a game
Suieishin: Pff I wonder hwat your giggle is like | Suieishin: I once hugged a pillow and thought of you | 9/13/20 Overlord: i dunno owo Im still here If u want to kiss Or hug Or pat | 9/13/20 Overlord: *pats your forehead then hugs you and kisses your lips* uwu
Suieishin: You don’t like me ig
Floofy.: ..
Suieishin: What! I’m playing around
Floofy.: I would’ve cried if i hadn't had check your messages
Suieishin: Aww
Floofy.: meanie
Suieishin: I’m sorry
Floofy.: i forgive you for joking around
Suieishin: <3
Suieishin: Oh yeah? I’m on like Actually I forgot what I was saying Oh yeah Like four people want me to [nop] [nop] It’s amusing because I’m entirely uninterested
Floofy.: So what I was busy pocketing a pan Scout and Soldier
Suieishin: Lol
Suieishin: Now I wish I could [nop] Oh well
Floofy.:Oh Okay
Suieishin: Sure Do your friends give you trouble over me Lol Also your boyfriend is so totally jealous of me xd I jest
Suieishin: For some reason I expected your boyfriend to be a weeb
Floofy.: Oh
Suieishin: So I read the nice as "nice-u" Yknow The stupid way weebs add "u" to words
Floofy.: "Sounds completely Greek to me"
Suieishin: Good thank god you don't like anime ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Floofy.: You seem relieved
Suieishin: Very
Floofy.: Ok, cool I'll take a bet that my boyfren has my mouse Or Hid it somewhere
Suieishin: jealous of me Knew it
Suieishin: Because He stole your mouse so you can't message me as easily Yep Knew it
Suieishin: Interesting I never get on profiles often Why me though
Floofy.: You were in the most of the funniest chats I've had in a while
Suieishin: :) Glad to be around the then ♥♥♥♥
Floofy.: lol
Suieishin: The AI in this game thinks that running around something you can walk in a straight line at the same speed is better
Floofy.: lol
aye lmao
[Friday 11:11 AM] (8/31/2020)
Plum Bonny Pony.: I also realized that I'm probably not gonna build a house anytime soon
Suieishin: You don’t even need to have a house It’s okay
Suieishin: Whenever I build houses they’re not houses Usually just some huge 200 block wide cathedral or mansion Like.. 60 blocks in the sky More rooms than I could ever realistically use
Plum Bonny Pony.: So I just have a 8 by 8 Wooden Plank space along with the Bed, Crafting Table, Two Furnaces, and 2 double Chests
Suieishin: Ah yes We totally build the same way
Plum Bonny Pony.: And a table where I set the Cake
Suieishin: Bruh Cringe Put it on the floor
Plum Bonny Pony.: I am too sophisticated
Suieishin: Oh of course Must be your English nature
Suieishin: Oh I couldn’t have guessed the wheat was for bread I am so grateful you told me that your wheat was indeed for bread
Suieishin: What version of Minecraft? 1.12.2?
Plum Bonny Pony.: Uh Lemme see here..
Suieishin: Omg how did you get a mod and not know what version... Aaaaggh This hurts
Plum Bonny Pony.: lol
Suieishin: Lol
Plum Bonny Pony.: 1.16.10
Suieishin: Must’ve updated
Suieishin: I haven’t played for a while
Suieishin: Oh boo hoo You could spend the time messaging me
Plum Bonny Pony.: I accidentally placed the cake on the floor goodness me
Suieishin: HA!
Plum Bonny Pony.: It makes me very uncomfortable that the fact I rushed after crafting the cake damnit
Suieishin: Aww.. Poor you
Plum Bonny Pony.: That moment there gave me so much anxiety
Suieishin: You okay? Lol
Plum Bonny Pony.: I'm okay So, as I was fighting off a Skeleton with Chain mail armor, 2 creepers appear on the right side of my screen
Suieishin: Lol Get a house you dork
Plum Bonny Pony.: I had a heart attack there God..
Suieishin: :p Minecraft a bit much for you, huh?
Plum Bonny Pony.: I barely survived with half a heart I don't even remember looking at an Enderman
Suieishin: Lol You must have an interesting memory
Plum Bonny Pony.: I thought I was lost in that cave for a moment
Suieishin: Omg
Plum Bonny Pony.: With no picaxe
Suieishin: How do you forget so much?!
Plum Bonny Pony.: I am probably really forgetful sometimes
Suieishin: Aw it’s all good Just poking fun at you I don’t mean it rudely
Plum Bonny Pony.: Ok
Suieishin: What’s your favorite Minecraft mob Also why don’t you like killing cows Steak is amazing So are pork chops
Plum Bonny Pony.: That is me, but I'm gonna go on a diet lol
Suieishin: Why?!
Plum Bonny Pony.: Actually.. I'm gonna go kill some cows
Suieishin: There you go
Plum Bonny Pony.: I am encountering a lot of enchanted gold armored mobs here
Suieishin: What could you possibly be doing
Suieishin: Might fall asleep soon Hope you take care
Plum Bonny Pony.: Alright
Suieishin: But not yet probably
Plum Bonny Pony.: At least this time, i didn't rush when I crafted the Cake
Suieishin: Good
Suieishin: Lol
Ooh, most of my Sugarcanes are 3 blocks tall
Suieishin: Nice
Suieishin: Hey there You doing all right?
Plum Bonny Pony.: Yeah
Suieishin: That’s good Did you sleep well? Sorry for the late response
