find peace 24 MAY 2024 a las 9:20 
Ni hao. I will put you in prison for cheating!
4 MAY 2021 a las 1:26 
+rep good player
zzz 24 ENE 2021 a las 19:48 
"⡴⠑⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣀⣀⣤⣤⣤⣀⡀ ⠸⡇⠀⠿⡀⠀⠀⠀⣀⡴⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠑⢄⣠⠾⠁⣀⣄⡈⠙⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣆ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡀⠁⠀⠀⠈⠙⠛⠂⠈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⡿⣆
zzz 24 ENE 2021 a las 19:47 
Hi sing me Pliz :steamthumbsup:
Anaibazooka 8 AGO 2020 a las 5:03 
◢⁴⁶池田瑛纱 22 MAY 2020 a las 19:21 
KOR모드 13 MAY 2020 a las 19:57 
watch for corna-virus bro and stay at home to avoid infect.
Aerith 9 MAY 2020 a las 3:51 
kuki kuki
KTMug1' 10 ABR 2020 a las 19:35 
Daisuki 10 ABR 2020 a las 6:53 
월~금요일 일을 끝났다!!:cupup:
(I finished work on Monday through Friday!!)

벌써 내일부터 주말시작됐다~ ^^:chocola2::tps_star::stars:
(The weekend has already begun tomorrow~^^)

주말동안 집에만 있어요..:( :steamsad:
(I stay home for the weekend....:( )

밖에 날씨가 참 좋네..4월 봄 벚꽃 산책 구경가고싶다:eagletear:
(The weather is so nice outside.I want to go for a walk with cherry blossoms in April spring)

코로나 때문에 밖에 나가지않아요...:lunar2020horrifiedrat:
(I don't go out because of Corona...)

즐거운주말 보내세요^^:kb_heart::heart8::47_thumb_up::praisesun:
(Have a nice weekend^^)
Daisuki 27 MAR 2020 a las 8:50 
오늘 금요일 일을 끝났습니다~:cupup::steamhappy:
(I finished work today Friday~)

드디어 내일 주말이다 ^^:chocola2::stars::cupup:
(Finally, tomorrow is the weekend ^^)

주말동안 집에만 계시고 낮잠,게임,애니 행복해요 :):lunar2020hearteyesrabbit::cinnamon2:
(Stay home for the weekend and take a nap, play games, and Annie are happy :) )

코로나 조심하세요!! 손 자주 씻고 외출땐 꼭 마스크 챙기세요! 건강하세요:60sFirstAid::lunar2019piginablanket::re7med:
(Watch out for Corona!! Wash your hands often and make sure to pack a mask when you go out! Take care of yourself)

즐거운주말 보내세요^^:Neko::thecatpaw::vanilla2::kb_heart:
(Have a nice weekend^^)
seki 27 MAR 2020 a las 8:15 
??? clgt em
luxiie 25 MAR 2020 a las 1:07 
ngu lồn
Daisuki 20 MAR 2020 a las 10:06 
내일 벌써 주말 시작됐어요:cupup:
(The weekend is already starting tomorrow.)

근데 코로나 치료제 개발하는거 어떻게 되어가나요?.. :( :steamsad:
(By the way, how's it going with the Corona cure? .. :( )

여름되면 잠잠할까요? 싱가포르는 완전 여름인데도 코로나 무더기로 감염되었던데..미치겠다
(Will it be quiet in summer? Singapore was infected with a pile of corona even in summer...It's making me crazy.)

아 빨리 코로나 치료제개발 성공 했으면 좋겠어요..!!:eagletear:
(Oh, I hope I can develop a coronal cure soon..!! )

손 자주 씻고 외출뗀 꼭 마스크 챙기세요!! 조심하세요 :60sFirstAid::60sFirstAid::re7med:
(Make sure to wash your hands often and pack your mask when you're out! Be careful.)

