homestuck 2: objects on earthbread
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midnightvantas 19 Feb, 2022 @ 6:45pm 
oneshot slaps
midnightvantas 8 Jan, 2022 @ 8:27pm 
its been like a year anyways!! I wanna get stardew valley but i'm gonna wait until I get some more money because I spent it all on slime, one merch, and objectcon stream donations.. oops
midnightvantas 24 Nov, 2020 @ 9:07pm 
midnightvantas 20 Aug, 2020 @ 12:02pm 
woah sorry for ghosting everyone but still not done pesterquest took a break on jeaaeejk im gonna have to replay everything now because i forgot half the routes f uc k

anyways stream karkalicious 413 hehe funny number
midnightvantas 13 Jul, 2020 @ 8:37pm 
fyi on nepeta route nyan, my favourite endings so far are: HOMESTUCK SLEEPOVER efhsujhf, pepsicola dave bad end OF COURSE, olive gardn because fan favourite cmon why WOULDNT i wanna nom breadsticks with mr ironic HIMSELF, tavros good end because it made me sMILE, and karkats route: all of it- because thats why i wanted the game in the first place my username is MIDNIGHTVANTAS what did you even EXPECT?

i hated vriska's route becuase f uck vriska btw-

anyways excited for eridan's route i'm almost there and mr fish wizard ugly sotry HIMSELF what else could i f uc king want

anyways cool game so far, only thing i dont like is that i cant date my only true love akrkrkatre vtanatas :(

and vriska apologist i fu c king hate that too i hate vriska so much F UCK VRISKA

all in all, 7/10 game, all my friends died, 7/10. make sure to like comment &-
midnightvantas 13 Jul, 2020 @ 8:24pm 
woah pesterquest is pretty cool ngl but also vriska apologist