Steam 설치
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繁體中文(중국어 번체)
Español - España(스페인어 - 스페인)
Español - Latinoamérica(스페인어 - 중남미)
Bahasa Indonesia(인도네시아어)
Português(포르투갈어 - 포르투갈)
Português - Brasil(포르투갈어 - 브라질)
Tiếng Việt(베트남어)
번역 관련 문제 보고
(I finished work on Monday through Friday!!)
벌써 내일부터 주말시작됐다~ ^^
(The weekend has already begun tomorrow~^^)
주말동안 집에만 있어요..:(
(I stay home for the weekend....:( )
밖에 날씨가 참 좋네..4월 봄 벚꽃 산책 구경가고싶다
(The weather is so nice outside.I want to go for a walk with cherry blossoms in April spring)
코로나 때문에 밖에 나가지않아요...
(I don't go out because of Corona...)
즐거운주말 보내세요^^
(Have a nice weekend^^)
(I finished work today Friday~)
드디어 내일 주말이다 ^^
(Finally, tomorrow is the weekend ^^)
주말동안 집에만 계시고 낮잠,게임,애니 행복해요 :)
(Stay home for the weekend and take a nap, play games, and Annie are happy :) )
코로나 조심하세요!! 손 자주 씻고 외출땐 꼭 마스크 챙기세요! 건강하세요
(Watch out for Corona!! Wash your hands often and make sure to pack a mask when you go out! Take care of yourself)
즐거운주말 보내세요^^
(Have a nice weekend^^)
(The weekend is already starting tomorrow.)
근데 코로나 치료제 개발하는거 어떻게 되어가나요?.. :(
(By the way, how's it going with the Corona cure? .. :( )
여름되면 잠잠할까요? 싱가포르는 완전 여름인데도 코로나 무더기로 감염되었던데..미치겠다
(Will it be quiet in summer? Singapore was infected with a pile of corona even in summer...It's making me crazy.)
아 빨리 코로나 치료제개발 성공 했으면 좋겠어요..!!
(Oh, I hope I can develop a coronal cure soon..!! )
손 자주 씻고 외출뗀 꼭 마스크 챙기세요!! 조심하세요
(Make sure to wash your hands often and pack your mask when you're out! Be careful.)
즐거운주말 보내세요^^
(Have a nice weekend.^^)
(Today is already Friday)
금요일만 매일 주말인사댓글 보냈습니다^^
(On Friday, I sent a weekend greeting every day^^)
내일 토요일,일요일 좋은주말입니다 :)
(Tomorrow Saturday, Sunday is a good weekend. :) )
하지만..코로나바이러스 때문에 심각하다 :(
(But ... it's serious because of the coronavirus :( )
손 자주 잘 씻고 밖에 나갈때 마스크 다니시는게 좋습니다
(Wash your hands often and wear a mask when you go outside)
(Look out!!)
좋은주말 보내세요^^
(Have a good weekend ^^)
(Today is Friday~ ^^)
코로나백신이 빨리 완성되길 빌어야지.. 백신성공 했으면 좋겠어요
(I hope the corona vaccine will be completed soon. I hope the vaccine is successful..)
그런데 코로나바이러스 도대체 언제까지?!?! (심각)
(By the way, how long does the coronavirus?!?! (serious) )
내 생각이... 5월 달? 여름 되면 잠잠해질거같은데... 아마요?
(I think ... May month? It's going to be quiet in the summer...Maybe?)
씻지 않은 손으로 눈,코,입 만지지 마세요!! 손 자주 씻고 마스크 착용하세요
(Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands! Wash your hands often and wear a mask)
좋은주말 보내세요~^^
(Have a good weekend~ ^^)
(Thank you for your hard work during February!! It's March next week.)
현재상황은 확진자 2,337명 사망 14명 점점 코라나 발행하셨네요.. 무섭다..
(The current situation is 2,337 confirmed, 14 confirmed dead, and you're getting more and more Korana. to be scary)
여러분들도 손 자주 씻고 외출땐 꼭 마스크 챙기세요!! 조심하세요!! 건강하세요
(Everyone, wash your hands often and make sure to pack a mask when you go out! Be careful!! Take care of yourself)
즐거운주말 보내세요~ ^^
(Have a nice weekend~ ^^)
(wow~ Friday night out!! ^^)
일주일동안 수고하셨습니다~
(Thank you for a week~)
"우한폐렴 코로나 바이러스" 현재는 심각하네요..
("Wuhan pneumonia coronavirus" It's serious right now...)
손 자주 씻고 밖에 나갈때 마스크 꼭 착용하세요~ 건강하세요!!
(Wash your hands often and wear a mask when you go out. Stay healthy!!)
오늘 불금날 치맥 맥주500cc 두잔 먹어요 맛있어요~^^
(I'm having two 500ccs of chicken and beer on Friday night. It's delicious~^^)
즐거운 주말 보내세요~ ^^
(Have a nice weekend~^^)
(Thank God it's Friday~ ^^)
(버즈 오브 프레이) 기대된영화 보고싶어요 :)
(Birds of Prey) I want to see an expected movie. :) )
그런데 코로나바이러스 때문에..
(But because of the coronavirus,..)
좀 불안하다 영화 갈수없네..
(I'm a little nervous. I can't go to the movies...)
현재 상황 23번째 확진자이다.. 으으 무섭다..
(We're 23rd confirmed. be scary..)
손이 잘 씻고 밖에 나갈때 꼭 마스크 착용하세요!! 조심하세요
(Make sure to wash your hands and wear a mask when you go outside. Be careful.!!)[/i]
즐거운주말 보내세요~ ^^
(Have a nice weekend.~ ^^)
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
(Today is the last day of January 31st.~^^ )
2월에도 화이팅~!!
(Good luck in February.~!! )
그런데 코로나바이러스 때문에 마스크 꼭 끼세요..:(
(But don't forget to wear a mask because of the coronavirus..:( )
중국에 몇명 많이 죽어요 으으..무섭네요..
(A few people die in China.That's scary...)
우리모두 마스크 꼭 끼고 손 잘 씻어요!! 부탁합니다!!!
(We all wear masks and wash our hands well!! I beg you.!!!! )
출근 갈때 항상 조심하세요!
(Always be careful when you go to work.! )
즐거운주말 보내세요~ ^^
(Have a nice weekend.~ ^^)
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Enjoy your week!