즐거운주말 보내세요^^:cupup::cuphead::kb_heart:
(Have a nice weekend.^^)
MTK 19 MAR 2020 a las 23:40 
KTMug1' 18 MAR 2020 a las 8:04 
oh. Im sry to hr tht
KTMug1' 18 MAR 2020 a las 4:13 
Why banned?OMG
♥Mom♥ 17 MAR 2020 a las 18:17 
VAC :steamsad:
Smith Filiper 16 MAR 2020 a las 11:15 
goodbye kenzo
Daisuki 13 MAR 2020 a las 9:48 
오늘 벌써 금요일입니다:47_thumb_up:
(Today is already Friday)

금요일만 매일 주말인사댓글 보냈습니다^^:cupup::cuphead:
(On Friday, I sent a weekend greeting every day^^)

내일 토요일,일요일 좋은주말입니다 :):chocola2:
(Tomorrow Saturday, Sunday is a good weekend. :) )

하지만..코로나바이러스 때문에 심각하다 :(:steamsad:
(But ... it's serious because of the coronavirus :( )

손 자주 잘 씻고 밖에 나갈때 마스크 다니시는게 좋습니다:60sFirstAid::re7med::cupup:
(Wash your hands often and wear a mask when you go outside)

(Look out!!)

:praisesun:좋은주말 보내세요^^:praisesun:
(Have a good weekend ^^)
KTMug1' 6 MAR 2020 a las 17:57 
Daisuki 6 MAR 2020 a las 7:56 
오늘 금요일입니다~ ^^ :cupup:
(Today is Friday~ ^^)

코로나백신이 빨리 완성되길 빌어야지.. 백신성공 했으면 좋겠어요:chocola2::stars:
(I hope the corona vaccine will be completed soon. I hope the vaccine is successful..)

그런데 코로나바이러스 도대체 언제까지?!?! (심각) :steamsad:
(By the way, how long does the coronavirus?!?! (serious) )

내 생각이... 5월 달? 여름 되면 잠잠해질거같은데... 아마요?:eagletear:
(I think ... May month? It's going to be quiet in the summer...Maybe?)

씻지 않은 손으로 눈,코,입 만지지 마세요!! 손 자주 씻고 마스크 착용하세요
(Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands! Wash your hands often and wear a mask)

좋은주말 보내세요~^^ :cupup::cuphead::cinnamon2:
(Have a good weekend~ ^^)
Kz哥 5 MAR 2020 a las 11:15 
Hilo 晚上好 能回踩一下嘛:bheart:
MTK 2 MAR 2020 a las 11:45 
Daisuki 28 FEB 2020 a las 5:42 
2월동안 고생많으셨어요!! 다음주 3월 됐어요 :) :cupup:
(Thank you for your hard work during February!! It's March next week.)

현재상황은 확진자 2,337명 사망 14명 점점 코라나 발행하셨네요.. 무섭다.. :lunar2019shockedpig::lunar2020ratinablanket:
(The current situation is 2,337 confirmed, 14 confirmed dead, and you're getting more and more Korana. to be scary)

여러분들도 손 자주 씻고 외출땐 꼭 마스크 챙기세요!! 조심하세요!! 건강하세요 :60sFirstAid::60sFirstAid:
(Everyone, wash your hands often and make sure to pack a mask when you go out! Be careful!! Take care of yourself)

즐거운주말 보내세요~ ^^ :praisesun::cupup::kb_heart:
(Have a nice weekend~ ^^)
KTMug1' 25 FEB 2020 a las 0:31 
Global elite?!?!?!
KTMug1' 21 FEB 2020 a las 16:24 
Have a nice weekend
Daisuki 21 FEB 2020 a las 8:05 
와~ 불금이다! ^^ :cupup:
(wow~ Friday night out!! ^^)

일주일동안 수고하셨습니다~ :lunar2019grinningpig:
(Thank you for a week~)

"우한폐렴 코로나 바이러스" 현재는 심각하네요.. :lunar2019shockedpig:
("Wuhan pneumonia coronavirus" It's serious right now...)

손 자주 씻고 밖에 나갈때 마스크 꼭 착용하세요~ 건강하세요!! :60sFirstAid::re7med:
(Wash your hands often and wear a mask when you go out. Stay healthy!!)

