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18.3 hrs on record
Did you know you can catch fish in this game?!
Posted 3 December, 2024.
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12.7 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
Will update this review later but I am genuinely flabbergasted at how people are already downvoting this game because of server issues.. Like.. Guys.. Game launched TODAY.. I was expecting to have some server troubles on day one, this isn't a AAA game afterall, also it's not like they won't gonna patch it soon, if this server issues persist in, like, a week then sure, be mad about it and I will even changed this into a downvote but you guys really going all ape sh*t on day one?!

Jesus.. Give them -some- leniency at least.. You didn't even paid 20$ for this..
Posted 9 April, 2024. Last edited 10 April, 2024.
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1,425.2 hrs on record (752.2 hrs at review time)
It's hard for me to recommend this game tbh..
It is pretty fun, the gameplay is TOO GOOD and the massive options of Warframes and weapons make this game pretty hard to get bored with HOWEVER problems begin with the fact that it can also be pretty confusing at first, forcing new players to either know someone who played this and have the know-hows (my case) or spend hours looking at tutorials and explanations.

The game's cash currency, Platinum, has a heavy weight on the whole game, with crafting even taken more than 8 real world HOURS to finish UNLESS you throw some platinum and rush it, the amount of Warframes you can have is pretty limited too which is a massive problem because there are SO MANY of them so if you want to have one of each prepare to spend A LOT of Platinum buying more slots HOWEVER, before you jump to the conclusion that this is P2W, Platinum CAN be traded between players so if you farm relics and sell the parts in the Warframe Market website you can make yourself rich without spending a single cent (which adds even more to the confusion on new players).

This game makes me want to recommend and, at the same time, not.. The gameplay is good but the systems underneath are quite overwhelming and difficult to understand and It has plenty of inconveniences that are fixed with Platinum but Platinum can be farmed but requires a exterior website and some luck.. For every good thing I can say about it I can also find a bad one that is also fixed by a good thing that comes with a bad thing attached to it..

TL;DR - Mom pick me up, I am scared AND confused.
Posted 19 March, 2022.
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971.0 hrs on record (619.1 hrs at review time)
Best Monster Hunter game in my opinion!
I played Tri Ultimate, 4 Ultimate, Generations and even the newest one, Rise, and none of them are as good as this one (tho' they were all pretty good too).
Posted 27 January, 2022.
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94.3 hrs on record (89.8 hrs at review time)
It's great but MH:World is still better..

Things I liked:
1. How you can make ANY armor become layered, it's a nice touch that allow us to create the best mixed sets for highest potential while also looking pretty fashionable.
2. Palamutes, love me doggies!
3. The quick transition in the map section, making us get to places much faster.
4. Decorations no longer being random between hunts.

Things I didn't like:
1. The new mounting mechanic, it basically made Dung Bombs useless and invading monsters a good thing instead of something to be vigilant about.
2. Rampages, which is odd since I do like Tower Defense games but I don't think Monster Hunter pulled that off well..
3. How expensive everything is while collecting money being an issue, it kind forces people to do what is called a "Palamute Surfing" in specific maps to collect and sell ores for money so we can craft armor and upgrade them.
4. Charms no longer being craftable, so yeah, Decorations aren't random anymore but Charms are.. Not an interesting trade-off..
5. The cluster, basically how every hunter can now bring one Buddy with them making a massive cluster of 8 characters on top of one monster.
6. The Mouse+Keyboard bindings, they are AWFUL.. Capcom basically just assumes everyone has mouses with 2 extra buttons in the sides and assigned, by default, very important moves to it like Blocking and Applying Coatings, for example..
7. How easy this game is in comparison to other MH games, it's the easiest game in the franchise by a long shot, I remember how difficult monsters like Rajang were in MH4, Generations and World and was expecting a though fight but he went down like a chump.. Monsters are dealing much lower damage while potions have been strongly buffed on top of the new mounting mechanic that makes pummeling a monster much faster this all culminates in a very easy game.
8. The return of the separation between singleplayer and multiplayer quests, in World all quests could be done singleplayer or multiplayer, it all depended if the host of the hunt shot a SOS Flare or not and if someone joined the difficulty would be suited for multiplayer, previous MHs had a separation between these so you had to fight one monster in singleplayer through village quests and the same monster again in multiplayer through the Gathering Hub, monsters in the Gathering Hub have much more HP than the Village because those are intended for multiplayer from the get-go even if you don't set join requests, this doesn't make the monster more difficult just more annoying to kill since it's HP is bumped up to 4 players even if you are alone (Also you can't bring your second Buddy with you there, even if alone).
9. Join Requests are terrible, World had a "Respond to SOS Flare" section which would show you all available quests in each of their categories but Rise doesn't actually show anything, you just ask to join a specific quest and if there is someone playing that then you'll join, if not you'll waste your time and fail to join OR you might join a quest that is about to end OR that your allies already fainted twice since none of this information is given to you like in World, it's a gamble, a leap of faith.

In the end I would still recommend this game, specially for new players, it's a good MH game to start with but I would also highly suggest playing MH:World after!
Posted 27 January, 2022. Last edited 27 January, 2022.
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11.2 hrs on record (7.0 hrs at review time)
The game is fun and all but there was a massive buzzkill and it's the fact that there's no crossplay with phone users.. PC users are segregated in different servers, Global 2 and International 4.. Makes no sense to me, it's not like this is a shooter where PC players have a massive advantage and need to be separated for fair play..
Maybe one day the devs will add crossplay but, as for now, this is disappointing..
Posted 22 December, 2021.
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298.9 hrs on record (187.1 hrs at review time)
The first impressions this game gave were terrible and I understand people who still can't forgive CDPR for it but, leaving everything aside, -most- of game breaking bugs have already been patched and with that in consideration the game is actually pretty good.
Posted 12 October, 2021.
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121.6 hrs on record (5.5 hrs at review time)
Updating my review as of November 1, 2021

As I decided to let the game "cook" for a while and come back as more updates came I changed my review to "recommend" mostly because there's no in-between or "wait a bit longer" option.. The game is going somewhere but there are still issues I hope to be solved once all the character were re-released.

1. Better Anti-Cheat - The game already has cheaters and, frankly, cheating on GC was always easy.. In fact I feel like KoG has become lax in this regard as I constantly see people advertising cheats on the global chat and even the megaphone.. Banning them is nice but nothing is stopping them from just creating a new account and continuing their activities, a better and stronger anti-cheat that constantly updates is a necessity at this point.

2. Better Character Balancements and Revamps - As for now, with the limited amount of characters, there isn't much problems when it comes to balancement but as soon as the newest characters (specially the AP ones) start to roll-in the older ones will become outdated and will suffer in both PvP and PvE in relation to the new characters with their extensive combos and strategies, these older characters need to be rebalanced/revamped to be on par with the newest ones.

3. Reduce the High VP Cost - No need for further explanations.. The VP shop is expensive as heck! Fix those prices!

4. Better Connections - I am from Brazil but currently live in Asia and it's CHAOS here.. The majority of the community in Asia is Korean but we get some people from Japan, China and places of SEA from time to time and doing PvP/PvE with them is such a massive chore that I prefer to solo most of the dungeons and stay clear of PvP since I never know if the person I will by fighting against is closer to my location or not which can result is high ping..

5. Finish the Talent Trees of Older Characters - So basically KoG decided to give old characters Talent Trees at some point and every new character that came after that decision already came with Talent Trees from their 1st to 4th job, congrats! But the old ones only got them in the first class and have been completely forgotten.. Finish what you started, KoG!

One of the main reasons I changed my review is because I see potential here.. I assume we must first wait an year as KoG will probably re-release all the previous content during that time.. After that I will see if I change my review back to "not recommend" tho'..
Posted 17 August, 2021. Last edited 2 November, 2021.
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732.7 hrs on record (727.6 hrs at review time)
It's OK
Posted 14 July, 2021.
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11.8 hrs on record (10.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Feel the vibes!
Posted 11 May, 2021.
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