Plum Bonny Pony.: I do feel sick I'm not gonna spend so much time on here
Suieishin: Then you probably need to eat more than just peach yogurt and that’s fine I hope you feel better soon
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Suieishin: What’s your favorite food btw
Plum Bonny Pony.: Sorry, I forgot you were talking to me I dunno
Suieishin: You’re fine I do that sowmtines too
Suieishin: Your profile imagine reminds me off *Of food
Plum Bonny Pony.: lol
Suieishin: Like cake or soemthing. Like. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Ice cream cake ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Furries are weird
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Seuishin: fish cat
Plum Bonny Pony.: fish cake
Suieishin: I am Sushi cat
Plum Bonny Pony.: Ooh, Sushi
Suieishin: Su- iei- shi- n
Plum Bonny Pony.: That's relevant
Suieishin: Yes what're you up to
Plum Bonny Pony.: Just playing Medic in a Casual setting of 2Fort
Suieishin: medic Smh You never pocketed me
Plum Bonny Pony.: Well, yeah
Suieishin: Yes Also why did you not say welevant and 2fowt
Plum Bonny Pony.: *giggles*
Suieishin: Wow I got a giggle :P Yknow what's annoying Furries that are under 18
Plum Bonny Pony.: what
Suieishin: Wanna know why They're pretty much children even at 18, mentally speaking
Plum Bonny Pony.: oke I'm just [classified]
Suieishin: Ik You're cool
Plum Bonny Pony.: Oh ok
Plum Bonny Pony.: fancy smancy
Suieishin: Yeah Like you :^)
Suieishin: Stacking 3 heavies on a cart that only shoot at everything getting near them isn't talented I just challenged an entire server to mge
Suieishin: You okay Tbh I’m just in a mood to talk to someone
Suieishin: Want me to not bother you while you build it?
Plum Bonny Pony.: Sure
Suieishin: Lol okay
Plum Bonny Pony.: I'll take a quick trip to bathroom
Suieishin: Take care then
Suieishin: Amh Smh*
Imagine caring more about a Minecraft building than me
Plum Bonny Pony.: Hello there, - Nope, I'm cutting it off there. You made my day.*poke* Gwood bwy!
Suieishin: Oh okay take care
Plum Bonny Pony.: it seems that my boyfren wikes youw
Suieishin: Oh?
Plum Bonny Pony.: mhm
Suieishin: That a good thing?
Plum Bonny Pony.: Yeah
Suieishin: Lol glad to hear it It’s almost 5:30 and I haven’t slept at all
Plum Bonny Pony.: Oh
Suieishin: Might try and get some sleep We'll see
Plum Bonny Pony.: Sometimes I don't sleep at all
Suieishin: But that’s nice to know I’m sure you two are a cute couple
Plum Bonny Pony.: many thankies!
Monday, August 3, 2020 [7:28 AM]
Plum Bonny Pony.: So, I updated my bio this morning If you live in America, among these 35 states, cops can have () with you if you are in their custody
Suieishin: I mean I'm not gonna end up with police But sure
Plum Bonny Pony.: That's messed up I'm gonna start saying random things as I watch this video Before Google Earth existed, pidgeons were equipped with cameras Kurt Cobain - 19 years old - Arrested for spray painting "God is gay."
Suieishin: What an idiot
Suieishin: I just don't have it for this game anymore
Plum Bonny Pony.: insanity.exe has stopped working So, this guy "「 ♥ H A W K ♥ 」" says I'm [nop] him and called me "naughty naughty~"
Suieishin: Nice He likes you
Plum Bonny Pony.: This is from my comments
Suieishin: He's [classified]
Plum Bonny Pony.: Yes
Suieishin: I'm pretty sure he's a bit young for you
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Plum Bonny Pony: Just gonna sit here, and watch some videos and manage my pain
Suieishin: Aww
Plum Bonny Pony.: Says the cutie <3
Suieishin: Mm? I'm not cute
Plum Bonny Pony.: Whatever, still a cutie I say
Suieishi: I've got a huge [nop] in place of being cute But I don't look bad either
Plum Bonny Pony.: How old are you?
Suieishin: 19
Plum Bonny Pony.: Oh
Suieishin: Why?
Plum Bonny Pony.: Just curious
Suieishin: Can you type "Why is your [nop]> ?*" I need it real quick
Plum Bonny Pony.: Why is your [nop] big?
Suieishin: Thanks
Plum Bonny Pony.: Your welcome
Suieishin: Now my friend has nothing to say Lmao
Plum Bonny Pony.: Lol ok
Suieishin: Lmao this is great Thank you so much He is in disbelief It's really amusing.
Suieishin: :P You doing okay?
Plum Bonny Pony.: Yeah, Episode 1194 - A Great Chat.
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16.3 hrs on record
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560 hrs on record
last played on 17 Mar
28 hrs on record
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Okwechime 27 Feb @ 6:16pm 
Episode 1314—

“Balance of opposites”
“There’s a lobster”
“A what?”
“A lobster, here look”
Okwechime 27 Feb @ 6:15pm 
Episode 1313 -

Episode 1313
Okwechime 18 Feb @ 7:18pm 
Episode 1312 --


(like weewoo)
Okwechime 15 Feb @ 11:19pm 
Episode 1311 --

happy cake day
Okwechime 15 Feb @ 2:29am 
Episode 1310 --

yo its the congrats on my <age> years of human existence on planet earth
Okwechime 14 Feb @ 11:39pm 
Episode 1309 --

"happy" valentines day