오늘 불금날 치맥 맥주500cc 두잔 먹어요 맛있어요~^^ :lunar2020hearteyesrabbit:
(I'm having two 500ccs of chicken and beer on Friday night. It's delicious~^^)

즐거운 주말 보내세요~ ^^ :mhwgood::chocola2::stars:
(Have a nice weekend~^^)
♥Mom♥ 19 FEB 2020 a las 11:05 
-Rep : Pro CSGO player :steambored: , godlike one tap headshot :steammocking: , but baka~ :steamhappy:
Life/Tears 19 FEB 2020 a las 3:28 
兎RB 19 FEB 2020 a las 3:06 
Big_Sword 19 FEB 2020 a las 1:03 
seb 15 FEB 2020 a las 3:10 
Signed by seb! :steamhappy:
シリア 10 FEB 2020 a las 9:46 
Lowkey 10 FEB 2020 a las 8:37 
氷無洛々_Official 10 FEB 2020 a las 7:31 
◢⁴⁶池田瑛纱 10 FEB 2020 a las 3:35 
Daisuki 7 FEB 2020 a las 6:00 
오늘 불금이다~ ^^ :steamhappy::mhwgood:
(Thank God it's Friday~ ^^)

(버즈 오브 프레이) 기대된영화 보고싶어요 :) :chocola2::stars:
(Birds of Prey) I want to see an expected movie. :) )

그런데 코로나바이러스 때문에.. :lunar2020horrifiedrat:
(But because of the coronavirus,..)

좀 불안하다 영화 갈수없네.. :Sadclot:
(I'm a little nervous. I can't go to the movies...)

현재 상황 23번째 확진자이다.. 으으 무섭다.. :lunar2020horrifiedrat:
(We're 23rd confirmed. be scary..)

손이 잘 씻고 밖에 나갈때 꼭 마스크 착용하세요!! 조심하세요 :60sFirstAid::re7med::re0greenherb:
(Make sure to wash your hands and wear a mask when you go outside. Be careful.!!)[/i]

즐거운주말 보내세요~ ^^ :mhwgood::kb_heart:
(Have a nice weekend.~ ^^)
Awen 5 FEB 2020 a las 19:04 
:purpleflare:   :loveispurple::loveispurple:   :loveispurple::loveispurple:   :purpleflare:
:donaldtoad:      :loveispurple::ego::loveispurple:      :donaldtoad:
:purpleflare::donaldtoad:      :loveispurple:      :donaldtoad::purpleflare:
game acc 5 FEB 2020 a las 18:10 
𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚛 5 FEB 2020 a las 17:39 
Hola, humano. :greenbutterfly:
·˚SandStone♡ 5 FEB 2020 a las 17:27 
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀:jc3:⠀   :jc3:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀:jc3:
⠀⠀:jc3::jc3:⠀⠀:jc3:⠀⠀⠀⠀:jc3:⠀⠀ :jc3::jc3:
:jc3::jc3:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀:jc3::jc3:      ⠀:jc3::jc3:
Daisuki 31 ENE 2020 a las 9:51 
오늘 1월 31일 마지막날입니다~^^ :chocola2:
(Today is the last day of January 31st.~^^ )

2월에도 화이팅~!! :mhwgood:
(Good luck in February.~!! )

그런데 코로나바이러스 때문에 마스크 꼭 끼세요..:( :lunar2019shockedpig:
(But don't forget to wear a mask because of the coronavirus..:( )

중국에 몇명 많이 죽어요 으으..무섭네요.. :lunar2020horrifiedrat::lunar2020horrifiedrat:
(A few people die in China.That's scary...)

우리모두 마스크 꼭 끼고 손 잘 씻어요!! 부탁합니다!!! :mhwgood::mhwgood:
(We all wear masks and wash our hands well!! I beg you.!!!! )

출근 갈때 항상 조심하세요! :cinnamon2:
(Always be careful when you go to work.! )

즐거운주말 보내세요~ ^^ :lovekami_heart::kb_heart:
(Have a nice weekend.~ ^^)
KTMug1' 31 ENE 2020 a las 8:23 
add me to play together:azuki2:
Jinnaii 27 ENE 2020 a las 8:05 
しゃるる 27 ENE 2020 a las 7:21 
Jona 27 ENE 2020 a las 4:07 
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ise 27 ENE 2020 a las 3:42 
兰博士香蕉 26 ENE 2020 a las 21:58 
Zen 26 ENE 2020 a las 17:07 

Enjoy your week! :heartmm1::happyio: